بيبلوغرافية لنهر دجلة

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) .(Bibliography )
( ) (1
) ( .
) (
" .
) (2




) (3) (4)





) (679
) (

) (1850 ). (1994


.1 ) ( ) (
)( :

.2 )( : .
)( :

-11/ ) (
)( :
-4/ )

) ( .
-3 )( ) (a ). (The
-4 :

" -228 :
" / 117 :
) (1988 .
. [
)(] .
" -337
" / 197 :
) (1982 .
- i .
-ii ) (377 .
) ( ) (001
) (679 .
-7 )(
" -021
116 : ) (1994 .


Al-Jebouri :
Al-Juburi .Al-Jiburi

-1 Aquatic Life
i ii- - iii -2 Ecology &Limnology
-3 sediment, Suspended load & silt

-5 Water Purification & treatment

-6 Pollution
-7 Geology

-8 Irrigation & Drainage

A- Main River Body

-4 & Discharge, Floods


-9 Water resources &Water Supply

-10 Water Quality

-1 ) ( Marshes

-2 )( Lakes & Dams

-3 ) (
Secondary Tributaries

Rivers Subsidiaries

-11 ) ( Miscellaneous

-4 )( )
( Main Tributaries

) (1
Figure (1): shows references arrangement way

-1 " " ) (5

- . 184 :
. (1977)
-2 " "

. 108 :
-3 " "

: . (1988) 65-49
4- Al-Sinawi, Sahil A. and Al-Yasi, Ameen I. Bibliography on the
Geology of Iraq. Part III. Iraqi J. Sci., Vol. 24, no. 2: pages 179189 (1983).
5- Zangana, F. M. The status of hydatid disease in Iraq through a
comprehensive bibliographic study concerning Iraqi contribution in
this field First scientific symposium on hydatid disease, college of
medicine, Baghdad-Iraq (1989).

A restricted bibliography on Tigris River


Related publications in Iraq up to (1994)

B. A. Basheer Al-Nima
University of Mosul, College of Sciences, Department of Biology

The resent bibliography includes 679 titles of books, papers and
theses related to the great river Tigris and its subsidiaries within Iraq
border published between (1850-1994). These references were
collected, mainly, from Mosul University libraries, however, some of
them gained by personal communications. They are belonging to
different branches of science correlated, in one way or other, with the
river as (Hydrology, Geology, Ecology, Geography etc.)
All references were divided to two main groups A and B: group
(A) includes those related to the main river body from Pesh-Khabure to
its confluent with Euphrates river at Qurna, while group (B) includes
those related to rivers subsidiaries as (lakes, marshes, irrigation canals
etc.). Group A references were classified according to the following
specialization (1) Aquatic life (Bacteria, Animals and plants)
(2)Ecology and Limnology (3) Sediment, Suspended load and slit (4)
Discharge, Floods and Hydrology (5) water purification and Treatment
(6) pollution (7) Geology (8) Irrigation and Drainage (9) Water
resources and Water supply (10) Water quality (11) Miscellaneous
(Management, Economy, History, Geography and Navigation. Group
(B) on the other hand, were further divided into the following four subgroups (1) The Marshes (2) The lakes (3) The secondary tributaries (4)
The five main tributaries (i.e) Khabure, Lesser and Greater Zab,
Adhaim and Diyala river. Each one of these sub-groups contains all the
specialization of group (A).
An author index was added after the bibliography.




1- Introduction
2- About present Bibliography
3- Way of References arrangement
4- References
(A) Main River Body
1- Aquatic life
i- The Bacteria
ii- The Animals
iii- The Plants
2- Ecology & Limnology
3- sediment, Siuspended load & silt
4- Discharge, Floods &Hydrology
5- Water Purification & treatment
6- Pollution
7- Geology
8- Irrigation & Drainage



10- Water Quality


11- Miscellaneous

9- Water resources &Water Supply

(B) Subsidiaries


1- Marshes



2- Lakes & Dams

3- Secondary Tributaries
4- Main Tributaries
5- References


6- English Summary

- The Main :
River Body
-1/ A/1- Aquatic Organisms :
i-1/ The Bacteria

" " -001

(1980) 71-61 : 2 12
" " -002
) 146 :
. (1978
" -003
. (1986) 91 :
004-Bacterial density and related Hydrological parameters of Tigris
water within Baghdad, J. water resources, Vol. 5, No. 1 (1986),
Abdul Rahman, Muna; Al-Ansari, N. and Al-Falluji, M.
005-Bacterial pollution of the river Tigris, J. of Environ. Scien. And
Health Part A Environm. Scien. And Engin. Vol. A 25, No.
5:Pages 495-504 (1990), Khalaf, S. H.
006-Comparative study of bacterial density and suspended
concentration of Tigris and Diyala water, J. Water Resources, Vol.
5, No. 1 (1986), Abdul Rahman, Muna; Al-Ansari, N. and AlFalluji, M.
007-Effect of prechlorination on bacterial removal efficiency: case
study on Al-Rasheed water treatment plant, The 2nd Scien. Conf.
Of Saddam dam Res. Cent., Univ. of Mosul: pages 239-249 (1990),
Al-Masri, N. A.; Alawi, A. J. and Al-Delaimi, H.
008-Effect of mineral water of Hammam Al-Aleel on the viability of
bacteria, Environmental Protection Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3:
Pages 259-262 (1978), Al-Zubaidi, T. S; Mahmood, T. A and
Mahran A.
009-Microbial quality of Fresh water from the Tigris and the Euphrates
and Habbaniya and Thirthar lakes, Iraqi J. of Science, Vol. 28,
No. 3-4: Pages 445-461 (1987), Ali, A. I. And Al-Delaimy, K. S.
010-Note on antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in adult Man. Raw
sewage and sewage-polluted river Tigris in Mosul, Nineva,
Journal of Applied bacteriology JABAA4, Vol. 9, No. 6: Pages
513-518 (1985), Al-Jebouri, M. M. and Al-Meshhadani, N. S.
011-Note on antibiotic-resistant in the bacterial flora of raw sewage
and sewage-polluted river Tigris in Mosul, Iraq, Journal of Applied
bacteriology JABAA4, Vol. 58, No. 4: Pages 401-405 (1985), AlJebouri, M. M.
012-Seasonal variation in bacterial pollution of Tigris river in Mosul
district, Ind. J. Comp. Microbiol. Immunol. Infect. Dis., Vol. 5
No. 1: Pages 4-8, (1984), Khalaf, S. H.
013-Studies on faecal streptococci in the river Tigris, Microbios 57:
Pages 99-103 (1989), Khalaf. S. H. and Muhammad, A. M.

