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Revision Sheet

The commentary didnt require revision from the last posting. I did change the background and the coloring to make it a little more presentable for the e-portfolio. From the first draft to final changes were made the paper: Making the body of the paper more clear as to the position of the writer (peer review). I changed the body of the paper to more clearly define my position as my writing was too neutral. Tied the opening and the conclusion together better the two parts did not really support each other.

Letter to the editor:

The grade that I received on this paper did not prompt me to revise. I did change some of the aesthetic aspects for the website. Changes from first draft and peer review: Just changed some spelling issues and restated some data to make it more clear. In a previous revision I added more data to support the authors validation of the topic. I felt the author did a great job in presenting some obvious solutions and I had left them out of the original draft.

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