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UNIT I 1. How to apply Security by file permissions 2. What are the Process utilities commands. 3.

What are the Disk utilities commands. 4. What are the etworkin! commands. ". What are the #ilters$ #ilter commands. %. What is sed & scripts$ '. What are the operation$ addresses of sed. (. What is awk ). What are awk fields and records$ 1*. How to write awk scripts$ 11. What is actions in awk. 12. How to call functions in awk. 13.What is a shell. +ell different shell names. 14.,-plain .ourne a!ain shell/bash0 1".What are shell responsibilities 1%.What is a pipe. 1'.What is input 1edirection$ output redirection 1(. What is here documents 1). What is test command. 2*. +ell some shell keywords. 21.,-plain control structures in shell pro!rammin!. 22. What is e-pr command

3%. What is kill$ raise $ alarm$ pause$ abort$ sleep functions. UNIT IV 3'. What is 2nterprocess 9ommunication 3(. How 2P9 between processes on a sin!le computer system 3). How 2P9 between processes on different systems 4*. What is pipes in process communications. 41. What is #2#4s in process communications$ 42. What are the three types of 2P9/6inu-0. 43. What is :essa!e ;ueues8 <ernel support for messa!es 44. What is 6inu- =P2s for messa!e >ueues.. 4". What is Semaphores8<ernel support for semaphores$ 4%. What is 6inu- =P2s for semaphores 4'. What is Shared :emory8 <ernel support for shared memory. 4(. Wat is 6inu- =P2s for shared memory.

UNIT V 4).What are the differences between threads and processes$ "*.What is P4S2? +hread =P2s UNIT II "1.What is a Socket 23. What is 2nodes$ "2.What are the Socket system calls for connection 24. What are the standard 234 functions. oriented protocol 2". What are the formatted 234 functions "3.What are the Socket system calls for 2%. What are the low le5el System calls used for file connectionless protocol. operations. 2'. What is dup$ dup2 system calls. 2(. What are the directory mana!ement system calls. UNIT III 2). What is 6inu- Process 3*. What are the different process states 31. What is 7ombie process 32. What is orphan process$ 33. What is 8fork$ 5fork$ 34. What is si!nals$ si!nal function. 3". What is unreliable si!nals$ reliable si!nals$

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