014-Survival of some faecal indicator Bacteria in drinking water, J.

Environ. Sci. Health, A 17 (6): Pages 789-796, (1982), Jazrawi, S.
F. and Al-Hindawi, A. K.
370) : (401
)Look, also, references No.: (370 & 401

ii-1/ A/1-ii The Animals :

" -015 "

546 : ) (1977 .
" -016 " 406 :
) (1977 .
" -017 " :
358 ) (1984 .
" -018 "
) (1987
" -019 Cryptobia
) (1990
" -020 "
) (1990
116 : ) (1994 .
" -022 Barbus
xanthopterus "
11 :1 (1979) 197-181 ""
" -023 )( "
) (1985
" -024
:3 (1991) 8-5 .
" -025
) (1987 .
" -026 )
( (Barbus luteus (heckel "(Silurus triostegus (Heckel
) (1974 .


" -027 ) ( )
(Heteropneustes fossilis (bloch 1797
" )(1990
" -028
" 23 : 3 ) 14-9
(1991 .
" -029 " )(1962-1960
" -030 (Alburnus capitio (Heckel, 1843
" ) (
) 20( : 4 (1993) 31-21
" -031
) (1993
" -032 "
242 : ) (1982 .
" -033 "

) (1992 .
" -034
) (1987
035- Alburnus pallidus as a new host record for the plerocercold of
Ligula intestinalis (L.), Mesopotamia J. of Agric, Vol. 21, No. 1:
pages 41-45 (1989), Mero, W. M. S. and Saleem, K. M.
036- Association of invertebrates in the Euphrates and Tigris rivers at
Falluja and and Baghdad, Iraq, Archiv. Fur Hydrobiologie, 106:
Pages 337-350 (1986), Muhammed, Murad B., M.
037- A bibliography on the vertebrate fauna of Iraq. 4. Fishes: 31
pages (1955), Allouse, B. E.
038- A bling fish from Iraq related to Garra. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,
Vol. 12, No. 8: pages 551-555 (1955), Trewavas, E.
039- The Ciliates population in river Tigris, J. Biol. Scien. Res. Vol.
20, No.2: Pages 299-312 (1989), Sabri, Anmar W.
040- Comparative study of two populations of cladocerans in the
Tigris and Diyala river at Baghdad, J. Biol. Scien. Res. Vol. 19,
No. 1: Pages 117-128 (1988), Mangalo, Hana H. and Akbar, Manal


041- A contribution to the fauna of the river Tigris, Ann. Mag. Nat.
Hist., Vol. 14, No. 4: pages 36-38 (1874), Gunther, A.
042- Diet patterns of feeding in Heteropneustus fossilis from southern
Iraq, Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 106 (6): Pages 614-616 (1977), AlDaham, N. K; Sarker, a. L. and Bhatti, M. N.
043- Diplozoon Kasimii new species from a fresh water teleost fish
Cyprinion macrostomus (Heckel), Bull. Biol. Res. Cent., Vol. 12,
No.1, (1985), Rahemo, Z. I. F.
044- Ecological studies on rotifera (Aschelminthes) in the river Tigris,
Iraq, Acta Hydrobiological (Cracow) AHBPAX, Vol. 30, No.
314: Pages 367-379 (1989), Sabri, A. W.
045-Eine neue cypriniden-Art aus dem Tigris, Anz. Akad, Wiss.
Wien, math. Nat. KI., 50: Pages 93-95 (1913), Pietschmann, V.
046- First record of Diplozoon barbi Reichenbach- Klinke, 1951 from
some fish from Tigris river, Zanco, Vol. 2, No. 3: Pages 5-15
(1989), Rasheed, A-R, A-M.
047- Fishes of Iraq, Ministry of Education, Baghdad: 82 Pages
(1962), Mahdi, N.
048- Fishes of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, In reference No. 139
of the present Bibliography titled (Tigris and Euphrates
Mesopotamia Ecology and Destiny) (1980), Banister, K. E.
049- Fishes of the Tigris and Euphrates basin: a critical checklist
Syllogeus, 68: Pages 1-49 (1991), coad, B. W.
050- A guide to the fresh water fishes of Iraq, Bull. Basrah, Nat. Hist.
Mus. Pub. No. 1: 126 pages (1976), Al-Nasiri, S. K. and Shamsul
Hoda, S. M.
051- Histomorphology of the caudal nurosecretory system and
urophysis of the freshwater teleost, Chondrostoma regius
Heckel., Zool. Jb. Anat., 109: pages 396-406 (1983), Gorgees, N.
S. and Rahemo, Z. I. F.
052- Helminth parasites of some teleost fishes from river Tigris,
Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 23, No. 3: pages 9-14
(1991), Rahemo, Z. I. F. and Ami, S. N.
053- Index-Catalogue of parasites of fishes of Iraq, impress (1994)
Mhaisen, F. T.
054- The ichthyofauna of Iraq and the Arab Gulf: A Checklist. Bull.
Basrah Nat. Hist. Mus. Publ. No. 4: 102 pages (1982), Al-Daham,
N. K.
055- The influence of season and the sex of the host on the intensity of
some parasites infecting cyprinion macostomus and Acanthobrama

marmid fishes from the river Tigris, Mosul, Iraq, Mesopotamia J.

