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Silva 1 Jssika da Rocha Silva Professor Kalajian Writing Level 5 24 March 2014

Summary In the Christopher N. Bacorns essay Dear Dads: Save Your Sons from NEWSWEEK the main discussion is about the consequences of missing fathers in childrens lives. The author starts telling a story about a mother who was just 30 years old and followed her son to Mr. Bacorn after the boy caused problems. At that occasion charges had been filled and the boy needed counseling. Since the time that the father left the family fours years before, the son had become a troublemaker. After discover that her son has no man in this family life he tried to talk with the boy who is just 15, however, the author thinks that a good relationship between a man and this boy is essential. Once the neurologist Sigmund Freud pointed out "I can't think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a Father's protection", it explains how important is a man image in a boys life. Next, he begins to reflect about the culture, and his conclusion is that in todays time fathers are in many cases absent from their children lives. Its hard to find them is activities helping their kids in simple things such as playing some sport or doing school homework. Mr. Bacorn highlights that our society still has some men who are taking care that if their children, and these are the real men of America. Charles F. Kettering, inventor and engineer, explain how important is a father presence when he says "Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice". Then, he reflects about the consequences of fathers spend some time with their children; it probably could prevent

Silva 2 social problems like teenage pregnancies, or divorce. Finally, the author concludes telling about the end of his counseling session for the 15 years old boy. He says that it brought to him hopelessness and anger, hopelessness about that boys future, and angry with the fathers who left their children without any care. Overall, Mr. Bacorn is worried about how the children of our society are walking through an uncertain future because of the lack left by missing fathers.

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