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Will Chair/Co Chair

Committee Assignment

Chair or Co-Chair

A3raha*son, #end$ +. and David Adkins, Patrick D. and Paula - Co-Chair Adorni, Cath$ and Bo3 Adrick, &a$ C. and /ar$ Ann - Co-Chair Ale%ander, Steven &. and 'i!!an$ - Co-Chair Al*, 'odd and 1ath$ A*ato, &a*es 2. and Charla A*os, 'o* '. and +inda - Co-Chair Anderson, 1assie Andrews, Ed and Donna Arthur, &a*es #. and Nanc$ Auker*an, 2on and 1ristina Au%ter, Dean +. and /elinda Au%ter, 1i* and - Chair Ba3uka, 2ick and 1i* Baile$, -eo!!re$ A. and Nanc$ Baile$, -eo!!re$ A. and Nanc$ - Chair Barne$, &a*es C. and 1aren Barrows, &e!!re$ S. and Denise Basil, 2& and +indse$ Basil, 2& and +indse$ Basil, &. Basil, 4. and -loria Bast, 2ichard and 1ath$ Beck, Dean 2. Beck, Dou.las +. and /ichelle Behr*an, 'rac$ Beier, /ike and Shari Benedek, /ichael and Nanc$ Benner, Seth and Erin - Chair Ber.e*an, Dennis and &eannine - Chair Ber.e*an, &a*es, 1enneth &. Ber.*an, Christo)her and Courtne$ Berndt, Paul #. and Arlene Bickle$, 'odd and Bo33i Bickle$, 'odd and Bo33i Bi%ler, Dou.las and &anet

No Yes/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No

No/No No/No No/Yes No Yes/Yes No/No Yes/Yes No/No

No/No No/No No/No No/No Yes/Yes

Not Checked No/No Yes No No No/no No Yes/Yes No/No

Best Sandwich Ever Childrens 5alloween Part$ OS Chili Cook-O!! "all #ork Part$ Snow "lurries BB( Chicken Childrens 5alloween Part$ A)ril BYOS &ul$ BYOS "NS Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ "NS Artisan Show &ul$ ,th -our*et Bur.ers /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ Childrens Pool Part$ 1-7 Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ Co**odores0 Ball 'uscan$ S)a.etti Dinner Childrens Easter Part$ "NS Christ*as Decorations Deco*ission Decorations Sou) and Su3 Potluck Sou) and Su3 Potluck "NS Artisan Show 5alloween Bar Part$ Dinner at the Clu3/Sweetest Da$ /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ -ol! Outin. "NS Childrens Pool Part$ 1-7 /ens Sta. Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ Best Sandwich Ever Octo3er!est -reen 6sland BB( 2i3s Christ*as Decorations Deco*ission Decorations wed Snacks

Co-Chair Co-Chair Co-Chair

Co-Chair Co-Chair Co-Chair Chair

Chair Chair


Chair Chair

Bi%ler, Dou.las and &anet - Chair Black3urn, Dou. and 'a*i Blickle$, 1aren and 2ichard - Co-Chair, &ason '. and Dianne - Co-Chair, 'err$, '$son C. and Su:$ Bodie &r., &ohn and /e. Bodie, Dr. David A. and /ichelle - Co-Chair Bodie, Dr. &ohn and +ei.h Bolte, Cind$ - Co-Chair Bolte, &ohn and A*anda A.rew Bolte, &ohn 5. and -erri Bolte, Phili) and &enn Boss, &e!! and Dani Boss, &e!! and Dani Bowers, Patrick A. and Bar3ara Bowlus, &a*es E. and Bonnie - Chair Bowlus, Scott &. and Christine Bowlus, #illia* and Clara Bo$er, Eric and Pa*ela Brand, Dalton and Elisa3eth Brand, Darrell and Connie Brand, Stewart Bred3eck, +ee and Natalie Brenner, &ose)h /. and Christine Brin.*an, Dave and Cind$ Brown, 2uss and /art$ Bu.3ee, &e!! Ca3ral, Allen /. and Bar3, Daniel and Dianne Cahill, &a*es P. and /arcia Cairns, Susan and &e!! Ca*)3ell, Eileen A. and Straun Ca*)3ell, /alcol* S. and Christina Cantu, Adrian Car)enter, Corr3in and Erica Carrisales, -il3ert Case$, Ed and -w$n Case$, &enni!er Cas)er, Sandra O. and 2oland Cellier, Ste)hen E. and &ohnette