Agric. 12:pages 133-144 (1977), Kassim, M. H.; Rahemo, Z. I.
And Warsi, A. A.
056- The influence of season and sex on the intensity of
Pseudolamproglena annulata Boxshall, 1976 (lernaeidae)
infection in Cyprinion macrostomus, a fresh water teleost fish from
the river Tigris, Rivista Di Parassitolgia Vol. X, 211 (3), (1981),
Rahemo, Z. I. F.
057- Isolation of three water molds from two fresh water fishes and
insect excuviae, J. Environ. Sci. Health, A 24 (1): pages 17-22
(1989), Butty, A. K. N., Mhaisen, F. T. and Ali, N. M.
058- Leeches on fresh water farmed fishes in Iraq, Journal of Wildlife
Diseases, Vol. 21, No. 3: pages 312-313 (1985), Khalifa, K. A.
059- A list of some aquatic beetles of Iraq (Coleoptera: Dytiscdae),
Bull, Nat. Res. Cent. Vol. 7, No. 2: pages 11-14 (1978), Ali, H. A.
060- The marine and fresh water fishes of Iraq, Al-Rabbita pressBaghdad: 164- pages (1961), Khalaf, K. T.
061- A new genus and two new species of copepod parasitic on fresh
water fishes, Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool.), Vol. 30, No. 6:
pages 209-215, Issued 25 November (1976), Boxshall, G. A.
062- New records of fishes from Iraq, Bull. Biol. Res. Cent. Baghdad.
Vol. 8: pages 73-78 (1977), Nader A, and Jawdat, S. Z.
063- Notes on the ecology of fishes of genus Aphanius sp. And
Gambosia affinis in southern Iraq, Fresh water Biologia, 7: pages
245-251, (1977), Al-Daham, N. K.; Hug M. F. and Sharma, K. P.
064- Nutritive value of some Iraqi fish, Z 61. Vet. Med., A., 24: pages
625-628 (1977), Al-Habib, O. A. M. and Gringer, J. N. R.
065- Observations on Nematoda population in river Tigris, J. Biol.
Scien. Res. Vol. 19, No. 1: pages 109-116 (1988), Sabri, Anmar
066- Observation on two Rhabdochona species (Nematoda:
Rhabdochonidae) from fresh water fishes in Iraq including
description of R. smillis sp. N. Folia parasitologica 38: pages 235243 (1991), Moravec, F.; Ali, N. M. and Abul-Eis, E. S.


067- On a second collection of fish from Iraq. Re. Indian Mus.

Calcutta. 45: pages 115-127 (1947), Misra, K. S.
068- On a small collection of fishes from Iraq. Journ. Roy. Asiat.
Bengal, Vol. 9, No. 1: pages 1-15. (1943), Hora, S. L. and Misra,
K. S.
069- On littoral Cladocera of Iraq, Hydrobiologia Vol. 51: pages 9194 (1976), Mohammed, M-B. M. and Smirnnov, N. N.
070- On the age and growth of three cyprinid of Iraq, The Republic
of Iraq, Ministry of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin No. 135,
Government press: 70 pages (1966), Al-Hamed, M. I.
071- On the distribution and ecology of the heterocheilid nematode
contracaecum (Railliet et Henry0, (1912) in the fishes of Iraq, 3rd
Sci. Conf., Fish Mar. Res., Basrah 14-15 April (1992), Mhaisen,
072- On the reproduction of three Cyprinid fishes of Iraq, The
republic of Iraq, Ministry No. 136, Government Press: 26 pages
(1966), Al-Hamed, M. I.
073- On a third collection of fish from Iraq, Rec. Ind. Mus. Vol. 54:
pages 139-157, (1956), Menon, M. A. S.
074- On small collection of fish from Iraq, J. Royal Asiatic Soc.
Bengal Sci. Vol. IX. (1): pages 1-14 (1943), Hora, S. L. and Misra,
K. S.
075- Ophiotaenia europea (Cestoda: Protocophalidae) from water
snake, Natrix tessellata in Iraq, Muta Journal for research and
studies, Muta University, Jordan (in Press), Rahemo, Z. I. F. and
Ami, S. N.
076- Parasites and disease agents of carps in Iraq: a check list, Basrah
J. Agric. Sci, Vol. 4, No. 1 and 2: pages 133-139 (1990), Mhaisen,
F. T.; Khamees, N. R and Al-Daraji, S. A. M.
077- Parasites of common fishes from Iraq with special reference to
larval form of Contracaecum (Nematoda: Heterocheilidae). Bull.
Biol. Res. Centre, Baghdad, Vol. 5: pages 66-78 (1971),
Shamsuddin, M.; Nader, I. A. and Al-Azzawi, M. J.


