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Sean Kelly
Rebecca Miner
English 2010
21 February 2014

South Davis Recreation Center

The South Davis Recreation Center (SDRC or the Center) is a comprehensive, not for
profit, no frills recreation center whose facilities, services and users seek basic services at
reasonable cost as opposed to many users of higher end recreational gyms and facilities. For a
membership it costs $275 dollars for an individual membership and $350 for a yearly family
membership. They also have a very affordable childcare that costs $2.50 an hour. SDRC forms a
community of users, primarily from South Davis County, who participate in wide variety of
activities and events designed to serve the needs of wide variety of users of widely differing
interests and economic status. Most users come from the communities of Bountiful, Woods
Cross, West Bountiful, North Salt Lake, and Centerville.
While SDRC is comparable to other gyms it is also substantially different in many
significant ways. SDRC facilities are much more comprehensive than those of its competitors. Its
users and members are generally much different. Because recreation centers and gyms slightly
differ in purpose. They seem to have a much wider range of interests and recreational needs
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and seem to be more economically diverse than the users of competing facilities. I also see
great differences in the attitudes of people who are attracted to the two types of facilities.

Local Competitors
Coexisting with SDRC in the same geographical area are several competing for profit
gyms whose services and clientele live side by side with SDRC users. SDRC is centrally located
north to south about midway between the Davis County portion of North Salt Lake and North
Centerville. It is centrally located east to west between the Bountiful Bench and the western
borders of West Bountiful, which borders the eastern shore of the Great Salt Lake. In Bountiful
gym goers can select from among Planet Fitness, Golds Gym, Skills Fitness, Anytime Fitness,
and Cross Fit. In Centerville there are Cross Fit, GPP Fit and Curves. In addition there are some
apartment complexes and many households that have their own fitness centers. So what is it
that attracts users to SDRC? What are the reasons people pass other competing gyms on the
way to SDRC?

SDRC delivers in a single location a wide variety of differing athletic and recreational
opportunities. It has the typical equipment found in competing facilities consisting of a wide
variety of exercise machines, free weights, locker rooms, showers and restrooms, and the basic
snack bar. But SDRC has facilities which are unmatched by any of its competitors. For example,
SDRC has the only ice sheet for hockey, figure skating and recreational skating for all ages. It has
three Olympic swimming pools, one indoor recreation pool complete with water slides, tree
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house, and a lazy river, which is an artificial river flowing through a concrete channel, and large
hot whirlpool and a steam room. In addition, the Center has an outdoor pool for summer

Internet image. SDRC swim meet . Internet image. SDRC ice sheet.
use complete with a pirate ship for children, and for adults who still think they are children.
SDRC has two full size indoor gyms for basketball, one of which is also set up for pickle ball,
volleyball and a variety of other uses. In addition, it has five racquetball courts, one of which
serves double duty as a wallyball court. It has a 1/9 mile, cushioned indoor track. It has a party
room for member or community parties and a large, covered outdoor pavilion. SDRC also has a
dedicated spinning room and a large wood-floored room for exercise classes. The snack bar
serves candy bars, popcorn, hotdogs and other items considered taboo at its competitors.
There is a large, well-utilized child care center. People who work here are mostly students and
not more sophisticated sales people or exercise consultants.
Competing local gyms typically have facilities restricted to a variety of exercise machines, free
weights, a room for exercise classes and small juice bar. Some have tanning beds, small stores
that sell nutritional supplements and some exercise clothing, and private rooms for sales or
exercise program consultation. Some of these facilities have a small child care center. The juice
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bar serves high end, expensive juice, protein and supplement shakes. You can buy a variety of
protein and exercise enhancement supplements at the counter. The staff consists mostly of
competent sales people, whose motivation is different than that of the staff at SDRC.
Obviously SDRC has by far the most comprehensive and diverse array of facilities. No
competing gym can come close to matching the variety of recreational facilities and equipment
offered by SDRC. But SDRC caters to a different crowd. Children and most of the parents at
SDRC do not seem to have a lot interest in supplement-rich shakes.

Activities and Events
SDRC is much more than just a gym. Its purpose seems directed to bringing the
community together in a large range of recreational activities. Like its competitors it offers
classes in Pilates, Zumba, step aerobics, boot camp, yoga, spinning and dance, among others.
But, unlike the activities of its competitors, its activities and events go year round and include a
great variety of options. It also offers a huge number of recreational activities no other gym
offers and which extend beyond its members to users of the entire community and beyond.
SDRC sponsors sports teams and/or programs and games in hockey, basketball, baseball,
swimming, racquetball, triathlons, figure skating, volleyball, softball, dance and even an Easter
egg hunt. At times the facility can be rented in its entirety by large groups. SDRC embraces and
attempts to include the community, while its competitors seem to thrive on exclusivity.

Issues of Status and Visibility
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I have noticed that the parking lots of SDRCs competitors seem to have many more
luxury vehicles than does the Center. I remember seeing the rare BWM or Mercedes in the
SDRC parking lot in the years since it was completed, unlike the vehicles that are prevalent at
competing gyms. Rather, I see a lot of more modest vehicles, including a lot of minivans,
Suburbans and larger family cars, many of these definitely not the latest models. The police
work out at SDRC, and so, there are often 2-3 police cars parked outside. Occasionally I see a
number of school buses that bring high school swimmers to events scheduled at the Centers
pools. I see a lot of kids at the SDRC who use the pools, ice rink, and basketball courts.

Internet image. Everyone is welcome. Internet Image. SDRC entrance at night.
SDRC users do not seem to be overly concerned about appearance. I do not notice the colorful
workout attire that I have seen at more prestigious gyms. There are almost never any form-
fitting, lycra body suits from Adidas or Nike. People at SDRC seem to wear stuff that they pull
from their closets. Tops rarely match shorts, especially among men. Women do not appear to
spend a lot of time with their hair and makeup before they arrive, as I have observed at other
gyms. Users at SDRC can show up Monday through Thursday as early as 4:30 AM, and some are
there until 11:00 PM when it closes. Friday and weekend hours are shorter. There are few
people to impress with fancy outfits and makeup at those hours of the day. It is apparent to me
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that almost no one there at SDRC is there to put on a fashion show for admirers. And, children,
for the most part, are not welcome to use the facilities, except those of the child care unit.

The atmosphere, the staff and the facilities at the South Davis Recreation Center are
friendly to and inclusive of people of all ages, all economic levels, and all types of body
configurations. Cost of membership at competing gyms for bare bones access only to
equipment can be less expensive than at SDRC. But no gym competes with the Center on cost
when access to the huge selection of pools, courts, classes, weight lifting equipment, steam and
whirlpool are included. I see a lot of elderly people lifting weights and walking on the indoor
track. I see mothers pushing strollers with infants inside on the track and some elderly men or
women pushing wheelchairs of their spouses or friends on the same track, while faster runners
and walkers pass them by. Its users are not sensitive to gym high fashion. There is a much lower
percentage of users with well sculpted bodies. People there do not seem to compete with one
another based of what they drive to the gym or wear inside it. I have often been helped by
strangers while lifting weights and did not have a spotter with me. I have returned the favor to
others on many occasions. SDRC is a place for everyone. There is no need to fear that your
body, or your clothing, or your kids, or your age, or your means of transportation will make you
inferior to any other participant. The facilities are great, and you are welcome there.

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References and Images (Golds Gym)

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