Yes No No No No No/Yes No No No/Yes No

No Yes No No/No No/No No/No No No

No No No/No No Yes/$es No/No No/No No/No No No/No

Der3$ Bar Part$ Christ*as O)en 5ouse/Chan.e o! #atch /a$ BYOS Snow "lurries BB( Chicken Snow "lurries BB( Chicken Snow "lurries BB( Chicken &ul$ BYOS 'a% Da$ Bar Part$ +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ "NS &ul$ ,th "ishin. Der3$ &ul$ ,th "ishin. Der3$ 'ent Part$ "NS 5al! #a$ 'o 8'he Ba$8 )art$ Best Sandwich Ever Bur.ers in Paradise Bur.ers in Paradise A)ril BYOS "NS 'a% Da$ Bar Part$ "NS Concert on the deck with snacks /a$ BYOS -reen 6sland BB( Chicken 'ent Part$ Christ*as O)en 5ouse/Chan.e o! #atch 5alloween Bar Part$ /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ 2eco.nition Dinner -ol! Outin. "NS "NS "NS .reen island 339 ri3s 'ent Part$ Childrens Christ*as Part$ "NS 'a% Da$ Bar Part$ 'a% Da$ Bar Part$ "NS - Deck Part$ "NS - /uchos Nachos

Chair Co-Chair Co-Chair

Co-Chair Co-Chair



Cha*3erlin, &i* and 2uth Cherr$, Susan 1. and &a*es Cho9uette, +ori Chra)kiewic:, Patrick and Stasia Christiansen, 2o3ert and /ar.aret Chud$, &ohn and Donna Chura, 2ichard P. and +isa Clark, 1athr$n A. Clawson, &ack C. and De3 Pinkerton Cle*ens, 1enneth A., Sr. and Bar3ara Cle*ons, Donald 1. and Beck$ Clune, &ason Coan, &e!! and &ulie Colston, 'rac$ and 'erri Conte, Sa*uel &. and De33ie Coolid.e, Dennis and &ulie Coon, -ar$ and /ichelle - Chair Cou.hlin, Penne Cover, Dr. Barr$ and /ar$ &o Co$le, Sue Crai., "rederick +. and Christine Crall, 1aren Crone, /ichael and Carol Crosser, &ohn 2. and &ud$ Cul), &ohn 2. and Carol$n Culver, Del and /elinda Coole$ Culver, Del /ichael and /elinda Cuttaia, An.elo and /ar$il$n Dacker*ann, Paul and &eni!er Darr, Dr. &ose)h and Stevie Da$ton, 'ed Deis, /ichael and &ean Denos, -loria Dia:, Dann$ and Beck$ Diels, 'ro$ and /arianne Dill, David A. and Susan Do3nikar, "rank &. and Eli:a3eth Dorn3usch, &e!! and Cassie Dorn3usch, &i* and &o Dorr, 'ho*as /. - Co-Chair Dracka, Charles

No/No No/No $es No/No No/No No/No No/No no/$es No/No No/No No/Yes No/No No/Yes Yes No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No No/Yes No/No No/No No/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No Yes

-reen 6slan. BB( Chicken 5alloween Bar Part$ Cinco De /a$o Octo3er!est /a$ BYOS #inter Brunch /a$ BYOS Co**odores0 Ball Dinner at the Clu3/Sweetest Da$ "NS Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ 'uscan$ S)a.etti Dinner Childrens &ul$ ,th Pool Part$ &ul$ BYOS Cinco De /a$o &ul$ ,th "ishin. Der3$ Snow "lurries Saturda$ Break!ast "NS "e3ruar$ BYOS Snow "lurries Sunda$ Break!ast 'uscan S)a.hetti Dinner #inter Brunch Octo3er!est &ul$ BYOS #inter Brunch 'ent Part$ Childrens Easter Part$ Cinco De /a$o "NS &ul$ ,th "ishin. Der3$ "NS &ul$ ,th -our*et Bur.ers "NS Childrens /ovie Snow "lurries Sunda$ Break!ast -ol! Outin. "NS "NS Snow "lurries BB( Chicken Snow "lurries BB( Chicken /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ /ens Sta.