078- Parasites of the fresh water fish, Alburnus capito (Heckel, 1843)
from river Tigris, northern of Iraq, Dirasat (Jordan), Vol. 20 (B),
No. 4: pages 21-31 (1993), Rahemo, Z. I. F. and Ami, S. N.
079- Parasites of Liza abu (Heckel) freshes from Al-Garaf river in
Tigris district, Iraq. Journal of education and science, Vol. 18
(1992), Rahemo, Z. I. F. and Al-Abady A. M.
080- Parasites of the Iraqi Spinyback Mastacembelus simach (Wabanu,
1792), Accepted for publication in Iraqi Journal of Biological
sciences (1992), Rahemo, Z. I. F.


081- Parasitic fauna of some fresh water fishes from Tigris river,
Baghdad, Iraq, I, protozoa, J. Biol. Scien. Res., Vol. 18, No. 2:
pages 11-18 (1987), Ali, N. M.; Salih, N. E. and Abdul-Ameer, K. N.
082- Parasitic fauna of some fresh water fishes from Tigris river,
Baghdad, Iraq, II, Trematoda, J. Biol. Scien. Res., Vol. 18, No. 2:
pages 19-29 (1987), Ali, N. M.; Salih, N. E. and Abdul-Ameer, K. N.
083- Parasitic fauna of some fresh water fishes from Tigris river,
Baghdad, Iraq, III: Cestoda, J. Biol. Scien. Res., Vol. 18, No. 3:
pages 25-33(1987), Ali, N. M.; Salih, N. E. and Abdul-Ameer, K. N.
084- Parasitic fauna of some fresh water fishes from Tigris river,
Baghdad, Iraq, IV: Nematoda, J. Biol. Scien. Res., Vol. 18, No. 3:
pages 35-45(1987), Ali, N. M.; Salih, N. E. and Abdul-Ameer, K. N.

085- Pericardium of Garra rufa (Pisces: Cyprinidae) as the site of

infection of Cucullanus larvae (Nematoda), Folia parasitolgica
40: pages 145-146 (1993), Moravec, F. and Rahemo, Z. I. F.
086- Preliminary study on the aquatic beetles of Iraq (Halipidae,
Coleoptera), Bull. Basrah nat. Hist. Mus. 3: pages 89-94 (1976),
Ali, H. A.
087- A Proteocephalid cysticercoid from a fresh water fish
Acanthobrama marmid (Heckel, 1843), Rivista Di Parassitologia,
Vol. IX (LIII)-N.1-: pages 88-93 (1992), Rahemo, Z. I. F.
088- Recording of two new hosts of Lamproglena pulchella
Nordmann, 1832 (Crustacea: Decapoda) in Iraq, Iraqi J. Biol.
Sci., Vol. 5, No. 1: pages 82-83 (1977), Rahemo, Z. I. F.
089-The relation between intensity of infection of Ligula intestinalis
and some characters of freshwater fish, Acanthobrama marmid
Heckel, Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 24, No. 1:
pages 13-17 (1992), Rahemo, Z. I. F. and Ami, S. N.
090- Reptiles of Iraq with some notes on the Amphibians, Ar-Rabitta
Press, Baghdad: 96 pages (1959), Khalaf, Kamel T.
091- Residues of organochlorine insecticides in fish from Polluted
water, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,
Vol. 36, No. 1: pages 109-113 (1986), Al-Omar, M. A; Al-Ogaily,
N. H. and Shebil, D. A.


092- Rhabdochona tigrae sp. n. (Nematod, Rhabdochonidae) described

from a fresh water fish Varicohinus trutta Heckel from river
Tigris, Iraq, Acta parasitol. Polon. 25: pages 247-251 (1978).
Rahemo, Z. I. F.
093- Rotifera in river Tigris: I Faunal composition, J. Biol. Scien.
Res., Vol. 20: pages 285-298 (1989), Sabri, Anmar W. and
Maulood, B. K.
094- Some biological characteristic of four economically important
fishes of Genus Barbus from a polluted habitat, Proceeding of
Fourth Conf. Biol. Scien., Scien. Res. Counc. Baghdad, Vol. 5 part
1: pages 28-47 (1986), Khalaf, A. N.; Al-Yamour, K. Y. and AlJafer, A. R.
095- Some notes on the larvae and juveniles of half-beak
Hemirhamphus xanthopterus (Val.) in Iraqi waters, Bull. Basrah
Nat. Hist. Mus. 2: pages 3-12 (9175), al-Nasiri, S. K. and Shamsul
Hoda, S. M.
096- Studies of the density and composition of the microzoobenthic
organisms in Tigris river, Iraq, J. of Hydrobiol., Vol. 2, No. 3:
pages 1-3 (1986), Al-Habib, O. A. H.; Salih, T. M.; Rao, K. S.;
Saleem, K. M. and Al-Hilly, I. A.
097- Studies on some aspects of the biology of Varicorhinus trutta,
M. Sc. thesis, Univ. of Mosul, Coll. of Scien., Dept. of
Biology/Zoology: pages 86 (1976), Dawood, Hussain A. M.
098- Studies on the parasites of certain Teleostean from the river
Tigris, Mosul-Iraq, M. Sc. thesis, Univ. of Mosul, Coll. of Scien.,
Dept. of Bio., 138 pages, (1975), Fattohy, Zohair I.
099- Studies of the parasites of fresh water fishes from Tigris river in
Salah Al-dien provenice - Iraq, M. Sc. thesis, Univ. of Baghdad,
Coll. of Scien., Dept. of Biology (1989), Abdul-Ameer, K. N.
100- Survey of fish parasites from Tigris river at Al-Zaefaraniya,
South of Baghdad, Iraq, Marina Mesopotamia (in press) (1994)
Balasem, A. N.; Mhaisen, F. T., Al-Shaikh. S. M. J; Al-Khateeb,
G. H.; Asmar, K. R. and Adday, Th. K.
101- A systematic list of the vertebrates of Iraq, Univ. of Basrah,
Iraq. Nat. Hist. Mus., publication No. 26: 104 pages (1969),
Mahdi, Nuri and George, P. V.


