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WWII Home front Acrostic Poem

You will be assigned one of the following words. Use your textbook at the assigned pages &
your phones or netbooks to research additional information. Create an acrostic poem that
explains the essence of the WWII home front. For example, if your word was Rosie the Riveter,
your poem should sum up the idea of women in the workforce and all that that entails, but could
also include other home front ideas. Words should have a direct connection to home front lesson
(i.e. using exciting for the letter E is no acceptable.) When everyone is finished, we will share our poems with
the class.

Rationing p. 449
War Production Board p. 450
Price Controls p. 451
Government Issue (GIs) p. 452
Rosie the Riveter p. 456
Womens Army Corps p. 457
Double V Campaign p. 458
Tuskegee Airmen p. 458
War Refugee Board p. 460-461

Neatness __/10
Creativity __/10
Work is complete & turned in on time __/10
Students work reflects an understanding of the home front __/20

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