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The Rusk School

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Magnet

2805 Garrow Street
Houston, Texas 77003
P: (713) 226-4543
F: (713) 226-4546
!uar!o S"n!a#o, Pr"n#"$a%
New Student Orientation
Parent Registration:
- Parent(s) receives:
o Houston ISD Student Code of Conduct
o The Rusk School Policy Manual
o Monthly Calendar for current month
o Most recent school nesletter
o Child!Children"s teachers" #elcome Packet
- Parent!Student(s) receive a tour of The Rusk School (Ms$ Hernande%)
- &fter com'letin( re(istration 'a'erork the 'arent(s) and student(s) meet ith Ms$ Holleran or
availa)le administrator$ Ms$ Holleran*
o +uilds a relationshi' ith the student(s)!'arent(s)
o Revies all information in the (rade level 'acket
o ,-'lains Rusk e-'ectations. 'olicies. etc$
o Rusk +ucks
o Revies re(istration 'a'erork (includin( homeless /uestionnaire 0 contact information)
o Provides contact information for the school
o &nsers /uestions and addresses concerns
o #elcomes the 'arent(s) and student(s) to TH, R1S2 3&MI456
Students First Day of School:
- Student tours!visits (ith Ms$ Hernande%. re(istrar):
The Rusk School
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Magnet
2805 Garrow Street
Houston, Texas 77003
P: (713) 226-4543
F: (713) 226-4546
!uar!o S"n!a#o, Pr"n#"$a%
o Hallay ,ti/uette
,a(le Stance. 7+u))les and Ducktails8
#alk on the ri(ht side of the hallay
o Mornin( Dro'9off &rea
P2!2 students (o to 4i)rary each mornin($ Students are e-'ected to sit ith their
classroom and /uietly read a )ook$
; <
(rade students are to come into the Cafeteria each mornin($ Students are
e-'ected to sit )y their homeroom teacher and /uietly read a )ook$
o =urses" >ffice
Screened for vision and hearin(
Receives school su''lies and uniform
o Cafeteria
Student receives their cafeteria card
Student learns ho to alk in throu(h the door. throu(h the food line. and to the
classroom"s ta)le
Student learns ho to sit and )ehave in the cafeteria (P2!2 color cu' system)
o &ncillary Rooms
The Rusk School
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Magnet
2805 Garrow Street
Houston, Texas 77003
P: (713) 226-4543
F: (713) 226-4546
!uar!o S"n!a#o, Pr"n#"$a%
o Classroom!Classrooms
Introduction to the teacher

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