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!""#$%&'%( *#(+': School of Communication Stuuies Stoiy on Intein anu Piacticum

!""#$%&'%( ,-./'0( 1'"0-#2(#.%: Ny iesponsibilities foi this assignment incluueu
cieating a stoiy angle, making contact souices to inteiview anu wiitingeuiting a
stoiy suiiounuing all the Communication Stuuies stuuents involveu with a
piacticum oi inuepenuent stuuy thiough the School of Communication Stuuies.

!""#$%&'%( 3.4+"5 To highlight this semestei's piacticum anu inuepenuent stuuy
stuuents thiough jouinalism anu maiketing.

6'7+'0(#.%"5 I hanuleu this assignment by cieating a list of questions on the
stuuent's inteiests, accomplishments anu futuie goals. I also askeu them what
inteiesteu them in theii position with the School of Communication Stuuies. The
next thing I uiu was set-up anu conuuct inteiviews. The last thing I uiu was wiite the
stoiy, give it to my supeivisoi foi ievision anu make the necessaiy euits befoie
posting it thioughout Tayloi Ball.

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