Song For The Soul Flyer

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Intuitive Music by Judy Olson and Deb Jennings

A Song for the Soul is

a wonderful gift to
yourself, a friend or a
loved one, particularly
for the person who has
everything. They wont
have one of these!

Judy and Deb offer the
Song for the Soul in
private sessions, in per-
son or via distance, for
couples, families, in
small groups, for busi-
nesses, workshops and

For more information,
or to schedule your
Song for the Soul

Email celestialsoundsdj

Call Deb at 515-306-8105
Call Judy at 515-255-5933

Fees start at

By Celestial Sounds
Using intention and intuitive connections, (both
yours and theirs), Judy and Deb create your very own
Song for the Soul, the song your soul needs at this time.
This melody of your heart and soul helps you strengthen
your connection with your inner Divine Self. The music is
created in the moment and has the vibration and fre-
quency of the Divine flowing through it.

Use your Song for the Soul for meditation, relaxation,
inspiration, setting intentions, creating the mood for the
day, getting in touch with your heart and souls purpose
and desires, raising the vibrations and clearing the en-
ergy in a space, a transformational tool, assistance and
support in a difficult situation, and personal healing.

The Song for the Soul can be created in person or over
a distance. You have a choice of receiving your song or
sending your gift on a CD or as an mp3.

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