Chair Co-Chair





Dracka, 1ristina Dracka, 2ud$ E. and Clara Dress, Ellen Cal:onetti and &a*es Drucken*iller, Paul and 1ath$ Drus3ack$, David and &ane Drus3ack$, Donovan -. and Bar3ara Du33ert, David ". and +isa - Co-Chair Due:, #a$ne and Annne Earhart, &ohn and /arti Eden, 1evin Edwards, 2o3ert E., &r. Eickert, Ari and 5edi - Co-Chair Eickert, 2a*on and 1ristin - Co-Chair Eisele, &ero*e 5. and Diane Elias, /ichael A. and Bonnie Este), &. 'i*oth$ and 1ath$ "all, 4ickie S. "aunce, & +oretta "aunce, & +oretta ", 1ent and &en "elter, /ichael &. and Sharon - Chair "inke, 'odd /. and +indi - Co-Chair "it:.erald, Dennis +. and Sharon "it:.erald, Ed "le*in., Allen "li.or, Dennis and Pat ", &ohn and /art$ "oster, Duane and /ar$ &o "o%, D. -re.or$ and Carol "ranck, Dou.las 2. and D Ann "ranck, Dou.las 2. and D Ann "ravel, 2o3ert and 1i* "reed*an, +arr$ and Diane "re$, 1elle$ - Co-Chair "re$, Susan "ro**er, C. and Nanc$ -allo.l$, 'all$ and 1ath$ -ar3er, David and &an -ar3er, David and &an -ar3er, /ichael and +orna -ar3er, /ichael and Sharon

No/No No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/No Yes No/No No/No No/Yes

No/No No/Yes No/Yes No/No No/No

No/No No/No No/No No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/No

Childrens Christ*as Part$ "NS Santa Sur)rises New Years Eve Part$ "NS Artisan Show Concert on the deck with snacks "NS Cinco De /a$o "NS "all #ork Part$ 'ent Part$ /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ Octo3er!est Octo3er!est "NS "NS -reen 6sland Break!ast S)rin. #ork Part$ "NS 'ent Part$ -reen 6sland BB( Chicken Snow "lurries +unch +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ Octo3er!est 'ent Part$ Dinner at the Clu3/Sweetest Da$ Co**odores0 Ball Co**odores0 Ball "NS "NS Octo3er!est Co**odores0 Ball Snow "lurries +unch "NS "NS St Patricks Da$ Bar Part$ "NS Childrens Pool Part$ 1-7 Christ*as Decorations Deco*ission Decorations "NS Dinner at the Clu3/Sweetest Da$


Co-Chair Co-Chair

Chair Co-Chair



-ar3er, #illia* &. and /elod$ -ar3er, #illia* &. and /elod$ -ar:a, Cesar -edeon, &enni!er E. - Chair -eldien, &a*es /. -eor.e, Dr. David 5. and Pat -eor.e, -re. and Alice -i3son, -re.or$ ". and Susan -luth , +inda -luth, &ohn '., &r. and &an -ood, -ar$ -ordon, 2o3ert and /iss$ -ordon, and &o$ce -ottron, Dave and Penn$ -ottron, &ose)h A. and Ann -ottron, /atthew and Sara -ower, Bruce A. and Son$a -reear, /ar$ -reen, &i* and +inda -reene, Carol; and &oe -reunke, Cher$l -ulas, /arlene -ulas, Steve 5a3lit:el, Christine 5a3lit:el, Dr. D. A. 5a3lit:el, Dr. /ichael and Cath$ 5a3lit:el;, Dr. /ark and 'ina 5ackett, 2ichard and &anet 5ansel*an, Sara &. 5ard$, 2and$ and Annette 5ar*an, 'ho*as E. and Sand$ 5arrison, Brooke and 'ravis 5assel3ach, #illia* D. and 1aren 5awk, 5arold ". and Diane - Co-Chair$, +eonard '. and Bar3ara$, +eonard '. and Bar3ara 5edden, -re.. and Cindi 5eiks, &udith A. and 2on 5eil*ann, 1urt 5einsen, 1in. 4ictoria Dr..and Ed 5eld, &ane /. and &ohn S*others


No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No

No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No Yes/Yes No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No

