Materi MCQ Blok 17

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TOPIK UJIAN MCQ BLOK 17 TAHUN 2012-2013 Hari I, Kamis 2 Mei 2013 NO 1 2 ( ) / 0 8 9 : 1; 11 12 1( 1) 1/ 10 18 TOPIC Data and variable C n!

e"t#al Test $ %y" t&esis C n$iden!e Interval T&e Ste"s $ *BM "r !ess T&e C#rrent Best *viden!e Ca#sati n/%ar- $ t&e disease 1esear!& desi+n % w t #se an arti!le ab #t %arDia+n sti! $ t&e disease % w t #se an arti!le ab #t a Dia+n sti! Test Treat-ent $ t&e disease % w t #se an arti!le ab #t T&era"y r .reventi n .r +n sti! $ t&e disease % w t #se an arti!le ab #t .r +n sis N r-al distrib#ti n T&e ! n!e"t $ s!ien!e and Met& d l +y Isla- as a way $ li$e (elearning) TOTA5 SOA5 LECTURER Sri Nabawiyati NM, SSi, M.Kes/dr Arlina Dewi,Mkes. Drs.'#laela, Di"l.Med.Stats.,Msi Drs.'#laela, Di"l.Med.Stats.,Msi Dr. A+#s ,idyat- k , S".D Dr. A+#s ,idyat- k , S".D D1.dr. Ba-ban+ 2d3i 4 k , S" T%T Dr.Ba-ban+ *di, S"A D1.dr. Ba-ban+ 2d3i 4 k , S" T%T D1.dr. Ba-ban+ 2d3i 4 k , S" T%T D1.dr. Ba-ban+ 2d3i 4 k , S" T%T Dr.Deddy N#r ,a!&id A, S".D Dr.Deddy N#r ,a!&id A, S".D Dr. Andar# D, S".D Dr. Andar# D, S".D Sri Nabawiyati NM, SSi, M.Kes dr. Sa+iran,M.Kes dr. Titik %idayati


1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 *BM 2 1 1 1 1 99<1;; s al C5INICA5 *.ID*MIO5O67 *BM BIOSTATISTIC .SKI .SKI BIOSTATISTIC

*BM *BM C5INICA5 *.ID*MIO5O67 1esear!& Met& d l +y *BM C5INICA5 *.ID*MIO5O67 *BM C5INICA5 *.ID*MIO5O67

HARI II, #a$%& ' Mei 2013 NO 1( 2. (. ). /. 0. 8. 9. :. 1;. 11. 12. 1(. 1). 1/. 10. 18. 19. 1:. 2;. TOPIC Intr d#!ti n t s!ien!e "&yl s "&y and "rin!i"les $ s!ienti$i! -et& d l +y Ba!k+r #nd and resear!& "r ble-s =easibility $ resear!& >#esti ns %y" t&esis and t&e reti!al $ra-ew rk . "#lati n, sa-"le, and sa-"lin+ te!&ni>#e 1esear!& variable and O"erasi nal De$initi n *t&i!al Clearan!e Meas#re-ent ?alidity Meas#re-ent 1eliability Sa-"le Si@e .rin!i"les $ a!ade-i! "a"er writin+ AKTIB Te!&ni>#es $ 1esear!& "r " sal writin+ (e-learning) 1esear!& res#lt re" rt Case re" rt, !ase series (e-learning) .#bli!ati n "a"er (e-learning) Des!ri"tive Statisti! Analyses $ "ara-etri! data Analyses n n n "ara-etri! data C&i S>#are test 1e+ressi n and C rrelati n Analyses LECTURER .r $. dr. %. S ed3 n Aswin, .&.D .r $. dr. %. S ed3 n Aswin, .&.D D1.dr. Ba-ban+ 2d3i 4 k , S" T%T .r $. dr. %. S ed3 n Aswin, .&.D dr. Arlina Dewi,M.Kes dr. Arlina Dewi,M.Kes Dr.Inayati %abib, M.Kes N#r#l Makiya&, SSiMKes N#r#l Makiya&, SSi,MKes Drs.'#laela, Di"l.Med.Stats.,Msi Dr. Inayati %abib, M.Kes N#r#l Makiya&, SSi, M.Kes Dr&.Tri ,#landari, M.Kes dr.Siti A-ina& TS*, M.Kes,S"KK Dr&.Tri ,#landari, M.Kes Dr. Arlina Dewi, M.Kes Drs.'#laela, Di"l.Med.Stats.,Msi Drs.'#laela, Di"l.Med.Stats.,Msi Drs.'#laela, Di"l.Med.Stats.,Msi Drs.'#laela, Di"l.Med.Stats.,Msi

#UBJECT 1esear!& Met& d l +y 1esear!& Met& d l +y 1esear!& Met& d l +y 1esear!& Met& d l +y Bi statisti! Bi statisti! 1esear!& Met& d l +y 1esear!& Met& d l +y 1esear!& Met& d l +y Bi statisti! 1esear!& Met& d l +y 1esear!& Met& d l +y 1esear!& Met& d l +y 1esear!& Met& d l +y 1esear!& Met& d l +y

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 99<1;; s al

Bi statisti!


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