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Voluntary Services C Level, Centre Block Southampton General Hospital Tremona Road Southampton, SO16 6Y

18th February 2014

Direct Dial: !"# $!%& 6!6"

Dear Student, You have applied to be a volunteer here at the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation rust, !e are in re"eipt o# your appli"ation #orms, than$ you% &e !ill send you a date #or a student orientation, this is an opportunity to #ind out more about the role, as !ell as our and your e'pe"tations% &ithout attendin( this session your appli"ation !ill not "ontinue% Student orientations are desi(ned to be available in "olle(e holidays to enable students to attend !ithout missin( lessons, there are only ) o# these per year and only 12 spa"es on ea"h% *# you are o##ered a session and you are unable to ma$e that date, please re+uest the ne't date, i# !e do not hear #rom you !ithin a month, !e !ill assume you are no lon(er interested and destroy your appli"ation% Spa"es at the student orientation are a premium and there is a hi(h demand #or them #rom students throu(hout the ,ounty% &e !ill (ive pla"es on a #irst "ome, #irst served basis so you need to let us $no! as +ui"$ly as possible i# you !ould li$e one o# the spa"es on the student orientation% -lease note you !ill also be invited to a volunteer indu"tion session, they are .une / th 2014 in the evenin(, September 2/th 2014 in the a#ternoon or February 12th 201/, please "ome to 0ust one o# these sessions, you may start volunteerin( be#ore you attend% &hen you re"eive your D1S, Dis"losure 1arrin( Servi"e "erti#i"ate throu(h the post, please let us $no! you have re"eived it 2!e do not (et a "opy3,!e !ill need to see the ori(inal "opy be#ore you "an be(in volunteerin(% 4ay * !ish you every su""ess !ith your #uture and on"e a(ain than$ you #or applyin( to be a volunteer here, and perhaps ta$in( your #irst step in a "areer in the NHS% Yours sin"erely




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