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Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan Classroom Teacher: __Lisa Kahue___________ Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: _______ 5th___________ Date

Lesson Will e Ta!"ht: _______________________ Lesson #!$%ect &rea: _________ Social Studies__________ Lesson Topic: _____Kings M&Ms_________ 'reservice Teacher: _Charlette Encomienda________ Stage 1- Desired Results Established Goals/Big Ideas (In lude)!
"hat are the big #i ture on e#ts$ on e#tual an hors$ and onne tions% - The con(lict $et)een the *n"lish "overnment and the *n"lish colonies led to the o!t$rea+ o( the &merican ,evol!tion (-C'#

- The *n"lish Government iss!ed a series o( ta/es on the colonies )hich enra"ed the colonies $eca!se the0 )ere not part o( the - #t!dents )ill ma+e a connection on ho) the colonies m!st have (elt )hen the

ritish 'arliament1 (#!"ar &ct2 3!arterin" &ct2 #tamp &ct2 To)nshend &ct) (Ta/ation )itho!t representation) ritish parliament imposed di((erent ta/es on them1

&o''on &ore Standards!

Social Studies ##141511 - */plain ho) the ,evol!tionar0 )ar ca!sed the movement o( people Language (rts 41 W1 6 - ,ecall relevant in(ormation (rom e/periences or "ather relevant in(ormation (rom print and di"ital so!rces7 s!mmari8e or paraphrase in(ormation in notes and (inished )or+2 and provide a list o( so!rces1

Students )ill understand that*++ The ritish imposed ta/es on the 19 colonies1 The colonies did not $ene(it (rom the ta/es $ein" imposed on them1 That there are t)o sides to the stor0 o( the ta/ations $et)een the ritish 'arliament and the colonists1

Essential ,uestions!
"hat -uestions highlight the big ideas% Wh0 did the ritish parliament impose ta/es on the &merican colonies: Wh0 )ere the colonies so !pset a$o!t the ta/es $ein" imposed on them: -o) do 0o! thin+ the ritish (elt a$o!t the ta/es: -o) do 0o! thin+ the ritish 'arliament (elt a$o!t the ta/es:

&ontent ( -uisition (.b/e ti0es)!

Student )ill 1no)*+

S1ill ( -uisition (.b/e ti0es)!

Student )ill be able to*

-o) the colonists and the ritish parliament m!st have (elt d!rin" the E2#lain and understand )hy the olonists )ere so u#set about the ta2es ritish ta/ la)s1 i'#osed on the' by the British+ Get a better #ers#e ti0e on ho) the olonies 3elt a3ter being ta2ed+

Per3or'an e 5as1s!

Stage 4- (ssess'ent E0iden e .ther E0iden e!

"hat other things an students do to sho) )hat they 1no)%

"hat tas1s )ill students be able to do to de'onstrate understanding%

#t!dents )ill participate in the Kin";s <=<s activit01 *ach st!dent &lass dis ussion on the 3ollo)ing a3ter the a ti0ity! )ill either pla0 the role o( the Kin"2 ritish 'arliament2 ta/ What was so unfair about how the class was taxed? collectors2 or colonist1 How could it have been handled more fairly? Why were tax collectors tarred and feathered? Why were British goods boycotted? What methods and organizations were devised by the colonists in order to resist and circumvent these laws? How significant were these laws to the ultimate break from Great Britain?

"hat )ays an students he 1 understandings to set 3uture goals% #t!dents )ill ans)er one the (ollo)in" re(lection >!estions: - (.( the0 )ere colonists) -o) did it (eel )hen 0o!r <=<s )ere ta+en a)a0: -o) do 0o! thin+ the colonists (elt )hen the0 )ere $ein" ta/ed: - (.( the0 )ere a part o( the ritish 'arliament) -o) did 0o! (eel )hen 0o! received <=<s (rom 0o!r classmates: -o) do 0o! thin+ the Kin" = ritish 'arliament (elt a(ter collectin" ta/es (rom the colonies:

Re3le tions!
"hat did you identi3y during sel3-e0aluation%

Stage 6 Learning Plan

Learning ( ti0ities! "hat )ill the students do during the lesson so that they a hie0e the stated goals% 7o) )ill you guide the students% "hat resour es are needed%

Introdu tion
- Go over di((erent ritish ta/ la)s that )ere imposed on the 19 colonies - .ntrod!ce the Kin";s <=<s &ctivit01 - #trate"icall0 pass o!t role cards to each st!dent1 Kin" - sits in (ront o( the class1 Ta/ collectors - Will collect <=<s (rom the class1 ritish 'arliament - &nno!nce to the Colonists )hat is $ein" ta/ed1 (?$%ect cards) Colonists - #it at their des+s1 - When the ta/es (<=<s) are levied2 ta/ collectors receive 1@A o( the share2 'arliament receives 4@A (these (!nds to $e !sed to r!n the empire) to $e split e>!all0 amon" the t)o st!dents in that role1 Binall02 Kin" Geor"e poc+ets the remainin" C@A (or himsel(1 These percenta"es have no real historical si"ni(icance and are onl0 an ar$itrar0 $rea+do)n (or p!rposes to (it this sim!lation1)

Students play the activity for at least three-six rounds. Discussion: What was so unfair about how the class was taxed? How did the roles of colonists feel? The King? The tax collectors? The British Parliament? How could it have been handled more fairly? Why were tax collectors tarred and feathered? Why were British goods boycotted? What methods and organizations were devised by the colonists in order to resist and circumvent these laws? How significant were these laws to the ultimate break from Great Britain?

- ,e(lection: -o) does this activit0 connect to ho) thin"s m!st have $een prior to the &merican ,evol!tion: Do 0o! thin+ it )as ri"ht (or the ritish to ta/ the colonies: - #el(-,e(lection/*val!ation: - #t!dents )ill ans)er one the (ollo)in" re(lection >!estions: - (.( the0 )ere colonists) -o) did it (eel )hen 0o!r <=<s )ere ta+en a)a0: -o) do 0o! thin+ the colonists (elt )hen the0 )ere $ein" ta/ed: - (.( the0 )ere a part o( the ritish 'arliament) -o) did 0o! (eel )hen 0o! received <=<s (rom 0o!r classmates: -o) do 0o! thin+ the Kin" = ritish 'arliament (elt a(ter collectin" ta/es (rom the colonies:

8aterials! - ,ole Cards - ?$%ect Cards - <=<s - C!ps - Gloves Resour es! King M&M Activity

&c+no)led"ed: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (i( applica$le): _________

(Co!rse instr!ctor2 !niversit0 s!pervisor2 and/or cooperatin" teacher)

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