Week 11 Study Guide Lecture

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Week 11 – Lecture

A. Expected Learning Outcomes of the Lesson

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Express agreement, disagreement, and reservation

 Use appropriate expressions for discussions (listen actively, exchange opinions, taking
turns, dealing with a problem, stating priorities, and asking for opinions)

B. Suggested Learning Activities for Lecture 11

 Project Task A (Research Essay) Due
 More Useful Expressions for Successful Discussions (Worksheet 10)
 Discussion practice

C. Supplementary Learning Activities

 More resources available at the PolyU ELC website:
o Brainstorming Expressions <http://elc.polyu.edu.hk/cill/eap/brainstorming.htm>

D. Useful Resources
 Online Practices at CELTE <http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/celte/multimedia/ease/>
o Seminar Skills 2: Discussions (Sample Activity 1 and 2)

C C204 0 E ng lis h for Acad e mi c S t udie s ( He al th Ca re) – S tudy Guid e

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