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r o b h ig e N y m is o h W : y it n u m m o C e s r e iv D

Rodriguez k ic tr a P & , k o ro C l e ha By: Jacob Hanson, Mic

Definition- A widely held but fixed and oversimplified opinion or idea of a certain group of people or things. ex. Men are stronger than women and do all the work. This is a negative stereotype against women.

Definition- The unjust or prejudicial treatment of people that are a different race, age, or even gender. ex. The law that says gay people cannot marry each other in America.

Definition- A preconceived opinion that you have made not based on reason or actual experience. ex. Someone treating another person wrong for being another race.

The Effects
When prejudice, discrimination, or any of these actions are being used, it can harm people mentally or physically depending on the situation. Some effects could be like, having a lower education, employment, or housing.

n o i n i p o m o r f t c Fa
The main problem with prejudice, (which is an opinion made on a presumption without knowledge of what that person is), is that the person never has knowledge who they are stating on. Since the person doesnt know anything about who they are talking about, then obviously what they are saying is not true.

s n e p p a h t i n e What to do wh
These problems are very similar to bullying and, in fact, they are stopped the same way. If someone is exhibiting a prejudicial attitude toward someone, tell them to stop or ask an adult that can help you solve your problem with the person.

e c n e r e f f i d a How to make
To help reduce these incidents, try and help people become more known of who they are (or who you are), and also try and make everyone seem equal to each other: that way, nobody can judge each other since they are the same. Dont just be a bystander.

e l p m a x e o e Vid
Youtube Link to Video

. u o y s t c e f f a s i How th
Now as you know this school has a big emphasis on bullying and does not tolerate this. Same concept with this. As you see, you should not ever judge someone by who they are or what they look like. We want you take from this lesson and apply this to the world after you leave this class. Remember from the mentor lesson last week, as Martin Luther King said, Let us not be judged by the color of our skin but by the content of our character.

To sum this all up we have told you what these things are (discrimination,prejudice, and stereotypes) the difference between a prejudice comment and a fact, how to avoid these situations, and how to help reduce them. Stopping discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping stops with you, right here, right now.

n o i t a t n e s e r p f Video o
WP_20140218_003.mp4 (12,332K)

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