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Com 2150-Intercultural Communication

Service Learning Proposal

Community Partner: English as a Second Language
Project Plan: Starting 02/04/2014 I will be attending the English as a Second Language
class and will be set up to be a tutor in the class. ! "ob will consist o# helping the other
students in the class with enunciation and proper gra$$ar in the English language.
Civic Engagement: ! de#inition o# civic engage$ent would be to basicall! "u$p in
and do an!thing !ou can to help the co$$unit! !ou%re personall! apart o#.
Personal Culture: I a$ a part o# the &.'.S.P. ( group. I a$ a #ather o# 4 children) at
*1 !ears old) divorced) and a girl#riend. I don%t +uite #it the nor$ #or the geographical
location) but that%s $e.
Culture Group(s): I will be wor,ing with $ultiple culture groups #ro$ around the
world. -his is an e.citing and new adventure #or $e to be this involved with other
Callenges: /# course the language will be one o# the largest barriers that I will co$e
across during the entire ti$e over this course. So #ar I have #ound that there are cultures
#ro$ all around the world. 0asicall! *0 students rando$l! pic,ed. So this will be +uite a
productive se$ester.
!ene"its: It will be good to understand the hu$ilit! it ta,es to learn another language as
I have been there $!sel# when learning one. 's well as it will help $e the patience to
deal with a slow process o# learning another language) especiall! on as tough as the
English language.

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