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CC2040 English for Academic Skills (Health Care)

Unusual Plural Forms (Health Care Terminology)

Singular Plural Example (medical) Pronunciation* Brief Explanation
-a -ae vertebra Æ vertebrae verct_-br^, verct_-brT bones of the spinal system

-en -ina foramen Æ foramina fb-rQcmen, fb-ramci-n^ aperture or perforation through a bone

-ex, -ix, -yx -ices appendix Æ appendices ^-pencdiks, ^-pencdi-sTs wormlike, blind-end intestine near the large intestine

-is -es diagnosis Æ diagnoses dU-ag-nbcsis, dU-ag-nbcsTs determination of the nature of a disease

-itis -ides arthritis Æ arthritides ar-thrUctis, ar-thritci-dTz inflammation of joints

-ma -mata stigma Æ stigmata stigcm^, stigcm^-t^ visible evidence of a disease

-nx, (-anx, -nges phalanx Æ phalanges fQclangks, f^-lanc-jTz long bone of the fingers (digits)
-inx, -ynx)
-on -a criterion Æ criteria krU-tTrcT-on, crU-tTrcT-^ standard for judging

-um -a cranium Æ crania krQcnT-\m, krQcnT-^ skull

-us -i alveolus Æ alveoli al-vTcb-l\s, al-vTcb-lU small cell or cavity

* Pronunciation quoted from: Dirckx, John H., editor, Stedman's Concise Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions, Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 4th Edition, 2001

In case of the slightest doubt, consult a medical dictionary!

William Tsang 2009

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