Dialecticalandreflective Journal 1 31

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Dialectical Journal When should you write passages down?

*Complete one chart for each chapter.

Details that seem important to you You have an epiphany You learn something significant about a character You recognize a pattern (overlapping images, repetitions of idea, details, etc.) You agree or disagree with something a character says or does You find an interesting or potentially significant quotation You notice something important or relevant about the writers style You notice effective use of literary devices DO NOT SUMMARIZE! We are all reading the same novel.

Title of Work: Of mice and men Author: John Steinbeck Chapter: 1 Evidence (Include Page) Commentary - or make your own key! (Context Underlined or BLUE) (Literary Elements Highlighted or RED) (Significance Italicized or Orange) (Questions & Connections Bolded or GREEN)

Lennie continued to snort into the pool. The small man leaned over and shook him by the shoulder. Lennie you gonna be sick like you was last night. -Page 3

Lennie is drinking dirty water from a pool. Shows that Lennie isnt capable of looking after himself. It also shows that George is looking out for Lennie. Why does George look out for Lennie? Are Lennie and George brothers or just close friends? Lennie went to fetch the dead mouse that George had thrown away. Simile. like a terrier Lennie/dog Portrays their relationship

Georges hand remained outstretched imperiously. Slowly, like a terrier who doesnt want to bring a ball back to its master, Lennie approached, drew back approached again. George snapped his fingers

sharply, and at the sound Lennie laid Dog/master the mouse in his hand.-Page 9 Control/controlled Why is Lennie still with George? Why does George need Lennie? George lay back on the sand and crossed his hands under his head, and Lennie imitated him, raising his head to see whether he was doing it right or not-Page 7 Lennie is copying George Shows that Lennie wants to be like George. Why doesnt George try and help Lennie become more like him?

Reflective Journal Entry

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