102- Trypanosoma acanthobramae n. sp. from a fresh water fish,

Acanthobrama marmid Heckel (Family: Cyprinidae) from the river
Tigris, Iraq, Current Science Vol. 45, No. 23: pages 838-839
(1976), Rahemo, Z. I. F.
103- Trypanosoma garrae n. sp. from the fresh water fish, Garra rufa
(Family: Cyprinidae), J. Biol Scien. Res. Vol. 19, No. 3: pages
735-738 (1988), Al-Jafery, A. R.; Ali, N. M. and Salih, N. E.
104- Trypanosoma neinavana sp. n. from the fish Barbus grypus
Heckel in Iraq Current science, Vol. 47, No. 1: pages 33-35
(1978), Rahemo, Z. I. F.
105- Trypanosoma mystuii sp. n. from a fresh water teleost fish Mystus
pelusius (Solander) in Iraq, J., Biol Scien., Res., Vol. 13, No. 1:
pages 3-10 (1982), Al-Jafery, A. R. and Rahemo, Z. I. F.
106- Two new species of Ergasilus (Copepoda: Cyclopodia) from the
gills of two Iraqi fresh water fishes, Bull. Basrah. Nat. Hist.
Museum (1982), Rahemo, Z. I. F.
107- Two new species of the Rhabdochona Railliet. 1916
(Rhabdochonidae) from a fresh water fish Cyprinion macrostomus
Heckel, from Iraq, Japanes Journal of parasitology, Vol. 28, No.
6: pages 371-376 (1979), Rahemo, Z. I. F. and Kasim, M. H.
108- Unicauda lumo sp. n. (Myxosporidia: Myxobolidae) from a fresh
water fish, Barbus rypus Heckel; from river Tigris in Iraq, Z.
parasitenk, 51: pages 1-5 (1976), Rahemo, Z. I. F.
109- Untersuchungen ber die parasiten der Ssswasserfische des
Iraq, Arch. Fischereiwiss. 20: 132-147 (1969), Herzog, P. H.
110- The use of thin layer polyacrylamide isoelectric focusing in fish
species identification, Mesopotamia J. of Agric., Vol. 21: pages
43-51 (1989), Al-Habib, O. A. M. and Saleem, K. M.

.(143368 139) :
Look also references nomber: (139,143 And 368).


A/1-iii The plants : iii-1/

" -111
) 44-35 : 13 "
. (1993
" -112
. (1990)
" -113
" /
" " -114
(1983) 192 : (52)

Algal flora of the river Tigris, Iraq, Nova Hedwigia 38: pages 535542, (1983), Antoine, S. E.


Check list of the algae from inland waters of Iraq, J. Univ. Kuwait
(Sci). 10: pages 191-265 (1983), Hinton G. C. F. and Maulood, B. K.


Check list of the algae with a note on Limnological and

Oceanographic studies in Iraq (1947-1982), Asiatic society of
Bangladesh: 63 pages (9185), Islam. A. K. M. N. and Hameed, A. H.


Contribution to the algal of Iraq: The non Diatoms flora in and

around Baghdad, Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 2(1,2): pages 93-102 (1989),
Maulood, B. K and Sulaiman, N. I.


Contribution to the algal of Iraq: The non-Diatoms flora of the

southern marshes, Nova Hedwigia 37: pages 49-63 (1982), Hinton,
G. C. F. and Maulood, B. K.


Contribution to the algal flora of the rice-field of the southeastern

Iraq, Nova Hedwigia 27: pages 813-827 (1982), Al-Kaisi, K. A.


Fresh water algae from Mesopotamia, Contv. Biol. Lab. Kyoto

University, 24: pages 105-119 (1973), Hirano, M.



The genus Cyclotella Ktz. from some aquatic habitats in Iraq, Bull.
Coll. Sci., Univ. of Baghdad, Vol. 15: pages 21-40 (1974), Al-Kaisi,
Kamal A.


Introduction study on the algae of Mid & South Iraq, Bull. Coll.
Sci., Univ. of Baghdad, Vol. 11, Part 2: Pages 45-80 (9170), AlKaisi, Kamal A.


Limnological studies on the algae of Tigris river, Submitted for

publication in Limnologica (1989), Maulood, B. K; Sabri, A. W and
Sulaiman N. I.


Observations on some environmental conditions as well as

phytoplankton bloom in the lower reaches of Tigris and Euphrates,
Wiss. Z. Univ. Rostock, 24: pages 781-787 (1975), Saad, M. A. H
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" "
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3 17
) (1980 .
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Author Index
- .326 : .
623 :
503 : 435 : 636 : 002 : 585 : 620 . . 184 : - 609 494 181 : 610

- 501 :
258 :
422 :
593 :
112 :
520 :
379 :

- 478 :
514 :
200 :
437 :
434 :
630 :
638 :
512 :
500 :
026 :
180 :
508 :
353 :
639 :

136 : 346
597 :
198 :
644 :
589 :
328 :
483 :
147 :
440 :

201 : 423 :
632 :
367 :
496 : 613 615
513 :
439 :
152 : 335
460 :
428 :

-510 :
587 :
495 :
488 :
370 :
017-015 :


321 :


