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!""#$%&'%( *#(+': To ieuesign the awaiuscholaiship boaiu outsiue of my office.

!""#$%&'%( ,-./'0( 1'"0-#2(#.%: To iefiesh the boaiu anu make suie people
know it's a uiffeient uisplay. 0nfoitunately, I uon't have a befoie photo of the boaiu,
but it ieally impioveu. I also uesigneu the flyeis using Niciosoft Publishei.

!""#$%&'%( 3.4+"5 To highlight the acauemic achievements of the stuuents in the
6'7+'0(#.%"5 I hanuleu this assignment within an houi oi two. I useu the school
colois, blue anu yellow, as a theme foi the boaiu.

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