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SURGERY: 1. Lecture notes & clinical teaching in Surgery wards 2. Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery. 3. Principle and practice of Surgery 4. Current surgery diagnosis and treatment

GYNECOLOGY & OBSTRETICS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ten Teachers Obstetrics Ten Teachers Gynaecology Jeff Coates Gynaecology Depek Lewelly Jones Obstetrics

ORTHOPEDICS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery. Norman Browse Lectures & clinical teachings in wards Oxford Hand book of orthopaedics

NEUROSURGERY: 1. Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery. 2. Lectures & clinical teaching in wards


MEDICINE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Davidsons Principles and Practice of Medicine Kumar and Clarke Clinical Medicine Macloeds Clinical Examination Hutchisons Clinical Methods in Medicine

PAEDRIATICS: 1. Essential of Nelson 2. Pakistan Paediatric Association 3. Hutchisons Clinical Methods

CARDIOLOGY: 1. Davidsons Principles and Practice of Medicine 2. Short Books of Hurts. 3. ECG by Dale-Dubin.

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