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Flores 1 Janessa Flores English 102 Professor Douglas February 13, 2014 Russias Controversy The Winter Olympics

has been recognized as a worldwide favorite event that has been around since 1924 and only continues to get bigger. This years 2014 Winter Olympics was held in Sochi, Russia. It is a huge honor to have such a world wide event in their country because millions of people come from all over the world to watch the Olympics. Russia was more than happy to have people from all over compete with in Russia, but why wasnt everyone else? Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, has recently passed a law which legally does not allow gay couples to be joined in marriage at all in any part of the country. Two articles raise awareness about the current situation in Russia. The first article is by The Economist called Human Rights in Russia, Grim to be Gay and the it explains how Russia is suffering due to the current laws past and how everyone world wide is accepting the news. The second article is by Eric Engle called Gay Rights in Russia? where it gave both perspectives of the issue but sided more with the fact that Russia had a right to do this for their country. The intended audience for the Economist was people against these laws and Engle seemed to aim his article toward the reasoning behind these laws. Russias choice to pass the anti-gay laws has both positive and negative effects, but the overall effect has left everyone world wide asking why. The Economists article Human Rights in Russia: Grim to be Gay had the best opinion simply because the author speaks about how outsiders are not happy with situation and that this is a green light to aggression considering that a poll finds that the number who experienced

Flores 2 harassment or pressure doubled in the past year to 50%.(The Economists) That number will only continue to grow explains the author. The article explains how Russia is ignoring all the controversy about the olympics and all the other raised concerns from other countries as well. This article portrayed strong points such as how Russia is refusing to acknowledge any controversies involving the Olympics or any other accusations. Not everyone is against this new right, according to Gay Rights in Russia? Russia's Ban on Gay Pride Parades and the General Principle of Proportionality in International Law people have shown that they respect Russias decision for their country which has been modeled after the churches laws. This article quotes The Russian laws have been adjudicated and found constitutional, as reasonable restrictions on fundamental rights necessary to secure state interests in protecting the family and ensuring reproduction. (Engle, Eric) These laws also include that Russia will not allow any Country that supports same sex marriages to adopt any children from their country. The overall message in this article was to explain that Russian officials were only doing what they felt was right for their country and will deal with the consequences when they arrive. From an audience perspective from people everywhere its safe to say that there are millions of complaints of Russias immoral intentions and extremely disrespectful to those that are gay or lesbian competing in not only Russias team but other countries teams too. Russia really should consider all the factors that come along with making laws such as these because it takes away from a persons self worth and becoming who they want to be. No one should ever have to hide who they are and little children certainly shouldnt be deprived of a loving family all because the country supports same sex marriages. Russia has upset more than just their country but millions worldwide and although the

Flores 3 Olympics were allowed to proceed undisturbed, they are cutting off any advantages in the future with worldwide events being held in their country for the simple fact that homosexuals have the right to do as they please because they're human just like everyone else regardless if they like males or females. One of the worst things that can be done to someone is stripping away their humanism and rights of freedom which is exactly what Russia did to their people. Many trials are still to come in the near future, and a lot of support should be given to those that cant help the way they are. The Economist really hit home for a lot of people with the article above just by raising awareness of what is happening to the people in Russia as of now. I think people are very pleased with this because it looks at both sides of the perspective but leans more towards the cruel intentions of government officials in Russia. Everyone should have a voice and no one should be discriminated against for the way they want to live their lives. These articles show that America has an abundance of freedom and should continue to keep it that way in order to obtain peace and to set an example for other countries to follow.

Works Cited

Flores 4 Engle, Eric A. "Gay Rights in Russia?: Russia's Ban on Gay Pride Parades and the General Principle of Proportionality in International Law." The Journal of Eurasian Law. 6.2 (2013): 165-186. Print. "Human Rights in Russia: Grim to Be Gay." Economist (united Kingdom). 408.8840 (2013). Print.

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