266 : 343 476

327 :
497 :
595 :
030 :
628 :
618 :



462 :
252 :--

517 : 590 :
114 :
637 : 640 642 643
505 :
261 :
024 :
594 :
487 :
645 :
193 : 319 324 325 333 334 432 433
464 : 641

- 465 :
588 :
431 :
498 :
424 :
586 :



377 : 484 :
018 : 34
023 : 368
183 : 185 352
182 :
502 :

301 :
627 :
633 :
260 :
254 :
485 :

611 :
342 : 482 : 516 : 262 : 264 : 515 : 629 : 366 : 351 : 179 : 111 : 329 : 191 : 348 : .022 : . 635 : 199 : 256 : 582 : 583 019 : 034 617 186 : 231 : 267 : - 227 :



425 :

- 364 :
151 : 176 195 616 634
028 :
489 :

- 581 :
461 :
137 :
438 :
363 :
255 :

- 194 : 420
421 :
177 :
612 : 624
. . 625 : 626
614 :
429 :
197 : 341 347 350
477 : 480 481 492 493 499
479 :
190 : 196
323 :

- 463 :
374 :
029 :
486 :
150 : 490
149 :

- 330 : 507
003 :
228 :
584 :

631 :
592 :
622 :
202 : 519
263 : 265
031 :
033 :
178 :
373 : 375
318 :
378 :
491 :
192 :
369 :
148 :
229 : 362
376 :
001 :
430 :
619 :
426 : 427
020 :
025 :
032 :
518 :
506 :
365 :
259 :
257 :
027 :
591 :
113 :
371 :

- 253 :
021 :
441 :
- 230 :



436 :
316 : 317 331
344 : 345 349
189-187 : 320 332 372
322 :

- 621 :
509 : 511
- 596 :



Abbas, Wasfi A. A.: 395

Abdin, G. et. al.: 131
Abdul-Ameer, K. N.: 099
Abdul-Ganey, Moyad J.: 676
Abdul-Rahman, Muna et. al.: 004 and 006
Abdullah, Th. M. and Hachum, A. Y.: 530
Aghwan, T. A.: 170
Ahmed, F. H.: 250 and 251
Ahmed, F. H. and Al-Ani, N. A.: 249
Ahmed, S.: 270
Ahmed, S. et al.: 381
Ahmed, S. and Mahmoud, T. A.: 298
Ahmed, S. H. and Wais, M. T.: 410
Akrawi, Shatha M.: 269
Alawi, A. J. et. al.: 158
Ali, Angham Ezuldeen: 569
Ali, A. I. And Al-Delaimy, K. S.: 009
Ali, A. Jawad: 310
Ali, A. N. and Al-Masri, N.: 394
Ali, A. M. and Abdul Ameer, K. N.: 664
Ali, H. A.: 059 and 086
Ali, H. S.: 673, 081 and 084
Ali, N. M. et. al.: 81-84; 662; 663 and 666
Ali, M. D. and Shaaban, F.: 574
Allouse, B. E.: 037
Amanat Baghdad: 233
Andrejevic, Dragan: 667
Al-Ani, M. Y.: 416
Al-Ani, M. Y. et. al.: 235; 246 and 608
Al-Ansari, N. A. and Ali J. L.: 172
Al-Ansari, N. A. and Toma, A. Y.: 302
Al-Ansari, N. A. et. al.: 167; 313; 359; 542; 572; 649; 674; 677
and 678
Ntoine, S. E.: 115 and 129
Al-Assaf, Sameer A.: 226
Ayar, B. S.: 555
Ayar, B. S. et. al.: 557
Al-Azzawi, Mohammad: 161
Al-Azzawi, M. and Baltzer, F.: 160

Baban, Ismail J.: 397

Al-Badran A. and Mc. Manuse, J.: 311
Baker, Kamil T.: 210
Balard, F.: 126
Balasem, A. N. et. al.: 100
Al-Baldawi, M. F.: 606
Banat, K.: 306
Banister, K. E.: 048
Bawazeer, Abdullah S.: 521
Belal, A. A.: 204
Biro, Peter et. al: 665
Boxshall, G. A.: 061
Braidwood, L.: 446
Butty, A. K. N. et. al.: 057

Central Organ. for standarization and Quality Control: 389

Centrozap: 307
Chesney, F. R.: 448
Coad, B. W.: 049

- Al-Dabbagh, Th. H.: 544

Al-Dabbagh, Th. H. et. al.: 533
Al-Dabbagh, Th. H. and Al-Naqib, S. Q.: 315
Al-Dabbagh, Th. H. and Al-Saigh, N. H.: 567
Al-Dabbagh, Th. H. and Al-Taiee, T. M.: 537 and 550
Al-Dabbas, M. et. al.: 174
Al-Daghastani, H. S. Y. and Salih, M. R.: 598
Al-Daham, N. K.: 054
Al-Daham, N. K. et. al.: 042; 063 and 283
Dauod, H. A. and Al-Rubai, R. K.: 558
Dawood, B. Kh. et. al.: 223
Dawood, B. S.: 268
Dawood, Hussain A. M.: 097
Al-Delaimi, Hameed H.: 277

Energoproject: 547 and 548

Al-Ezzi, H. A.: 525

Fakhri, Y. M. et. al.: 361

Al-Fanash, Rasul, M. K.: 164
Fathallah, layth N.: 396
Fathallah, M. F.: 175 and 386 and 607
Fattah, Majida M.: 208
Fattah, Q. N. and Al-Kadi, B. Th.: 272
Fattah, Q. N. and Mohammad, F. H.: 646
Fattah, Q. N. and Razoky, M. Y.: 285
Fattohy, Zohair, I.: 098
Final reportum: 577

