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Global Academy Gazette

May 2, 2014

May 16


May 26th

Dear parents, Mid-term progress reports should arrive at your home soon. We are nearing the end of the year. Please encourage your children to keep up with their routines f reading every night and trying their best in the classroom. Now is also the time to start thinking about schedules and activities for your child during the summer. In the next few issues of my newsletter I will include websites and other activities to keep your children learning and practicing throughout the summer.

NWEA testing is over and the students did a great job. If the children improved their scores by ten points or more they will receive a prize. If they scored ten points or higher on both reading and math tests then they will receive two prizes. GREAT JOB STUDENTS!!!

Reading: Our words for next week are: mouth, house, found, our, out, cloud, ouch, hout, round, count, should, loved. Your child should be reading every night for at least 20 minutes. Parents can also read to their children. Raz-kids login information jaziz0 log on at home and your children can read books online. They can also record their voice and take a quiz about the book they read.!

MATH Unit 8 Two Fives and Tens. Identify, read, write and sequence numbers to 105 and beyond. Begin to count by groups in a meaningful ways. Gain fluency with 2-addend combinations of 10 Counting on from a known quantity Counting and keeping track of amounts up to 60


Contact information:
Reading A-Z Math worksheets *Read for 20 minutes each night. All homework given on Friday is due on Tuesday.

Email is the best, as I check my email frequently. "#$%&'(#)%)*+,-.#,#&#/'01(23! Phone: 763-404-8200 ! !

Minnesota Zoo

Check out my web page for more pictures from our trip.

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