"NS 'ent Part$ Cinco De /a$o "athers Da$ Picnic 'hurs Snacks "NS Childrens &ul$ ,th Pool Part$ Octo3er!est Octo3er!est "NS Co**odores0 Ball Dinner at the Clu3/Sweetest Da$ 5al! #a$ 'o 8'he Ba$8 )art$ "NS "NS Childrens /ovie 'uscan$ S)a.etti Dinner &ul$ ,th -our*et Bur.ers Octo3er!est "NS "NS "all #ork Part$ "all #ork Part$ +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ New /e*3er #elco*e 'uscan S)a.hetti Dinner "NS - /uchos Nachos -reen 6sland BB( 2i3s "NS "NS A)ril BYOS Best Sandwich Ever /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ 'a% Da$ Bar Part$ "NS 'ent Part$ Sou) and Su3 Potluck -reen 6sland Break!ast Childrens Easter Part$ Octo3er!est /a$ BYOS



5erl, &ean 5ershe$, 1enneth and Annie 5er:o., 5orst 5. and Sue 5etrick, /ar$ 5et:el, Dr. 'ho*as and Susan, /ike 5ick*an, 2o3ert &. and 2oseann 5i.h!ield, 2ichard and Bonnie 5ille, 2o3ert &. and &eanie 5ines, 2ichard Scott and Adrienee, 'revor, #illia* 2. and Susie 5ol:a)!el, Scott - Co-Chair 5orn, /att and Shannon 5orn, Ste)hen and Patricia 5ot:, #*. 2. and +$nda 5ouseholder, Sandra -. 5owell, Cli!!ord A. 5owell, Cli!!ord A. 5udak, /ark -Chair 5u*)hress, 5oward 1. 5uston, &ack - Co-Chair 6nsolia, -reta and Chet &ack, #. 2. and Bets$ &ack, #. 2. and Bets$ &adwisiak, &ose)hine &aku3owski, 2ichard ". and Carol &a:ek, Brian and Carolina &ensen, Dale and Nadine - Co-Chair &ilek, #illia* P. and Dotti &ohnson, Ale%andra and &oe &ohnson, Charlie and +i: &ones, Scott and 'erri &ones, Scott and 'erri 1al3, /ark and De3 1ee!er, Susan +. 1eller, /ark D. 1elle$, /ark &. and +isa - Co-Chair 1ell$, Sean P. and A*$ 1illian, Andrew 1na)), 2o3ert and Cher$l

No/No No/Yes No/No

No/No No/No No/No

Yes/Yes No/No No No/No No/No Yes/No

No/No No/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No

"NS -reen 6sland BB( Chicken "e3ruar$ BYOS "NS Artisan Show "e3ruar$ BYOS Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ &ul$ ,th -our*et Bur.ers 2eco.nition Dinner OS Chili Cook-O!! "NS "NS "NS /a$ BYOS "NS /ens Sta. Bur.ers in Paradise Christ*as O)en 5ouse/Chan.e o! #atch 'ent Part$ /ens Sta. 5alloween Bar Part$ "athers Da$ Picnic "NS "athers Da$ Picnic "NS Co**odores0 Ball 'uscan$ S)a.etti Dinner New /e*3er #elco*e Octo3er!est #inter Brunch "NS Childrens Easter Part$ Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ 'ent Part$ Co**odores0 Ball 5al! #a$ 'o 8'he Ba$8 )art$ Concert on the deck with snacks /others Da$ Brunch Cinco De /a$o Childrens &ul$ ,th Pool Part$ #inter Brunch -ol! Outin. "NS




Chair Co-Chair

Co-Chair, -ina and 'race$ 1ocher, &ohn and Cher$l 1oe3el, Carl and /ar$ Anne 1oehler, Dr. &ose)h P. and /ar$ &eanne - Chair 1okinda, 2ichard /. and Diane 1oll*an, 2ichard C. and &udith 1ru)), &ohn 1enneth 1r$nock, Steven A. and De3 - Co-Chair 1$le, 1evin and 1rista 1$le, 2o3ert B., 666 and Denise 1$le, 2o3ert B., &r. and 2u3$ Ann 1$le, #illia* 2. and Ste)hanie +aCourse, Phil and Cath$ +a*3ert, 2a$, &r. and &eanne +a*), Dennis -. and &ud$ +ance, Sher$l Crouch and 1eith, &udith Ann and 2o3ert +arce$, Barr$ #. and 5oll$ +arce$, 'i*oth$ &. and Susan +arce$, #a$ne #. and &oan +ark, &ohn and Diane +auer, &ohn and Alison +a$, Scott #. and /ellanie +eone, 4incent and Su:i +icho!!, +inda and Crai. Solo*on +inder, David and Anita +o.sdon, +awrence and Sara

