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Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan Classroom Teacher: __Lisa Kahue___________ Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: _______ 5th___________ Date

Lesson Will e Ta!"ht: _______________________ Lesson #!$%ect &rea: _________ Social Studies__________ Lesson Topic: _____Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence__ 'reservice Teacher: _Charlette Encomienda____ Stage 1- Desired Results f Common Core Standards:
Social Studies
SS.5.3.11 Define the ma!or ideas "i.e.# natural ri$hts# $o%ernment &' the consent of the $o%erned# and ()all mean are created e*ual+, stated in the Declaration of Independence and e-plain .h' the' .ere included

Language Arts ()#L)2 -#!mmari*e +ritten a te,t read alo!d or in-ormation presented in diverse media and -ormats. incl!din" vis!all/. 0!antitativel/. and orall/) () W) 1 - 2ecall relevant in-ormation -rom e,periences or "ather relevant in-ormation -rom print and di"ital so!rces3 s!mmari*e or paraphrase in-ormation in notes and -inished +or4. and provide a list o- so!rces)

Students will understand t at!"" / / / # e 1$ %olonies were not a&&y wit t e way t ey were being treated so # omas 'efferson %reated t e De%laration of (nde&enden%e" # e De%laration of (nde&enden%e was and still is an im&ortant do%ument to Ameri%ans" # ere were %ertain indi)iduals in Congress w o were esitant to sign t e De%laration"

*ssential +uestions:
, at -uestions ig lig t t e big ideas. / / / / / What +as the Declaration o- 5ndependence6 Wh/ +as the Declaration o- 5ndependence so important to the con"ress6 Wh/ did the con"ress decide to create a Declaration o5ndependence6 Wh/ do /o! thin4 con"ress chose Thomas 7e--erson to +rite it6 Wh/ do /o! thin4 some individ!als needed some convincin" $e-ore si"nin" the doc!ment6

Content A%-uisition (/b0e%ti)es):

Student will 1now!" / / # e following terms: de%laration2 inde&enden%e2 %ongress2 selfe)ident2 liberty2 unalienable rig ts2 &reamble" # e &ur&ose of t e De%laration of (nde&enden%e"

S1ill A%-uisition (/b0e%ti)es):

Student will be able to! / / / 5nterpret and e,plain the -irst -e+ lines o- the Declaration o5ndependence) &ns+er 0!estions posed $/ the teacher and/or classmates) Connect the $rie- activit/ to the Declaration o- 5ndependence and the (8 mem$ers o- Con"ress)

Performan%e #as1s:
/ /

Stage 3- Assessment *)iden%e /t er *)iden%e:

, at ot er t ings %an students do to s ow w at t ey 1now. / / Answer -uestions &osed by t e tea% er about t e to&i%" Parti%i&ate in %lass dis%ussion and a%ti)ity"

, at tas1s will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding. Students will e4&lain t e im&ortan%e of t e De%laration of (nde&enden%e by writing a s ort &aragra& " Students will &arti%i&ate in an a%ti)ity w ere t e students will need to %on)in%e t eir %lassmates w y one s&ort is better t an t e ot er"

, at ways %an students % e%1 understandings to set future goals. #t!dents +ill $e a$le to chec4 their !nderstandin"s thro!"h class disc!ssion and peer colla$oration) / #t!dents +ill -ill o!t an e,it slip) #t!dent +ill need to ans+er one o- the -ollo+in": / Toda/ 5 learned))) / 5 didn9t !nderstand))) (This +ill help me monitor st!dents9 learnin" and determine +hether 5 need to alter the +a/ 5 teach and lessons that 5 prepare)) /

, at did you identify during self-e)aluation.

Stage $ Learning Plan

Learning A%ti)ities:
, at will t e students do during t e lesson so t at t ey a% ie)e t e stated goals. 5ow will you guide t e students. , at resour%es are needed. 5ntrod!ction - Let st!dents 4no+ that the/ are "oin" to +atch a video) 5 +ant them to -oc!s on the -ollo+in" thin"s: The people in the video (see i- the/ can identi-/ an/ o- the characters li4e Kin" Geor"e. Geor"e Washin"ton. etc). the l/rics o- the video. the doc!ment at the end o- the video) - 5ntrod!ce the lesson $/ sho+in" st!dents a video: Too Late to &polo"i*e - Declaration - Disc!ss the video) - :ave a pict!re o- the Declaration o- 5ndependence doc!ment to sho+ them ho+ lon" it +as and have them ta4e notice on the hand+ritin" and the si"nat!res) - Disc!ss the -irst -e+ lines o- the Declaration o- 5ndependence) During :and o!t ;Thomas 7e--erson < the Declaration o- 2i"hts= +or4sheet) 2ead it as a class and "o over +ords that the/ ma/ not 4no+) Go over important parts o- each para"raph) 'ose essential 0!estions as +e read the hando!t) Let st!dents 4no+ that there +ere a -e+ dele"ates +ho +ere hesitant in si"nin" the doc!ment) eca!se o- this. individ!als o- the Con"ress had to convince them to si"n them) - #tart activit/) - >,plain to st!dents that the/ are "oin" to $e split into ? "ro!ps (!ndecided. $as4et$all. and soccer))There +ill $e t+o sides o- the room) @ne side +ill -avor $as4et$all and the other +ill -avor soccer) The o$%ective o- this "ame +ill $e to have more people on /o!r side o- the room) 5n order to do this. the/ need to convince their classmates that their sport is $etter than the other sport) #t!dents in the $as4et$all and soccer "ro!p need to convince the !ndecided "ro!p to %oin their team) - :ave st!dents ta4e part in the activit/ -or ( min!tes) Closing Come together as a class. Take note on which team has more people in the group. Discuss the strategies that they used to persuade their classmates to join their team. Pose question: How does this connect to the individuals in Congress and the Declaration of Independence? Discuss as a class. -

- Exit Slip: Students will fill out their index card and explain what they learned today or what they are confused about what was taught today. - Homework: Students will need to rewrite the first few lines of the Declaration of Independence in their best handwriting. Students will also need to interpret and translate it in standard English.


Projector Laptop Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence handouts Index cards

2eso!rces !sed in lesson:

American Revolution History Pockets &c4no+led"ed: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (i- applica$le): _________
(Co!rse instr!ctor. !niversit/ s!pervisor. and/or cooperatin" teacher)

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