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Lesson Plan: Music

NAME: Yvonne Freese DATE: 1/24/12

Activity Name: You are my sunshine, learning the beat

Grade Level: 1

Major Concepts: Finding both the macro and micro beat. Pulsing the song.

Materials and Resources: Youtube, SD music standards.

Rationale: To teach them a simple while inadvertently teaching them how to find a
macro and micro rhythm

Objectives: (Standards are general - National and/or State)
Standards: SD and National Music standards

Behavioral or Observable Objectives: (behavioral objectives are specific and
As a result of this activity students will; be able to distinguish different way to
pick apart the beat. Slow, medium and fast beats in the song.

Assessment: How will you know what the children learned? Relate this to your
We will be able to see how they move to the music and how quickly they are able to pick
up on a simple song.

Procedure: Slow=turtle, Medium= Centipede, Fast=Seal

Anticipatory Set: We welcome you to music class song

Teaching Strategies: Relating animals to the tempo of the song.

Closure: Students will choose their favorite animal and act it for the final playing
of the song.

Modifications for special needs or cultural differences: If a student is in a wheelchair
for the slow tempo he can use his arms and for the average tempo he can tap the beat.

Classroom discipline/management: If somebody is misbehaving sit and watch
everyone else have fun

Classroom organization (small groups, teacher-directed, centers)- The teacher will lead
by example in front of the large group.

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