Geohydraulique: 340
Geophysical team of Energo project company: 545
Ghailan, Abdul-Karim H.: 213
Al-Gazali, M. R. et. al.: 599 and 605
Gorgees, N. S. and Rahemo, Z. I. F.: 051
Government of Iraq, Development Board: 444
Gunther, A.: 041

Al-Habib, O. A. H. et. al.: 096

Al-Habib, O. A. H. and Gringer, J. N. R.: 064
Al-Habib, O. A. H. and Saleem, K. M.: 110
Hadac, E.: 127
Al-Hafid, M. S. and Saied, Basil M.: 527
Al-Haideri, A. M. et. al.: 138
Al-Hilli, M. R.: 474
Al-Hakim, A. W. H.: 532
Al-Hakkak, Zuhair S.: 661
Al-Hamed, M. I.: 070 and 552
Hameed, Abdul Wahab S.: 561
Hana, O. and Al-Talabani, K.: 405

Al-Hashimy et. al.: 237

Al-Hashimy, Sabah R.: 274
Hassan, H. A. and Al-Dabbas, M.: 559
Harza Engin. Co. and Binnie and Partner: 216-218
Herzog, P. H.: 109
Hinton, G. C. F. and Maulood, B. K.: 116; 119 and 130
Hirano, M.: 121
Hora, S. L. and Misra, K. S.: 068 and 074
Human Environmental dictionary report: 406

Ibrahim, Jabir M.: 243

Iondies, M. G.: 449 and 453
Islam, A. K. M. N.: 468
Islam, A. K. M. N. and Hameed, A. H.: 117

Al-Jabbari, M. H. and Al-Ansari, N. A.: 157 and 304

Al-Jabbari, M. H. and Mansour, N. B.: 679
Al-Jabbari, M. H. et. al.: 600
Al-Jafery, A. R. and Rahemo, Z. I. F.: 105
Al-Jafery, A. R. et. al.: 103
Jamil, A. K. et. al.: 278; 398 and 659
Jassim, S. Z.: 303
Jazrawi, S. F. and Al-Hindawi, A. K.: 014
Al-Jebouri, M. M.: 011
Al-Jebouri, M. M. and Al-Meshadani, N. S.: 010
Al-Jiburi, H. and Al- Dabbas, M.: 549
Al-Jobouri, M. I. Et. al.: 414
Al-Juburi, Jassam Salem: 314
Jumah, Hamad J. and Stainstreet, M.: 671

Al-Kaisi, K. A.: 120; 122; 123 and 132

Kadir, N. A.: 357
Kanber, Hashim H.: 391
Kanber, Sertil A.: 295
Kashif Al-Ghita, Bakir: 211
Kassim, M. H. et. al.: 055
Al-Kattan, Daad M. D.: 415

Al-Khaiat, Abbas A. H.: 239

Khidhir, A. P. and Al-Kassab, Layth: 297
Khidir, Khalid M.: 358
Khalaf, A. N. et. al.: 094; 553 and 650
Khalaf, A. N. and Shihab, A. F.: 603
Khalaf, Kamel T.: 060 and 090
Khalaf, S. H.: 005 and 012
Khalaf, S. H. and Muhammad A. M.: 013
Khaleel, M. S. and Hammo, N. I.: 222
Khalifa, K. A.: 058
Al-Khashab, Wafig H.: 459
Khattab, S. A. et. al.: 523
El-Kholy, Fouad: 173 and 220
Kligue, R. K. and Sachob, M. E.: 203
Klobe, R. W. and Krieger, W.: 134
Kurukji, Elham M.: 166

Latif, Imad H.: 281

Al-layla, M. A. et. al.: 242; 247; 384; 392; 400; 528 & 563
Al-layla, M. A. and Hassan M. S.: 276
Al-layla, M. A. and al-Rawi S.: 280
Al-layla, M. A. and Al-Razzo, H. M.: 240; 279 and 417
Al-layla, M. A. and Al-Tayyar, T. A.: 578
Lewis, A. D.: 169
Lloyd, S.: 458

MacDonald, M. and Parteners: 651-655

Mahdi, N.: 047
Mahdi, Nuri and George, P. V.: 101
Mahmood, D. S. et. al.: 554
Mahmood, F. Y. and Ahmed F. H.: 234
Mahmood, T. A.: 294
Mahmood, T. A. et. al.: 286 and 299
Mahmood, T. A. and Hasan, M. S.: 232
Mangalo, Hana H. and Akbar, M. M.: 040; 672 and 675
Al-Masri, N. A.: 289; 412; 669 and 670
Al-Masri, N. A.: and Al-Khaiat, A. A.: 236
Al-Masri, N. A. and Ali, A. A.: 275

Al-Masri, N. A. et. al.: 124; 133 and 470

Maulood, B. K. and Sulaiman, N. I.: 118
McFadyen, W. A.: 360
McFadyen, W. A. and Vita-Finzi, C.: 312
Mead, J. E.: 455
Menon, M. A. S.: 073
Mero, W. M. S. and Saleem, K. M.: 035
Al-Meshhadany, T. J.: 245
Mhaisen, F. T.: 053 and 071
Mhaisen, F. T. et. al.: 076
Al-Mhimed, A. A. S. and Al- Janabi A. A.: 155
Ministry of Health: 399 and 402
Ministry of Irrigation: 205; 336-339; 355; 450; 451 and 534
Ministry of Planning: 287
Misra, K. S.: 067
Mohammed, A. R. N. and Barak, N. A.: 473
Mohammed, F. H.: 656
Mohammed, M. B. N. and Smirnov, N. N.: 069
Moravec, F. et. al.: 066
Moravec, F. and Rahemo, Z. I. F.: 085
Al-Mousawi, Abdullah H. A.: 466
Al-Mousawi, A. H. A. and Whitton, B. A.: 467
Al-Mudhfar, Hameed Y.: 443
Muhammed, Murad B. M.: 036
Muhammed, S. H. et. al.: 390
Al-Mukhtar, et. al.: 387 & 648
Musa, S. A. et. al.: 238
Mutlak, S. M. et. al.: 271; 401; 407 and 408

