Week 3 Log

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Lauren Erickson

Weekly Log

Week 3 Log
This week I was responsible for teaching Power Algebra and Literacy. I created a weeks worth of
lesson plans for literacy, which is every day for 45 minutes. Then I implemented them each day. The
lessons changed throughout the week, so there was a lot of editing day-to-day. For Power Algebra, I
created two days worth of lessons and assignments. I taught 2-3 classes with my mentor teacher out of
the classroom to get the students accustomed to me teaching. She also left during part of the Algebra
classes on Friday so I could focus on classroom management.
My most satisfying experience this week was delivering a literacy lesson in which I could tell the
students were improving their skills and increasing their understanding. Since I have practically no
experience writing lesson plans for literacy, it took a lot of time to plan the lessons, so I was relieved
when they went well for the most part. The students were not averse to my planned activities, which
took me by surprise and I enjoyed reading their writing.
The most challenging experience this week was handling student misbehavior. It was my first
time in the room without my mentor teacher and a student disobeyed me after I told her to put her
phone on my desk for using it when she should be working and disrupting the class. She outright told me
no. I was not sure how to respond right away so I gave us each a second and then asked to speak with
her in the hallway. She said no again and said she would go to the office. I was frustrated that I
couldnt effectively communicate with her to get her back on task and keep her in the classroom.
Afterwards, my mentor helped me fill out a behavior referral.
Next week I will begin teaching bell-to-bell! I am creating lesson plans, assignments, answer
keys, and a test for all three subjects: Algebra, Power, and Literacy. In Power and Algebra I will teach
exponential growth and decay through notes and video lecture respectively. To continue with our study
from last week, I will have students in Literacy write summaries of images from the Great Depression
using main idea and supporting details.

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