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Trisha Hamrick Ms.

Mckenzies ADV lit 3rd block 4/22/14

Nicholas Sparks Im writing about a familiar best-selling author, Nicholas Sparks. Sparks was born in Omaha, Nebraska December 31, 1965. Sparks is most famous for romantic love books like A Message in a Bottle, The Notebook, Dear John, and A Walk to Remember. Hes an awesome author and everyone enjoys his modern love books. Sparks attended the University of Notre Dame. Sparks made a promise to himself that by the age of thirty he would be a billionaire. He didnt want to grow up without money like his parents have. Sparks was business finance major in college and spent most of his twenties selling dental products over the phone before having a job as a pharmaceuticals rep. In the nineties, his job transferred him to New Bern N.C. where he drove to the coastline and back pushing drugs to physicians and quietly wrote The Notebook in the evenings. Nicholas isnt just known for writing books, he was the track coach at New Bern High School. Sparks eldest son, Miles, began running in seventh grade. Sparks strived for all of his athletes to do their best so they could all go to college and get some type of track scholarship like he did. Nicholas Sparks has been writing books for over a decade now. Not only has he been publishing his stories, but they have received high acclaimed rewards. Several of his novels have been made into movies and increased his popularity tremendously. Sparks has seven #1 New York Times bestsellers and

over 50 million copies of his books worldwide. Books including Three Weeks with My Brother have been translated into forty different languages. When Sparks autographs for people, people often ask him for marriage advice but he doesnt like to give it. He says there are people who are probably much better at marriage than he is, they've lasted a lot longer. He could probably learn from them. His wife, Cathy is very proud of him and she finds it very interesting for him to write love stories. Sparks says writing is art, but publishing is a business. In 1996, he published his first bestseller, The Notebook. He and his family live in New Bern, N.C. Sparks and Cathy has been married for over 14 years now. They tend to have a strong relationship with each other. They have five kids together Miles, Ryan, Landon, and the two twins, Marin and Lexie. Sparks and his wife get up before all of the kids do and eat breakfast with each other. They also work out together three times a week. Their marriage is primary and he says its the best thing to teach your kids because if they wanted to go out for a walk, they wouldnt feel guilty not taking their kids with them. Together, theyre determined to create the same lifestyle for their kids like they had growing up. Sparks and Cathy grew up in similar life styles with horses, ice skating, and sledding. Sparks focuses one three things in life his wife, kids, and his work. In conclusion, Ive learned a lot from this research project on the famous Nicholas Sparks. This research project has made me want to read more and more of his famous best sellers. Ive learned that if you really work hard with what you truly want, you will accomplish a lot more in life than you think.

Works Cited Page: Valby, Karen. "True Believer." Entertainment Weekly 1015 (2008): 38-42. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Cohen, Adam Buckley. "Nicholas Sparks." Runner's World 43.12 (2008): 70-73. Consumer Health Complete - EBSCOhost. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Spanich, Ryan, "Literary Love Making in Nicholas Sparks Novels: Finding the Balance Between the Writer's Life and Writer's Work in Bestselling Romantic Love" (2006). Undergraduate Research Symposium. Paper 38. Nicholas Sparks. Baker & Taylor Author Biographies [serial online]. January 5, 2000;:1. Available from: Literary Reference Center, Ipswich, MA. Accessed May 1, 2014. Adato A. Writing Through the Pain. People [serial online]. October 6, 2003;60(14):141. Available from: Middle Search Plus, Ipswich, MA. Accessed May 1, 2014.

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