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If youve ever had a desire to play the Native American flute,

this is your opportunity.

The Native American flute is a fun, easy instru-
ment to play. Few instruments give voice to the
music inside you the way the Native American
flute can. Its beautiful, haunting sound con-
nects with the very core of your being, whether
you are listening or playing. Often called the
Love Flute, it is designed to connect with your
heart and give voice to its songs. The Lakota
style love flute is easy to play, lightweight and
easy to take with you wherever you go. It sounds especially beautiful in natural sur-
roundings and often its sound will elicit answers from loons, coyotes, wolves and
other of natures creatures. Every flute is unique, having its own voice and person-
ality. Learning to play a flute is like developing a loving friend-

Judy Olson was born on the plains of South Dakota near the
Standing Rock Reservation. She has always been drawn to
all things Native American. She discovered the Native Ameri-
can flute in the early 2000s. Since then she has taught her-
self to play then developed a love for the instrument that lead
her to sell flutes and give lessons, as well as playing for pub-
lic appearances of all kinds.

No previous musical experience is neces-
sary. Parents and children or grandparents and children can
have fun learning how to play together.

Call Judy at 515-255-5933
email judithfolson@hotmail.com

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