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Photogra phy Portfolio Project Rubric

Name: ?alriri W
Photo Editing/ Color Correction Student did not hand in project. Student did not edit any of his or her photos. Portfolio Student does not hand in a portfolio.

Student edits less than five photos. Student only uses one editing tool in

Student edits at 4east five photos and uses at least three

Student edits at least five photos and uses at least two different editing tools in Plcasa

Student's portfolio includes less than five photos. Student does not explain editing techniques or give reasons for their
choices for many (3

Student's portfolio includes five photos but does not include

tools in

different editing

Picasa. /

'Student's portfolio includes five photos. Portfolio includes a z

title oase.
Presentation/ Participation Student does not complete their presentation. Student does not Student does not explain editing techniques or give reasons for their
choices for some of

litle oaee. 4SInffit explaids


"diting made and they have why they have done


contribute to class

or more)of their photos. Student does not

their photos.
contributes critique.

contribute to the
PowerPoint Student does not create PowerPoint Presentation. critique. Student create PowerPoint but does not include all photos and does not include a title oaee. Student uses some class time wisely Student create PowerPoint but does not include all photos.

ftudent create a
title page and
includes all five

Power Point with a

oictures. ,/
Stuaenluses"dfl class time wisely. Student is respectful during the critque. Student uses problem solving skills to resolve issues. Student uses equipment appropriately.

Work Ethic

Student does not hand in project. Student is disrespectful during the critique. Student uses the


. / class time wisely. \ Student needsto / Student is respect{rl reminders or I during the critiqu{ prompts to be I Student use I respectful to \ equipment / classmates, to star\ on task, or use \
appropriately. Student needs redirection to be respectful during the critique.






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