A Tribute To Isai Baba

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Swamy Aji Dev, C.M.I A Tribute To Isai Baba A priest of Christ, so learned and wise Half-clad in saffron, is simple and nice; Bare-foot he walks and warmly he talks, Sits on the floor and sleeps on the rocks. To serve those in need is his mission in deed And this is his creed else he has no greed; Chanting God’s praises the dead ones he raises And herbs he uses for difficult cases. A radiant face and a heart full of grace, Daily he prays for the whole human race; Truly a priest of the last and the least; He is ready to greet them down in the street. Friends and the foes, both pour out their woes His own life shows, the true way he knows; A friend and a guide, he takes no one’s side; Humble and mild, he is pure as a child. A friend of the poor and love is his pow’r Braves sun and the shower, tall as a tow’r; A welcome smile and a heart without guile A simple life-style seems heaven a while.

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