44.5 The Cost of Protectionism!

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For each oI the three scenarios listed below, draw the appropriate graphs and complete the

calculations requested.


II the demand Iunction is Qd 170-5P and the supply Iunction is Qs -3015P, calculate the
Iigures Ior quantity demanded and quantity supplied Ior prices Irom $1 to $20.

Use these Iigures to plot the supply and demand curves. What is the equilibrium price and
The world price is $6, plot this on your supply and demand diagram.
The government imposes a tariII oI $2. Illustrate the impact oI this on your diagram.
Calculate the Iollowing:

1. Domestic Iirm's revenue beIore and aIter the tariII
2. Overseas Iirm's export revenue beIore and aIter the tariII
3. Consumer expenditure beIore and aIter the tariII
4. The government's revenue Irom the tariII


II the demand Iunction is Qd 150-5P and the supply Iunction is Qs -1510P, calculate the
Iigures Ior quantity demanded and quantity supplied Ior prices Irom $1 to $20.

Use these Iigures to plot the supply and demand curves. What is the equilibrium price and
The world price is $8, plot this on your supply and demand diagram.
The government sets a quota Ior Ioreign Iirms oI 15 units. Use your supply and demand
diagram to illustrate the impact oI this quota.
Calculate the Iollowing:

1. Domestic Iirm's revenue beIore and aIter the quota
2. Overseas Iirm's revenue beIore and aIter the quota
3. Consumer expenditure beIore and aIter the quota

II the demand Iunction is Qd 190-5P and the supply Iunction is Qs -5015P, calculate the
Iigures Ior quantity demanded and quantity supplied Ior prices Irom $1 to $20.

Use these Iigures to plot the supply and demand curves. What is the equilibrium price and
The world price is $6, plot this on your supply and demand diagram.
The government provides a subsidy oI $4 per unit Ior domestic producers. Use your
supply and demand diagram to illustrate the impact oI this subsidy.
Calculate the Iollowing:

44.5 The Cost of Protectionism!
1. Domestic Iirm's revenue beIore and aIter the subsidy
2. Overseas Iirm's export revenue beIore and aIter the subsidy
3. Consumer expenditure beIore and aIter the subsidy
4. The level oI government expenditure on the subsidy

Using your diagram, show the deadweight welIare loss that results Irom the subsidy.

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