Yes/Yes No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/No No/Yes Yes/Yes No/Yes No/No No/$es No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/Yes No/No


"NS "NS - /uchos Nachos A)ril BYOS &ul$ ,th "ishin. Der3$ "NS -reen 6sland Break!ast +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ "e3ruar$ BYOS -ol! Outin. "NS "NS "NS "NS +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ -reen 6sland BB( Chicken OS Chili Cook-O!! "NS Childrens Christ*as Part$ "NS Santa Sur)rises "NS /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ Christ*as O)en 5ouse/Chan.e o! #atch -ol! Outin. "NS Best Sandwich Ever &ul$ ,th -our*et Bur.ers 2eco.nition Dinner 'ent Part$ "NS


+ott, 5eather +owe, Ste)hanie +. and Bill +usco*3e, &ohn 5. and Carol /adison, &ohn A. and +ori /a<ce, &ose)h and +$nn /allor$, Christo)her and 1i*3erl$ /arkel, Edward S. and 2oseann /artin, &a$ /asser$, &a*es B. and +inda /a$le, /ichael /a$le, 2onald &. and /ar$ Ellen /cCann, /ar.ot -. /cDonald, &a*ie and &ulie /c6ntire, Christo)her and 2o3in /c6ntire, &ohn and /arcia /c6ntire, 1evin /c6ntire, 'o* and =/ar$>Annette /c1ee, David E. and Sandra /c1inne$, &a*es and &udith /c+aur$, /a% E. and Bar3 /cNell$, David /c2itchie, Park and Nanc$ - Co-Chair /c2itchie, 'ho*as 666 /ehl, Dave and 1ath$ /ehl, Dave and 1ath$ /eikle, &i* and 2onda /eisler, Charles and Eileen /eister, Eric and 2o3erta 2ed!ern /endenhall, -eo!!re$ and Nike /iller, &a*es 6. and Dolores /illikin, +. 1elle$ /illikin, /att and Beth /illikin, 2o3ert and /ar$ /, Dou.las, &r. and +inda /o!!o, Sall$ /oon, #illia* +. /oon, #illia* +. /oore, David B. and &anet /orris, -re. and 2enee /osser, 2o3ert and 'erri /owr$, David C. and 1aren

No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/Yes No/No

No/No No/No No/No No/No

No No/Yes

No/No No/No

No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No



Childrens Pool Part$ 1-7 +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ "NS Artisan Show &ul$ ,th "ishin. Der3$ "NS Co**odores0 Ball "NS 'ent Part$ &ul$ BYOS "NS A)ril BYOS S)rin. #ork Part$ Snow "lurries +unch Co**odores0 Ball 'uscan$ S)a.etti Dinner 'uscan$ S)a.etti Dinner "NS +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ Co**odores0 Ball A)ril BYOS "NS -reen 6sland Break!ast -reen 6sland Break!ast Annual /eetin. Co**odores0 Ball S)rin. #ork Part$ OS Chili Cook-O!! 'ent Part$ "NS /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ "NS "NS &ul$ BYOS Snow "lurries Sunda$ Break!ast "athers Da$ Picnic Co**odores0 Ball "NS -reen 6sland BB( Chicken -ol! Outin. "NS -ol! Outin. "NS "NS




