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Ashley Waggoner

Teaching Statement

Philosophy Statement
I believe that all aspects of education must function as parts of a whole. Parents,
teachers, education and the schools themselves cannot function properly without all other
parts functioning at full capacity as well. The most important aspect of these parts working at
full potential is the relationships forged between them. The creation and maintaining of those
relationships is dependent on my active role as a teacher.
As a teacher I will strive to nourish students in the school environment. Teachers take
over education where the parents leave off, facilitate education, and serve as a liaison and
authority figure in schools. Teachers provide the building blocks for relationships between all
four parts of our whole; they are the connection to everything from home to school and from
classroom to classroom. Parents function as the caregivers. Teachers must maintain a
relationship with parents, encourage education in their children and provide supplemental
support their children may need either socially or academically.
Education is the fundamental base children need to grow for the future. It provides
them with knowledge they may need for future careers and life experiences. I seek to give
students an education that provides a way for every student to become more than what they
already are. No student should ever leave my care and tutelage without achieving the academic
goals that they, their parents, and I set for them. I wish to make my home school a safe
environment for facilitating learning, building friendships, and bringing together parents,
teachers, students, and education together in a common goal for fostering student growth both
socially and academically. Although parents, teachers, and schools all have a common goal for
student success, a large portion of the responsibility for facilitating this success lies within a
teachers power to reach his/her students and their families in a positive and meaningful way

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