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"The Voice that stands for Floods to me"

By Emily Dickinson
The Voice that stands for Floods to me [1]
Is sterile borne to some -- [2]
The Face that makes the Morning mean [3]
Glows impotent on them -- [4]
What difference in Substance lies [5]
That what is Sum to me [6]
By other Financiers be deemed [7]
Exclusive Property! [8]
Poem 1189 [F1207]
"The Voice that stands for Floods to me"
Analysis by David Preest
Emily disagrees with the maxim that 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' Admittedly it can happen that a Voice that sweeps her away
like 'Floods' has no effect on others, and that the Face (whether that of the Sun or of her beloved) that gives meaning to the morning for her
'glows impotent' on others. But this must be because there are differences in the 'Substance' itself -- if what seems a 'Sum' to her is thought
to be 'exclusive Poverty' by other valuers.
Alternatively, if the second stanza is taken as ironical, Emily is agreeing with the maxim.

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