Vocabulary exercise: Hãy hoàn thiện các câu với từ thích hợp cho sẵn dưới đây

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XNew vocabulary All the money a person earns as payment is the income, which includes: Salary (N): lng

thng Wage (N): lng tun

All the money a person has to spend is the outgoings, which includes: /i!ing e+penses (N): chi ph* sinh ho0t 'ills (N): h1a 2n cc d3ch !4 2i5n, n6c, 2i5n tho0i 7 8ent (N): ti"n thu9 nh#

!ertime (N): ti"n l#m ngo#i gi$ %ommission (N): ti"n hoa h&ng 'onus (N): ti"n th(ng )ee (N): ph* Social security (N): an sinh +, h-i .ension (N): lng hu tr* :ortgage (N): ti"n !ay c1 th; ch<p nh# c=a, 2<t 2ai >ealth insurance (N): ?@o hiAm y t; Ba+ (N): thu;

A Cinancial plan showing the earning and spending oC a person or an organiDation is called a budget, which can ?e in the Collowing statuses: 'udget deCicit (N): thEm h4t ngEn sch 'udget surplus (N): thFng d ngEn sch 'udget ?alance (N): cEn ?Gng ngEn sch

Vocabulary exercise: Hy hon thin cc cu v i t! th"ch h#$ cho s%n d& i 'y(
Vocabulary exercise commission earn ta+ rent ?onus mortgage o!ertime salary social security pension

)( ACter losing his Ho?, Bom had to li!e on

Cor I months ?eCore his getting another he earned ?eCoreJ much

Ho?J Kt was a hard time since the amount was much lower than the ?ecause he was not !ery successCulJ +( As our companyNs sales last year increased ?y OIP, we all got a ,( Kt taMes most people around QR years to repay the .( Nearly SRP oC my income goes to the state ?udget as /( Bhe landlord has Hust raised the 0( When my Cather retires, his on our apartment ?y ORPJ was TRP oC his Cinal salaryJ -( K am going to ?uy a new car ?ut K ha!enNt sa!ed enough so K do a lot oC

*( Lohn used to worM as a salesperson Cor a computer company, ?ut he didnNt

at the end oC the yearJ

on their housesJ

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