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[— 2008 Town Warrant Worksheet] 4 Election of Officers (by ballot) ae He i 2 Ross Ambulance Contract a 40,000.00 3 Line item Budget 7,280,811.00 ls Capital Reserve Funds (CRF) ae 161,850.00 ‘Town Blg & Grounds Equip 7.100.00 ‘Town Bldg Truck 4,400.00, cea 10 Wheeler 95 400.00 6 Wheeler’00 100.00 ee Hwy Heavy Equip Backhoe 7,300.00 ‘naan F-5500 ‘07 8,800.00 F-55004 32,000.00 [Hivy Heavy Equip Grader 12,300.00 | | [Police Cruiser 4WD "05 7,250.00 (es Fire Equipment Truck "88 37,000.00) eeaae Transfer Station Equip 17,500.00 stint prasetns egal 20,000.00 Reassessment 8,000.00 a is Expendable Trust Funds ETF) | 66,800.00 Highway Improveme 50,000.00 | : ‘Sidewalk improvemen 7,000.00 J Library (Roof) 3,800.00 Museum (Roof) | 412,000.00 6 Establish Fire Tanker Truck Capital Reserve Fund 5,000.00 7 Purchase Police Cruiser 29,000.00) 8 Purchase Life Squad Van |__ 135,000.00. 9. Refurbish the '93 Sutphen Pumper 135,000.00 |10___|installation of Water Meters] a i 250,000.00 li1 \Water System Engineering Designs | __ 99,000.00 12 New Maintenance Building behind Elmwood Cemeter} 70,000.00, 13 Transfer Station | Sanna (a 260,208.00 14 Rink Surface Maintenance Fund i 2,000.00 15 Dow Field Capital Reserve Fund 1,500.00 16___|Abble Greenleaf Librar I 71,245.00 [Franconia Children's Center| 2,000.00 ~|Hear Reports L- a (Transact other business - a [eae 2,579,414.00 | Appropiaied | Actual Proposed _| Proposed 06 - ‘2007 2007 2008 “I vs Propeeed 7) (GENERAL GOVERNMENT [Executive “30.085,00| 68,508 58| Toa T1500, 5.08000] ~ su [Election, Registration. & Vital Stalisios | 24,506.00 | 23,011.13 | 30/555 00 5,848,00| 2a Financial Administration 36.913.00| 4160380] 49,621.00 7,708.00 | 20% [Revaluation of Property 13,936.00 13,938.00 15,000.00 4,082.00 | Bt [Legal Excenses. 3,000.00 2,868.02 | 3,000.00 = ‘4 Planning & Zoning 70.495.00 ‘3.81048 70,375.00 (20.00) 124 [General Government Balaings #1,092,00/~ “3,253.68| 24,809.00 7827.00 | 4% [Cemetenes 44,734,001 14,741.17 [12,748.00 4,017.00] ——ar4) insurance 8,500.00, 8,72900| 7:50.00 ~{1,000.00] 12% dverlsing & Regional Associations : ‘Chamber of Commerce 10,000.00 | 70,008.00 70,900.00 : m4 ‘North Cauniry Counei 1,936.00 1,936.00] 1,837.00 a0] _— 54 ‘White ML. Regional Apart 593.00, 595.00 ‘593.00 : 0% PUBLIC SAFETY 2 iPoice 288,655.00, 387,833.80] 902.540 00 3,805.00 | 7%] Fire 73,526.00} 74,594.48 | 84,000.01” 10,374.00 | —14| ite Squad ‘50,41 1,00|45238.01| 51,400.00. "389,00 | 24 Forest Fire 4,215.00, 2,860.14| 4,215.00, : ‘7 [Dispatch Phone Lines 28,224.00, 28,871.25| 20,937.00. 77x00] — eel HIGHWAYS & STREETS “3za.5e8.00/" 963.303 11] 352,231.00] 27,643.00, ow [UTILITIES (Street Lights & Cable) 16,000,007 ~~ 16,338.41 | 16,400.00. 400.00 | 394 HEALTH & HOSPITALS. : is ‘American Red Craze 346.00 346,00, wero 115.00 334 ‘CHS 1,800.00 7800.00 | 7,800.00 a cr ‘North Country YMA 250.00 250.00 250.00. = o%| Lilefon Regional Hospital 7,500.00. 7.500.00| 7,575 00 700} —5%| NG Home Health & Hospice 2,750.00, 2,750.00| 2:70.00 on White Mi. Mental Health 1267.00. 4,287.00 1,267.00 = o%4) Grafloh Co, Senior Giizens 1100.00. 7100.00} 1,000.00 100.00), =| Health Oficer 500.00. 25.00. 300,00 (200.00)| “20% WELFARE = ‘General Assistance 7000.06, 3e1843| 6,500.00 7008.08,| Soi CAP. 2,300.00 2,300.00 | 2,400.00 100,00| | [CULTURE « RECREATION = Recreation Programs: 84,703,00| 7026806 | 91,937.00 97,254.00 | —_a%| Parks. 18,420.00, 5,007.08] 6,495.00, 1,925.09)| ~-23%| Pairiolis Purposes 1.000.001 4,000.00 | 1,000.00 = ‘| Museums, 300.00 251.00, 300,00 = 0% ISONSERVATION S [Conservation Gommission 3,000.00, 782800 | 7, 500,60. ($00.05), 35%) INTEREST 4,000.60, 3,244.83 4,000.00 E ca [TOTAL 7,186,504.00 | 7,208,662.57| 1280817.00, 8a 307.00| ax] income Not Anticipated 49,118.00. Net Total Expenses, A604 57 = i T eed T T = = Pee ener [meer t SSS MONET WASNT ARTEL CSOURGES OF RRS t t t t PORE aprTAL open espe : i — RESERVE] uot —mevewe | Fevemat— seme [ore —reans owe aD TaD smguet "St | ESS "RNS cov | orm | cow's? | areeS™ Sino tree [esas Ambulance Corel | 1om00 i 1 cer Fietnnon eet ire yer (reew| sen] rer —raaiow| aoe Fost Bieta tec tae ———| “eras t ean espa Ta for iar =e a = Seat 1 selisirieianray ——— e001 — t 7 Seo — reenter cbr oro ao t saat =| ErrcstttivSges va———"—is¢haro ono zi {tier Te | spats srpn manga sen 00 Ta — [a rat frssetiwion ctr Wome "~~~ tose e = aD at Spates Dagan z — [Ewes iemwonctbunim "| —Yowoe] . Hare = femverduas gree t 8 SED] Tah] georoo |_| [Sen cia ens iam ses igen Fas cioultasena arene a ane able Salt Bs ate = aaa [rirrmcsis ters Coe sane ia ‘on zine — aan 18, oan) “ues esas se senses aE oars ai Eos es [ars eapna Ree Find el oe ee Tas ie Tx ——— evra eve sscSerdnae an ra saga — sant] I factoe | “Tesonsr ‘iire i teas ling Forma — Ts. 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