Maynewsletter 2014

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Peel Childrens Water Festival

On May 27
, students will discover the importance of water through hands-on interactive learning at the Peel
Childrens Water Festival. Corsair Public School has received an Outdoor Education Grant and so all students
may attend at no cost! Each class will need at least 2 volunteers to cover the 1 to 8 ratio required. Volunteers
must have a Police Record Check. If you are able to volunteer for your childs class trip, please write a note in
your childs agenda and Ms. Pulak and I will confirm your attendance.

End of Year Reading Levels

The End of Year GB+ Reading Level Guidelines in French:

Grade 1 Levels 4-6 (C-D)
Grade 2 Levels 10-12 (F-G)
Grade 3 Levels 15-17 (I-J)

Please Note:
The report card mark is based on the student's daily work throughout the term and not the GB+ reading level.
The GB+ reading level is used for instructional purposes. Reading levels are not directly correlated to Report
Card marks. Parent/Guardians will be notified of their childs independent reading level in June.

Science: Growth and Changes in Animals

Students will be completing a series of mini-tests rather than one end-of-unit test. The focus of each mini-test
will be as follows:

a) Major physical characteristics and behavioural characteristics of different animals
b) Ways in which animals can be helpful and harmful to humans (e.g., positive and negative impacts)
c) Positive and negative impacts of human activity on animals
d) Animal adaptations
e) Life cycle of a variety of animals

I will give students one weeks notice prior to each mini-test. Students will be notified via the homework page
on our class website.

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