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Lesson Plan - Breakfast

Developed by Melissa Perry

Approved by Pamela Silko MS, RD, LD
Date 10/31/13
Project Montomery !o"nty #$!
%&P$!' %(e importance o) break)ast and *(at makes "p a complete break)ast
%AR+,%,D A-D$,.!,' !aretakers o) #$! participants /c(ildren and in)ants0
L,.+%1 &2 PR,S,.%A%$&.' 10314 min"tes )or participants to revie* display board,
complete activity and ask 5"estions to (ealt( pro)essional
16 &bjective/,7pected &"tcome'
Participant *ill be able to determine some reasons o) *(y break)ast is important
Participant *ill be able to determine *(at is incl"ded in a balanced break)ast
Participant *ill be able to determine t(e e))ects o) not eatin a (ealt(y break)ast
86 !ontent
#elcomin participants and introd"ction
%opic /$mportance o) 9reak)ast0
See display board
i6 Reasons )or *(y break)ast is important
ii6 #(at makes "p a balanced break)ast
iii6 %(e e))ects o) not eatin a (ealt(y break)ast
Lesson 5"estions and comments
Post3session eval"ation /5"i:0 and *rap "p
36 Practice Activities'
;Did t(e rabbit or t"rtle eat t(is break)ast<=
>6 %eac(in Materials and Met(ods
Display board
1ealt(y ,atin )or Presc(oolers /MyPlate0 1ando"t
2ood Maic ? ,neri:e @o"r 9rain 1ando"t
46 ,val"ation Met(ods
Berbal 5"i: /alon *it( (ando"t0 iven by (ealt( pro)essional or 5"i: completed
correctly i) (ealt( pro)essional not available

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