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PME Meeting Minutes for 27 February 2014

George Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM George Hill

Meeting Minutes of the last meeting conducted on 2! "anuary 2014 #ere re$ie#ed and a%%ro$ed&
State of Club George than'ed the 2( members in attendance and as'ed the ne# club members to
stand u% and introduce themsel$es& Fi$e $isitors introduced themsel$es to the club and #ere #elcomed&
George discussed con$ersations he has had #ith )ynne Ford& He said )ynne Ford #ould li'e to be
more in$ol$ed in the club and hold PME tro%hies in a case to be chosen at a later date& *nother to%ic
discussed #as %ar'ing during our monthly club meetings& )ynne Ford as'ed that club members not
%ar' in the front of the dealershi% so customers #ill ha$e a %lace to %ar'&
Treasurers Report "immy +ngram stated there #as ,!-./!&00 in the PME )acho$ia account&
1he 2lub *ccount has ,/02&00 and the 3mithfield 2harity *ccount ,2-(11&00& 4P22 dues #ere %aid
,10&00& Monies are continuing to be added to the 3mithfield account&
Old Business:
T-Shirts: 153hirts #ere distributed to members that had %re$iously %urchased them and other shirts
#ere sold& George said more shirts #ill be ordered- #ith a ne# shirt color and design each year&
Membership: 6ues o%tions #ere discussed by the grou%& * motion #as %resented to ha$e the club dues
be ,20 a year for a membershi% or ,!.&00 %er year for a membershi% %ac'age #hich includes an annual
PME club 153hirt 7note: there may be an additional charge for 889 and larger:& 6ues #ill be to the
calendar year running from "anuary to 6ecember of that year& Motion was voted on and Approved
Membership Pa!a"e: Membershi% folders and cards #ere %ro$ided to most members of the club that
#ere in attendance& 1he folders contained a membershi% card for 2014- along #ith a full co%y of the
Peninsula Mustang Enthusiast ;y59a#s that #ere a%%ro$ed in 201!& George discussed the folders as
#ell as the need to sho# the PME membershi% card at )ynne Ford and club s%onsors to get discounts&
#orum PM$: Forum PME access o%tions #ere discussed by the grou%& * motion #as %resented to
only allo# %aid members %ost on the PME Forum as the cost of the forum is %aid for by the members&
1he grou% agreed to allo# non5%aying members to $ie# the Forum but not %ost to it& Motion was voted
on and Approved
Peninsula Mustang Enthusiast
Its more than a mustang club, its a family.
$vents: For PME run e$ents- different #ays to maintain money in the PME ban' account #ere
discussed by the grou%& * motion #as %resented to sa$e the money of all registered PME members in
the PME ban' account& 1his money #ill be used to#ards all future sho# e<%enses& 1his #ill allo#
PME to maintain a steady amount of money in its account and ensure 100= of money raised at sho#s
goes to the charity of choice& Motion was voted on and Approved
%pomin" $vents:
0 March >*32*? 3%orts Grill 7*ll 2lubs Meeting:@ 10 *M 2 PM
1! 1( March 5 First Flight 2ruisers 7th *nnual 3hamroc' 3ho#5Po'er ?un 3cott ;ruba'er "r
22 March 5Aor' High 3chool Falcons 2ar 3ho# ;obby 3haron
2/ !0 March Ham%ton 2oliseum 3ho#
1. 1/ *%ril 5 M2* 2harlotte .01H MB31*>G 3ho# 5 Cach ;ohn 7. PME Members Going:
2( *%ril 5 PME >e#%ort >e#s Public )or's 3ho# 2hris 2albert
1( May 5 2ruise in to 2harlie 6aniels in 3mithfield George Hill
17 May 5 PME 3mithfield Gi$e Dids 1he )orld 7GD1): 3ho# 3cott ;ruba'er "r
/ "une 4* ;each ?ic' Hendric' 2he$rolet Multi%le 2ar 3ho#
2 *ugust 5 PME Peninsula 1o#n 2enter 7P12: 3ummer Fun 3ho# George Hill
*ugE3e% 5 Mid *tlantic Ford ?ound B% 7M*F?B: PME #ill be #or'ing #ith Pat F )ynne Ford
Member &isussion ' Su""estions:
3cott "r& discussed the 17 May 3mithfield 2ar 3ho#& 3cotty said that all 1.0 of the slots for the
3mithfield sho# #ere ta'en& He said he is #or'ing #ith the city to get s%ecial %ar'ing for all registered
PME members& Gnce this is a%%ro$ed he #ill be able to o%en u% 2. more s%aces& 1hese slots #ill go
fast so be sure to s%read the #ord to sign u% soon as o%enings come u%H 3cotty also discussed a#ards
stating that there #ill be 2! classes #ith .. a#ards being handed out& He said #e still need more raffle
items to gi$e out so be sure to as' around and let him 'no#& 3cott 3r& #ill be handling the a#ards-
?enee #ill be ta'ing care of the registration and Emery #ill be heading u% the %ar'ing detail&
;obby discussed the 22 March Aor' High 3chool Falcons 2ar 3ho#& He said there #ere 172 cars
registered last year and handed out registration forms& He said there #ill be a .0E.0 raffle as #ell as a
silent auction&
2hris tal'ed about the >e#%ort >e#s Public )or's 3ho# and as'ed that it be held on 2( *%ril& 9ast
yearIs sho# #as a great success and this yearIs sho# #ill be e$en bigger& * motion #as %resented to
the club- $oted on and the date #as a%%ro$ed&
George discussed the 2 *ugust Peninsula 1o#n 2enter 7P12: 3ummer Fun 3ho#& He said the details
are in #or'& George said that he has s%o'en #ith )ynne Ford and they ho%e to ha$e a ne# 201.
Mustang along #ith a ne# 201. F1.0 at the sho#&
?enee discussed the 1! 1( March First Flight 2ruisers 7th *nnual 3hamroc' 3ho# in >ags Head- >2&
3he said it is a great e$ent that many PME members attended last year& E$eryone is encouraged to
attend the e$ent as it %romises to another great one this yearH
George said he is #or'ing #ith Pat at )ynne Ford to hold Mid *tlantic Ford ?ound B% 7M*F?B: at
the dealershi% this year& +t #as not held last year as there #as no one to chair the sho# and time ran out&
Mr& ;obby 3haron is considering chairing the sho# this year for PME&
George discussed the 0 March >*32*? 3%orts Grill 7*ll 2lubs Meeting:& 1he meetingEe$ent #ill start
around 10 *M and #ill include a club meeting& 3e$eral other clubs #ill be in attendance and e$eryone
is encouraged to attend& 1his is a great o%%ortunity to meet #ith Mustang members in other clubs& )e
need to re%resent PME to all the other Mustang clubs&
George mentioned that the Ford >ationals #ill be held in 2arlisle Pennsyl$ania from ( to 0 "une&
4P222 2ouncil Member 2hris #ill be PMEIs 4P222 re%resentati$e and George #ill be an alternate&
PME #ill gather on 0 March at 11:00 *M at the >*32*? 3%orts Grill in Ham%ton&
1he ne<t PME meeting at )ynne Ford #ill be held on 27 March at 7:00 PM&
1he meeting adJourned at 0:00 PM
Donald J. Waters Jr.
6onald "& )aters "r&
3ecretary- PME

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