/o$er, Dennis and Beck$ /o$er, 2o3ert 5. and Charline /, /ichael and Annette Ne!!, Darrel and +eslie Nellett, Ste)hen -. and /ar$+ou New 2C and S)ouse - Chair Nickel, Bar3ara Nickel, Steve and &enni!er Nicode*us, &ohn B. and &an Ni.hswander, David +. and /art$ Nilson, #ade and 'ara Nit:, &ack C. and &anis Nit:, /ichael and Carol$n Nit:, /ichael and Carol$n Nit:, /ichael and Carol$n Noonan, 'errence 2. and 'ricia No))er, Charles ". and Nanc$ Patterson O3er.e!ell;, David and Cind$ O3er.e!ell;, David and Cind$ Oh*, -ar$ &. and 1ath$ Os3orn, &a*es. E. and Nanc$ - Co-Chair O%le$, Dr. #alter Pachasa, "red and Dianne Paeth, /atthew +. and 2achell Panuto, Paul and Pa*ela - Chair Pa)cun, &ohn and Bets$ Perl, &e!!re$ O. and -ail Peterson, +isa and +awrence=Dan> Philli))e, &ohn and Annie Philli)s, &o$ce Pinks, /aril$n &. Plu*3, Daniel '. and Susan Price, -ar$ +. and Cind$ Puckett, 'odd and Ann - Co-Chair (uisno, -ar$ and Beck$ 2askosk$, Earl and Dianna 2askosk$, Earl and Dianna 2as*ussen, -ar$ and Su:ie 2ecker, &a*es /. and +isa 2ectenwald, Dennis and +inda 2eich*an, C. /ichael and Andrea

No/No No/No No/No No/Yes Yes/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No

No No No No/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No

No No/Yes No/No No/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No No/Yes No//a$3e No/No No/No No/No

"NS - Deck Part$ "e3ruar$ BYOS Snow "lurries Saturda$ Break!ast "NS - Deck Part$ Annual /eetin. S)rin. #ork Part$ /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ 'a% Da$ Bar Part$ A)ril BYOS 5alloween Bar Part$ 5al! #a$ 'o 8'he Ba$8 )art$ "NS "NS Christ*as Decorations Deco*ission Decorations Childrens &ul$ ,th Pool Part$ New /e*3er #elco*e Christ*as Decorations Deco*ission Decorations A)ril BYOS "e3ruar$ BYOS Bur.ers in Paradise "NS Childrens Easter Part$ /others Da$ Brunch Dinner at the Clu3/Sweetest Da$ "NS Blessin. o! the "leet OS Chili Cook-O!! Concert on the deck with snacks &ul$ ,th -our*et Bur.ers "NS /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ &ul$ ,th -our*et Bur.ers /others Da$ Brunch Der3$ Bar Part$ #ed Snacks Best Sandwich Ever "NS "NS Santa Sur)rises "NS

co-chair Chair

Chair co-chair


2eich*an, Charles E. and 1itt$ 2eineck, Brad and &odi - Chair 2eineck, Dr. &. 'ho*as and Nor*a - Co-Chair 2eineck, Patrick and An.ela 2eineck, Patrick and An.ela - Chair 2einhei*er, &a*es +. and 1ell$ 2einhei*er, /ichael #. and +uAnne 2etti., &ohn and "rances 2e$nolds, /erit 2hode, &ared and A*3er 2hode, 2ichard C. and &anet 2ichards, Ste)hanie 2idener, &i* and Sara 2iech*an, Curt and 'raci 2i:nikove, All$n and Carol - Co-Chair 2o3erts, Ben and &enni!er 2o3inette, /ichael Alan and 'ina*arie - Chair 2odenhauser, &on and Carol$n 2odenhauser, 1evin and Bar3 2od.ers, David and Dina 2odwanc$, Don and 'err$ 2odwanc$, Don and 'err$ 2oot, -il!ord &. and Patricia 2os)ert, /ar$ &o 2os)ert, &e!! and /ar$ &o - Co-Chair 2oth, &e!!er$ and &o$ 2othaar, 2. Dean and Pe. 2owe, Dr 'ho*as and Susan Pren. 2owe, +arr$ D. and -erri 2uckstohl, Cli!! 2u*3all, C$nthia Ann 2usincovitch, &a*es and D& 2$land, Crai. and -inn$ Sart$, David A. and +isa Sava.e, Dr. &ack Scha!!ner, Charles and Sand$ Scher!, Bill and &enn$ Schiller, /. 'odd Schi**el, /ark and 'a**$ Schlotter, And$ and /iss$ Schlotter, And$ and /iss$

No/No No/No Yes/No Yes/Yes No/No Yes/No No/No


No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/No No/$es No/No Yes/Yes No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/No Di!!erent No/No No/No No/No No/Yes No/No

