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Lesson Plan Mr.

Van Engen
Lesson Description/Focus:

$tudents active throughout lesson and have /un.

Grade Level: Pre K-1 Time: 25 mins !"ectives:

Title: Parachute

$'0)T: recogni1e their colors2num!ers. $'0)T: /ollo+ directions and demonstrate good s3ortsmanshi3 during activit.. $'0)T: demonstrate understating o/ s3atial a+areness.


Parachute Gator 0alls

'arm 43: -15 !ur3ees -15 sit u3s or 15 grassho33ers -15 "um3ing "ac(s -6un to music /or 2 minutes Parachute )ctivities: 7rossing 4nder -Each student stands at a color. 'hen their color is called the. must cra+l underneath 3arachute and get to an em3t. s3ace. Mousetra3 -Kids hold 3arachute a!ove their heads. #um!er o// the (ids. 'hen their num!er or color is called the. cra+l under and out o/ the 3arachute as man. times as 3ossi!le until +histle is !lo+n. Then those holding 3ull it 8uic(l. to ground tra33ing as man. mice as 3ossi!le. Po3corn -Place !alls on the 3arachute and have the (ids sha(e it until all o/ the !alls have /lo+n o// o/ the 3arachute. 7ooldo+n: )ir conditioner -#um!er students o//. 'hen their num!er is called the. la. do+n under the chute covering their ther students ma(e /ast +aves to cool them o//.

#ational $tandard%s& 'or(ed n: Standard 1: The student demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities Standard !: The student demonstrates understandin" of movement concepts# principles# strate"ies# and tactics as they apply to the learnin" and performance of physical activities. Standard $: the student participates re"ularly in physical activity Standard %: The student achieves and maintains a health&enhancin" level of physical fitness Standard ': The student e(hi)its responsi)le personal and social )ehavior that respects self and others in physical activity settin"s Standard *: The student values physical activity for health# en+oyment# challen"e# self e(pression# and/or social interaction Essential Learnin"s:

$3atial )+areness 7olor2#um!er 6ecognition

Essential ,uestions:

)ssessment: *o+ +ill , assess the students-

'hat +aves +or(ed !est /or removing !alls.

)s( the students i/ ma(ing !ig slo+ +aves or small /ast +aves +or(ed !etter /or getting gator !alls o// o/ 3arachute. Thum!s u3: to the side: or do+n: on i/ the. li(ed the 3arachute lesson.

-lassroom Strate"ies:

6e/lection: 7an an.thing !e done di//erentl. to im3rove lesson- 9,nstructor uses this s3ace
/or notes and o!servations throughout the lesson.

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