Nader, A. and Jawdat, S. Z.: 062

Najib, Yousif E.: 382
Al-Naqib, S. Q. and Al-Taiee, Th. M.: 538
Al-Naqib, S. Q. et. al.: 539 and 571
Al-Nasiri, S. K. and Shamsul Hoda, S. M.: 050 and 095
Nedeco: 456
Al-Nimma, Basheer A.: 146
Noori, Bahzad M. et. al.: 566
- Al-Noory, M. Y.: 305


Al-Omar, M. A. et. al.: 091; 291 and 657


Pankow, W. H. et. al.: 471

Philip, George: 162
Pietschmann, V.: 045
Putres, Khidir A.: 282

- Rahemo, Z. I. F.: 043; 056; 080; 087; 092; 102; 104; 106; 108
and 580
- Rahemo, Z. I. F. and Al-Abady: 079
- Rahemo, Z. I. F. and Ami, S. N.: 052; 075; 078; 089 and 601
- Rahemo, Z. I. F. and Kassim, M. H.: 107
- Rahim, S. A.: 300
- Rasheed, A-R. A-M.: 046
- Rasheed, H. R.: 215
- Rasheed, H. R. et. al.: 214
- Rasheed, H. R. and Shareef, N. T.: 570
- Al-Rawi A. H. et. al.: 660
- Al-Rawi, G. J. and Sys, C.: 154
- Al-Rawi, S. M. et. al.: 575
- Razoki, M. Y.: 273
- Richard, W. B. et. al.: 163
- Richards, E. V.: 209
- Republic of Iraq, Planning report: 452
- Al-Rizzo, Hasan M.: 225 and 293
- Rostam, Abbas K.: 207
- Rzoska, J.: 139
- S-

Saad, Massoud A. H.: 145; 171; 388

Saad, M. A. H. and Antoine, S. E.: 140-142; 385 and 413
Saad, M. A. H. and Kell, V.: 125
Al-Saboonchi, A. A. et. al.: 475
Sabri, Anmar W.: 039; 044 and 065
Sabri, A. W. et. al.: 128 and 144
Sabri, A. W. and Maulood, B. K.: 093
Al-Sahaf, M.: 383
Al-Saigh, L. Kh.: 568

Al-Saigh, N. H. and Al-Dabbagh, T. H.: 551

Al-Saigh, N. H. et. al.: 526 and 531
Al-Saigh, N. H. and Toffeq, A. N.: 543
Salih, T. M. et. al.: 143
Al-Salim, Mazin A. H.: 309
Al-Sayyab, A. S. and Shathyaya H. F.: 562
Al-Shabander, Musa: 447
Al-Shaibani, S. K. and Hamza, N. M.: 522
Al-Shaikh- Ali, K.: 165
Al-Shaikh- Ali and Khaleel, M. S.: 153
Shaker, Abdul-Salam M.: 219
Shaker, Rafa H.: 224
Shamsuddin, M. et. al.: 077
Shareef, N. T. et. al.: 221
Shihab, A. M. S.: 241 and 542
Shihab, A. M. S. and Al-Rawi, S. M.: 380
Shihab, A. M. S. and Al-Tayar, T. A.: 403
Al-Sinawi, S. A.: 560
Singh, P. M. and Gurgia, Z. M. Z.: 411
Singh, P. M. et. al.: 168
Sirajul Islam, A. K. M. et. al.: 536
Smirnov, V. and Al-Jazairi, Said: 212
Sulaiman, N. I. et. al.: 135
Sulaiman, Y. I. et. al.: 564
Swiss Consultants Cosortium for Consulting Engineering
Services: 556

Al-Taan, S. A. and Mahmoud, M. N.: 535

Al-Taiee, Thair M.: 159 and 206
Al-Taiee, Th. M. et. al.: 573 and 576
Al-Taiee, Th. M. and Sulaiman, Y. I.: 540 and 565
Al-Talabani, N. J. et. al.: 658
Al-Tayyar, T. A. et. al.: 284 and 288
Al-Tayyar, T. A. and Hana, G. K.: 529
Technopromexport: 457
Thabet, K. M. et. al.: 546
Thabet, K. M. and Khattab, S. A.: 308
Thesiger, W.: 469
Trewavas, E.: 038


- Ubell, K.: 356

- Unesco: 354

- Wais, Mohammad, T.: 244; 404 and 409


Al-Yamour, K. Y. et. al.: 604

Oung., Gaving: 472
Younis, A. M. et. al.:647
El-Yussif, F.: 442
El. Yussif, F. et. al.: 668

Al-Zairjawi, Adnan S. Sh.: 541

Zangana, Jamal M. H.: 296
Zasukhin, E. S. and Zasukhin, V. S.: 579
Al-Zibari, Walid D.: 292
Al-Zubaidi, T. S. et. al.: 008
Al-Zubaidy, Riyadh Z. J.: 248
Al-Zuhairy, Mudhafar S. H.: 393


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