Co**odores0 Ball St Patricks Da$ Bar Part$ /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ Annual /eetin. Childrens /ovie Octo3er!est 2eco.nition Dinner "NS 'ent Part$ 'ent Part$ "e3ruar$ BYOS !ns /e*orial Da$ "ish "r$ Christ*as O)en 5ouse/Chan.e o! #atch 2eco.nition Dinner 2eco.nition Dinner "NS - Deck Part$ 5al! #a$ 'o 8'he Ba$8 )art$ 5al! #a$ 'o 8'he Ba$8 )art$ Childrens Pool Part$ 1-7 Christ*as Decorations Deco*ission Decorations "NS Co**odores0 Ball 'hurs Snacks cinco De /a$o Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ /others Da$ Brunch Co**odores0 Ball "NS "NS "NS Der3$ Bar Part$ 'uscan$ S)a.etti Dinner #inter Brunch "NS Childrens &ul$ ,th Pool Part$ +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ "NS - Deck Part$ 'ent Part$ Co**odores0 Ball

Chair Co-Chair Chair Co-Chair



Der3$ Bar Part$

Serio, Sandra &. and &ose)h Sewell, Christie and 5enr$ Sheal$, Dou. and Cand$ Si*)son, &ohn #. and Beck$ Skinner, /ark and /arsha - Co-Chair Sla.le, Dou. and +ori Slater, David Slo3od:ian, 2o3ert and 2uth, &ohn and Beck$ S*ith, &ean A. and -ar$ S*ith, 1ellen 2. and Corrine S*ith, 1i* and +isa Sneath, &ere*$ Sneider, 1evin +. and Pe..$ - Co-Chair Sneider, 1evin +. and Pe..$ - Co-Chair Sn$der, Dennis and &anet Sn$der, /artha 4o.t and Duane - Chair Sn$der, 2o3ert &. and +inda Soder3er., David and Patricia - Chair Sor.en, Carl and Susan - Co-Chair S)encer, /ike and &essica S)encer, /ike and &essica S)ieldenner, &ohn and Carol$n S)ieldenner, Pete and +isa S)ra.ue, &ero*e and /ara S), +inda and /ark - Co-Chair St., Bill and &ulie Stahl,Connie Ste!ano, &a*es and +ata Ste!ano, &ohn /. and /artha Stevenson, 4ir.inia and /ark - Co-Chair Stierwalt, Dr. 5oward and 1a$ Stil:, Sall$ Belkna) and 2ichard Stine, Cor$ /. and 2enee Su.lio, &ohn O. and Beck$ Suter, 2o3ert S$rowski, &a*es and Beverle$ - Co-Chair S:a3o, Andrea /. and 2onald S:akovits, 2o3ert &. 'au3ken, #illia* O. and Christine 'a$lor, /ichael 2. and Sharen

No/No No/No No/No No/No No/Yes No/No No/No No

No/No No/No No/No No/No No/Yes No/No No/No No/No


Yes/No No/No No/No No/No

No/No No/No no No/No No/No Yes/Yes No/No

Cinco De /a$o Concert on the deck with snacks A)ril BYOS Concert on the deck with snacks Cinco De /a$o Snow "lurries BB( Chicken 'ent Part$ Childrens 5alloween Part$ "NS "NS "NS Artisan Show Christ*as O)en 5ouse/Chan.e o! #atch Co**odores0 Ball -reen 6sland BB( Chicken Childrens 5alloween Part$ New /e*3er #elco*e Childrens &ul$ ,th Pool Part$ "NS OS Chili Cook-O!! Best Sandwich Ever &ul$ ,th -our*et Bur.ers Bur.ers in Paradise -reen 6sland Break!ast Childrens /ovie #ed Snacks "all #ork Part$ "all #ork Part$ New /e*3er #elco*e +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ "NS Cinco De /a$o 'uscan$ S)a.etti Dinner &ul$ ,th "ishin. Der3$ "athers Da$ Picnic /others Da$ Brunch 2eco.nition Dinner "NS Snow "lurries Saturda$ Break!ast Co**odores0 Ball "NS

