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Nick Fugaro Dr.

Arnold INTL 3111 4/22/14 Final Paper Proposal The dystopian film I selected is District 9 and my framework I selected is 1984. District 9 is definitely a nod to George Orwells most famous work, 1984. There were so many similarities between the two works. Wikus Van De Merwe and Winston Smith are very similar just like the proles and the prawns. I chose these two because of the obvious connections between the film and novel. Neil Blomkamp and George Orwell have very similar ideas of a dystopian society.

There are many themes in both the works for comparing and contrasting, however Im not entirely sure which one I would like to do. There is the obvious Wikus/Winston comparison and how their views of society change when they see it firsthand. Another idea is how the Johannesburg humans and proles are led to believe things that are not exactly the case. The main idea I was thinking about tackling is the way the people in power in both works lead the proles, humans, and prawns to believe things that are not true. So my outer frame for the paper would be the idea of deceiving the public with people in power. I need a little bit of research to back up my thoughts but I already have my papers outline in mind.

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