Amanda Rowland Resume

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Amanda Rowland

Campus Address 218 E. Gregory Dr. apt. 102 Champaign, IL 61820 (630)-207-5357 Home Address 15W661 82nd St. Burr Ridge, IL 60527

EDUCATION University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2014 GPA: 4.0/4.0 Bachelor of Science in Special Education- Learning Behavior Specialist 1 Middle School Endorsements in Math and Social Science STUDENT TEACHING Centennial High School, Champaign Illinois January 2014-Current Student teacher for one self-contained and two co-taught English classes, and two self-contained reading classes !Designed reading curriculum that appealed to both the interests and needs of culturally diverse students !Facilitated social skills instruction which allowed a student to build lasting friendships !Advocated for students with disabilities when planning lessons in a Professional Learning Community EARLY FIELD WORK Urbana Middle School, Urbana Illinois August 2013-December 2013 Practicum student for four hours a day in a classroom using the TEACCH principles for students with Autism !Constructed a longitudinal curriculum for a student with severe disabilities !Instructed students on how to communicate their preferences by using communication devices !Exposed students to a wide variety of technology to enhance their learning Westview Elementary School, Champaign Illinois January 2013-May 2013 Practicum student for three hours a day teaching tier three Response to Intervention reading groups !Developed a plan of systematic instruction to teach the essential elements of reading !Administered weekly curriculum based measurements to inform Direct Instruction decisions !Created relationships with staff and families to develop lessons for English Language Learners Champaign Central High School, Champaign Illinois October 2012-December 2012 Practicum student for two hours a day in a resource class and a co-taught Geometry class !Collaborated with a general education teacher to create a Universal Design for Learning in the class !Adapted materials to make them accessible to a wide variety of diverse learners !Used informal data and standards based grading to inform instructional decisions RELATED EXPERIENCE Research Assistant May 2013-January 2014 !Coded Individualized Education Plans for the IEP Quality Project to help improve education for all Best Buddies International August 2010-January 2014 !Maintained a one-on-one relationship with an adult with disabilities in the local community Champaign Urbana Special Recreation, Champaign IL May 2013-August 2013 !Lead and created universally designed camp activities for young adults with a variety of disabilities Co-Author of Published Research Article January 2013-May 2013 !Assisted professor Maya Israel in writing a research paper about STEM for diverse learners Personal Assistant August 2012-May 2013 !Provided physical assistance during daily living tasks to an individual with Cerebral Palsy

HONORS !Lincoln Academy Student Laureate !William E. Albin & Charlotte C. Young Award !Dads Association Library Award Winner !Deans List !James Scholar

November 2013 July 2013 November 2011 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

SERVICE IN COMMUNITY, UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE ORGANIZATIONS ! Traveled with Student Today Leaders Forever volunteering across the country and continued volunteering with similar causes after returning January 2013-Current ! Member and volunteer of the Student Education Association August 2010-Current ! Participated in weekly service with Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society January 2011-Current ! Volunteer of Alternative Spring Break and participated in 4 service trips January 2014 ! Empowered young girls while working with the Cool Girls Organization March 2012 ! Prevented sexual assault with the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault January 2012 ! Taught students in the Mississippi Delta about college options March 2011 ! Facilitated discussion about life choices at Wichita Childrens Home LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE President of Velocity Dance August 2012-Current !Demonstrated leadership ability and teamwork while coordinating our teams annual spring show and various charity events !Recruited young girls in the community to participate in our 2014 annual show allowing them to learn dances, help choreograph dances, and participate in conversations and lessons about how to become a successful women Study Abroad in Ecuador July 2012-August 2012 !Collaborated with a group of university students and a professor to design and implement a summer enrichment camp !Taught Ecuadorian youth English, Art, Science, Sports, and Wellness in an effort to improve education for all while living with a host family and learning about the culture and people of Ecuador PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SKILLS !Student Education Association Fall Conference 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 !Illinois Leadership Center Ignite I-program October 2013 !Leadershape Institute January 2013 !Speak and understand conversational Spanish and know basic American Sign Language REFERENCES !Andrea Griffith, Special Education Teacher at Champaign Central High School (217)-370-8728, !Maya Israel, University of Illinois Assistant Professor of Special Education (217)-300-0338, !Jane Mann, University of Illinois Special Education Practicum Supervisor (217)-259-4554,

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