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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Perva Andreea

School: Grupul Scolar Sanitar
Classes: 9th grade
Date: 17th of April 200
Te!t"oo# : Going for Gold
$esson Topic: %& 'ero (
Ti)e: *0 )in
Anticipated pro"le)s: Ss+ )a& "e reluctant to spea#
$esson ai)s:
to loo# for specific infor)ation,
to ans-er .uestions "ased on a te!t,
to practice spea#ing s#ills
to practice -riting s#ills
%aterials: te!t"oo#s
%ethods: conversation/ e!planation/ e!a)ple
Activit& 1 : 0ar)1up
Ai) : to introduce the topic
Procedure : T+ -rites on the ""+ the follo-ing state)ents :
'e co)es fro) the planet 2r&pton+
'e -or#s in a cit& called %etropolis+
'e -or#s for a ne-spaper+
'e is ver& strong and can even fl&+
Ss+ tr& to guess the character+ After that/ T+ as#s ss+ to open their "oo#s on page *2 and to
loo# at the pictures and have a short discussion+
3nteraction : T+1Ss+
Ti)ing : *4
Activit& 2 : 5eading
Ai) : to loo# for specific infor)ation
Procedure : T+ as#s ss+ to s#i)1read the te!t and then to choose an option fro) e!+ 2+
After ss+ give the ans-er/ T+ as#s the) to close their "oo#s and to -rite do-n the
follo-ing : * nouns/ * ad6ectives and * ver"s fro) the te!t+ T+ e!plains ss+ that this
e!ercise is )eant for the) to to "e a-are of ho- )uch infor)ation the& see# on+ After
that/ ss+ are as#ed to open their "oo#s and see if the& -ere correct+ %oreover/ to see of
the ss+ got the )eaning of the te!t/ the& are as#ed to do e!ercise 7 on page *7+
3nteraction : T+1Ss+8 individual -or#
Ti)ing : 204
Activit& 7 : Spea#ing
Ai) : to i)prove their spea#ing s#ills
Procedure : Ss+ are as#ed to ans-er the follo-ing .uestions :
Do &ou #no- an& other heroes 9
0h& do &ou thin# superheroes are so popular 9 Could the& "e ta#en as
role )odels in life 9
0hich superheroes are )ost popular in &our countr& 9
3nteraction : -hole class
Ti)ing : 104
Activit& : : 0riting
Ai) : to practice their -riting s#ills
Procedure : Ss+ are as#ed to invent a superhero+ The& are given specific details :
;a)e :
Age :
%ale8<e)ale :
Single8%arried :
Purpose in life :
3nteraction : individual -or#
Ti)ing : 104
Activit& * : Assigning the ho)e-or#
Procedure : Ss+ are as#ed to )a#e up a stor& "ased on the hero the& created during the
-riting activit&
Ti)ing : *4

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