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September 4 September 7, 2012 Home !

$lthou%h some o" the children would lo&e to ha&e homewor , there is no mandatory homewor in 'inder%arten( )rom time to time * may send home an acti&ity that * would li e sent bac to school( +his section o" the newsletter, ,Home -onnections. %i&es suggestions o" acti&ities that you may want to complete with your child, but they are optional( $rran%e a play date "or your child with one o" his/her classmates#

0e will also ha&e wee ly 1ath Home 2in s, more in"ormation to "ollow(

Our Schedule As many of you know our school follows an A-F rotating schedule. Here is our current schedule, however there maybe be some changes in the following weeks. I will let you know if anything changes: A: Music (Mr. Ryan) B: Computers (Ms. Fitch) C: Art (Mrs. Kusner) D: No special E: Health (first half of the year, Ms. Gurley) Library (second half of the year, Mrs. R) F: Gym (sneakers please! Mrs. Cavaioli) We would love to have a parent volunteer to attend art, computers, library and health with the children. Please contact our room mom Susan Unger (Vinces mom) if you are interested. Thanks!

Whats Happening We had a wonderful week of school! Your children are cooperative, well mannered, actively involved in learning, and best of all, happy. We feel that this is a good indication that we are off to a great year in Kindergarten! We are currently working on building a classroom community. The children are quickly getting to know each other and the school routines. We have been singing songs that help the children practice saying their own name and learning the names of their new friends. t is always nice to see how naturally children are able to quickly develop new friendships. strongly encourage arranging play dates for your child with his or her classmates to help in the building of our community. The children are ad!usting nicely and we are pleased with the progress that they are all making!

Thank you! Thank you! We would like to thank everyone for all of the fantastic art supplies that were sent in with your children! We are looking forward to using them throughout the year. All of these items will be shared with the whole class. We may also need some other supplies donated as the year goes on, items such as: tissues, ziplock bags, hand sanitizer, Lysol and Clorox wipes. I will let you know. Thanks in advance!


September 18 Open House here in our classroom September 28 Early Release, children should bring or buy lunch and buses leave at 12:15, the children will also need a snac , any !uestions about lunch please call the o""ice, than s#

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