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Worksheet No.3 (Listening) Fill in the chart: Other words used for the term advertising !

laces where advertising can "e found Words e#$ressing s$eaker%s attitude towards advertising

&#. No ' Fill in the chart: (dvertising techni)ues *arget audience in advertising

Worksheet No.3 (Listening) Fill in the chart: Other words used for the term advertising !laces where advertising can "e found Words e#$ressing s$eaker%s attitude towards advertising

&#. No ' Fill in the chart: (dvertising techni)ues *arget audience in advertising

Worksheet No. 4. Analyzing a Commercial (Video material) Answer the following questions !. What can you see in this ad" #. What is the ad for" $. %ow do you know" 4. &s it easy to tell" '. &s the ad effecti(e" ). %ow" *. What+s the target audience for this ad" ,. What+s the technique used" -. .oes it make you /uy the 0roduct"

Worksheet No. 4. Analyzing a Commercial (Video material) Answer the following questions !. What can you see in this ad" #. What is the ad for" $. %ow do you know" 4. &s it easy to tell" '. &s the ad effecti(e" ). %ow" *. What+s the target audience for this ad" ,. What+s the technique used" -. .oes it make you /uy the 0roduct"

Worksheet No. 4. Analyzing a Commercial (Video material) Answer the following questions !. What can you see in this ad" #. What is the ad for" $. %ow do you know" 4. &s it easy to tell" '. &s the ad effecti(e" ). %ow" *. What+s the target audience for this ad" ,. What+s the technique used" -. .oes it make you /uy the 0roduct"

Worksheet No. 4. Analyzing a Commercial (Video material) Answer the following questions !. What can you see in this ad" #. What is the ad for" $. %ow do you know" 4. &s it easy to tell" '. &s the ad effecti(e" ). %ow" *. What+s the target audience for this ad" ,. What+s the technique used" -. .oes it make you /uy the 0roduct"

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