April Newsletter 2014

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The Grade 3 Times Todays Date: Tuesday, April 1st, 2 1!

A "ote #rom the Tea$her Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents/ Guardians, Masha Allah, the month of March went by very quickly and smoothly. We all ho e you had a restful and rela!ed March "reak# $he u comin% month of A ril is %oin% to be a busy one# "oth Grade & classes will be %oin% on their first field tri of the year, 'nshaAllah# (n $hursday, A ril )*th, students will be %oin% to "lack +reek Pioneer ,illa%e to enhance their social studies understandin% of Pioneer lifestyles. Please have your child return their ermission sli and money as soon as ossible. As you will notice on the calendar, students 'ar$h will also(urri$ulum be %oin% to -e%oland Re$ap on .riday May /nd, 'nshaAllah. Permission sli alon% s will be Alhamdulillah, we are rollin% ri%ht with %iven out in due time. curriculum. 'n math we com leted ;nit 1 $he Grade & class will also throu%h be hostin% this 7Measurement9, and are halfway ;nit month0s bake sale on $uesday, A ril /1. )* 7Patternin% and Al%ebra9. 'n lan%ua%e, we 2tudents are welcome toon contribute have continued to work s ellin%any yummy acka%ed snacks toare sell. Please ensure activities/tests and continuin% our that if a student does decide to artici ate, that they brin% <.6.A.( re arations for readin% halal food items only. com rehension and writin%. 'n science, we Please see the back of this a%e for are halfway throu%h our lants unit. 'n im ortant dates and the attached calendar for 'slamic 2tudies, we have continued to learn dates ertainin%, s ecifically to the Grade & about Pro het Muhammad 729. We also curriculum. have learned about the life of Pro het 2ulaiman 7A29 and the <n%lish meanin% of 2incerely, 2urah Ad Duha. We discussed the akhlaaq 2r. Aisha 3 2r. 4iran trait for March 7honesty9 in %reat detail. 'n art we have continued to e! lore the use of back%rounds and te!tures. 'n %ym, we have continued layin% coo erative %ames. As always, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns lease feel free to contact us.

%mporta&t Remi&ders Please ensure students have a ro riate outerwear for the chan%in% weather Please si%n your child0s a%enda on a daily basis Please ensure your child is brin%in% a lunch to school each day in case a lunch is for%otten at home, lease dro it off at the school office before noon 'n case that your child has for%otten an im ortant folder/ te!tbook at school, the class will be o en until 5 m Any concerns re%ardin% .rench or Arabic, 6uranic 2tudies need to be addressed with the res ective teachers 72r. 8atiba, 2r. 4arima and 2h. Abdul 8ahman9 'f you have any concerns about anythin% ha enin% inside the classroom, homework, assi%nments, etc. lease contact me directly. 72r. :eba will be notified de endin% on the nature of the concern9

'slamic .oundation 2chool is a ?ut .ree 2chool. Please do &ot send snacks or lunches containin% nutDates roducts. %mporta&t ) Apr* = > 2 ellin% "ee +om etition > ?AM. )* > +lass .ield $ri @ Pioneer ,illa%e )= > 2 irit Day@ <arth Day )A, /) > 2tatutory Boliday C 2chool +losed /5 > Dum 8o e 2ki CaC$hon /5 > PiEEa -unch /5 > <arly Dismissal /1 > "ake 2ale

(urri$ulum +utli&e ,or the mo&th o, April (ur focus this monthI 'athemati$s: ;nit )*@ Patterns in ?umber 3 Geometry ;nit ))@ Probability -a&.ua.e Arts: 2 ellin% <!ercises/2 ellin% $ests 8ead Alouds <.6.A.(. 8eadin% +om rehension <.6.A.(. Writin% Assessments 2entence/Para%ra h Writin% Dournal/+reative Writin% /o$ial /tudies <arly 2ettlements in ; er +anada

(o&ta$t Us 'f you have any comments, questions, or concerns, lease do not hesitate to contact us. Fou can do so by leavin% a messa%e with the school office 75)=C&/)C&GG=9 or sendin% a note with your child. Fou can also email us at kiranCayubHhotmail.com or ais.malik)H%mail.com.

%slami$ /tudies: $he -ife of Pro het Muhammad 729 $he -ife of Pro het 2ulaiman 7A29 6uranic 2tudies > 2urah@ AlC Alaq, Al Adiyat, Al $in, Al 6adr $olerance in 'slam 0isual Arts: $e!tures, 2ha e, .orm 3 2 ace 1ealth2Gym: 2ubstance ;se and Abuse Bockey/"asketball

Please make sure your child is readin% at least /* minutes a ni%ht#

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