Chair Co-Chair

Co-Chair co-chair Co-Chair Chair Co-Chair


'a$lor, #illia* &r. and 2honda - Chair 'e33e, &a*es and Darlene 'hatcher, Paul E. 66 and +inda 'ho3er, Diane and Dou.las 'ol!ord, /ark D. and -ail 'ownin., /ike and Erika 'rent, Dale D. and 1i*3erlee - Co-Chair 'rent, &on +ow$ and -ail nderwood, Steve and +isa 4alasek, &a*es 2. and +inda 4ance, 2ichard A. and /onica 4o.t, 2uth 4or$s, Yolanda 4. and Charles S*ith #addell, &a*es P. and Diana #adsworth-Du33ert, De33ie #ahlers, David 2. and Sall$ #aite, Duane and &ulie #aite, Duane and &ulie #aite, +ori #a**es, David and Sharon #a**es, David P. and Sharon #ar.o, +ouis 666 and Nanc$ #arnicke, &. 'odd and /ar.aret - Co-Chair #arnicke, &e!!re$ and &ac9ueline - Co-Chair #arrick, &a*es #. and Dott$ #e33, 'ho*as and Beck$ #ehenkel, #alter C., &r. and Carol #ei3le, Christo)her #. and 1i*3erl$, &a*es and Bar3ara, &ohn A. and +indse$, &ohn 2. and +aurie, /atthew &. and &ulie #icker, &a*es #id*er, &a*es and /ar$Ann #ier:3a, 'ed and &ill, -eor.e #., &r. and Sharon - Chair #il3er, -eor.e - Co-Chair #illia*s, Carol and Phil #illis, /artha +. - Co-Chair #ilson, 2o3ert E. and /a%ine #inters, Bruce A. and Patricia

Yes/No No/No No/No No/No

Yes/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No

No/No No/No No/No Yes/Yes No/$es No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No Yes/Yes No/$es No/$es No/$es No/No No/No

"NS New /e*3er #elco*e "NS - Deck Part$ Christ*as O)en 5ouse/Chan.e o! #atch "NS 'ent Part$ Best Sandwich Ever 'uscan$ S)a.etti Dinner Childrens Christ*as Part$ S)rin. #ork Part$ &ul$ BYOS -reen 6sland Break!ast Cinco De /a$o 'a% Da$ Bar Part$ 2eco.nition Dinner "athers Da$ Picnic "NS Co**odores0 Ball /others Da$ Brunch St Patricks Da$ Bar Part$ "athers Da$ Picnic Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ -reen 6sland BB( Chicken -reen 6sland BB( Chicken /a$ BYOS St Patricks Da$ Bar Part$ "NS "NS "NS &ul$ BYOS &ul$ BYOS Childrens Christ*as Part$ S)rin. #ork Part$ #inter Brunch 'ent Part$ Snow "lurries Sunda$ Break!ast +a3or Da$ "ish "r$ "NS &ul$ BYOS Snow "lurries Sunda$ Break!ast -reen 6sland BB( 2i3s

Chair co-chair

Co-Chair Co-Chair

Co-Chair Co-Chair

Chair Co-Chair co-chair Co-Chair

#inton, #. Patrick and Elaine #irkner, Sharon #ol!e, 'err$ A. and 1ath$ - Co-Chair #oodard, &a*es #. and Carol #ur:el, 'errence &ose)h and Anita Younker, 'i*oth$ /. and Sall$ Yuhas:, #illia* and 1it ?a<ac, #illia* &. and Patti ?a*, An.ela and 'i* ?a*, Diane /. ?a*)etis, Constantine =Dino> and 1ara ?eis, Paul and Sharon ?eit:hei*, Eric and Diane ?eit:hei*, &a*es Scott and &enn$ ?eit:hei*, /arti ?inc, "red and Dawn ?i)!el, &i* and &an ?wierlein, 2on and Cind$

No/No No/No No/Yes No/Yes No/No

No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No No No/No

"NS &ul$ BYOS -reen 6sland Break!ast "NS Snow "lurries +unch "NS 'ent Part$ Co**odores0 Ball childrens Easter Part$ Best Sandwich Ever /ens Sta. A)ril BYOS -reen 6sland BB( Chicken Childrens /ovie #inter Brunch Ca)tains "NS "ish "r$ /ens Sta. 'a% Da$ Bar Part$ New Years Eve Part$ New Years Eve Part$ New Years Eve Part$ New Years Eve Part$ New Years Eve Part$ New Years Eve Part$

co-chair Co-Chair


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