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National League for Nursing: The Scope of Practice for Academic Nurse Educators (2012) Program Outcomes: As a nurse

educator, it is my responsibility to include specific and important standards into my practice that are outlined by the NLN. The development of these standards and incorporation into nursing education ensures quality and accountability of the educator and demonstrates how these standards can improve outcomes for the student. Listed are the standards, and how I will embody these standards into my role as a nurse educator. 1. Facilitate Learning: The recognition that not all students are alike or come from similar backgrounds is essential. Each individual is unique and has equally diverse learning needs. It is the responsibility of the nurse educator to create not only a curriculum, but an atmosphere where learning is encouraged, and learning style is embraced. This may include a variety of learning opportunities and methods; clear criteria and expectations explained; and availability of the nurse educator for further questions or exploration into other methodologies. 2. Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization: It is essential that the nurse educator be cognizant of the progress that each student is making, especially toward their own perceived educational, personal, and professional goals. As this varies between student to student, the educator must be aware of the different learning styles and assist the student in recognizing these styles to facilitate understanding of the content and context of the material being presented. The educator must be a role model of nursing excellence, developing critical thinking skills and communicate accurately and in a positive manner. 3. Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies: Learning and the assessment of such learning is a continuous and revolving process. The nurse educator must engage the student in this process as much as possible by providing timely feedback and embracing feedback from the students. I consider the role of nurse educator as one in which learning is also continual, therefore all parties need to be involved in the process of evaluation strategies. A well-rounded nurse educator will assist with data gathering and utilize that data to improve teaching and learning outcomes. 4. Participate in curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program: The nurse educator must be continually learning new health care trends, have a commitment to the community, be able to assess and promote current best practices, and participate in the development of a curriculum that reflects role. Included in this, as mentioned above, is the continual willingness to assess and evaluate what is being taught and how it is being taught. As nursing programs and their students interact with the community and health care facilities, building solid and trusting relationships with these associations are as necessary and the relationship-building with the students. 5. Function as a Change Agent: Continual change is difficult for many, but especially within the confines of ones work, education, and livelihood. Currently, healthcare is one area that is experiencing a great deal of changes, many of which are not fully understood. It is therefore a major responsibility of the nurse educator to keep students informed of changes, and more importantly, model a behavior of change as a positive component in health care today. By being a positive role model, change becomes less scary and allows students to explore ideas of process improvement and develop the tools that will allow them to become a change agent as well.

6. Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator Role: The NLN lists that a commitment to life-long learning is an important aspect in a quality nurse educator. I believe my commitment to this is obvious: I have just recently turned 60 years old and I am just beginning my Masters Program. It is a challenge for each nurse educator to make this commitment to continuous learning; be willing to explore societal changes; and then be willing to change strategies according to current data and trends. Safety and quality for our patients should always be at the forefront of our nursing practice, and seeking out and adapting to current standards is an important approach in this pursuit.

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