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Date: 10-28-2013

Overall lesson topic/title: Multiplication as Repeated Addition

CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.A.1 Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 7 as the
total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a
total number of objects can be expressed as 5 7.

CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.B.5 Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and
Examples: If 6 4 = 24 is known, then 4 6 = 24 is also known. (Commutative property
of multiplication.) 3 5 2 can be found by 3 5 = 15, then 15 2 = 30, or by 5 2 = 10, then 3
10 = 30. (Associative property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 5 = 40 and 8 2 = 16, one
can find 8 7 as 8 (5 + 2) = (8 5) + (8 2) = 40 + 16 = 56. (Distributive property.)

Learning Target(s)/Objective(s): Students will write multiplication number sentences for given
equal group situations using the x symbol.

Rationale: (Explain why this content and/or skill is important and worthwhile AND how you will work to
make it relevant to your students lives based on what you learned from your work on Project One.)

This is a worthwhile lesson because students will be able to further their skills by seeing how
addition is useful but that it can be used in a much faster way such as multiplication. I will make
this lesson relevant to students lives through an example that will show how in everyday life
multiplication will be a much faster tool then repeated addition.

Materials: (Include a copy of any handouts you will be using):

Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event

LAUNCH: Introduction to the Lesson ( 5-10 minutes)

The following questions are provided to help you think about what you might include:
What will I say to help children understand the purpose of the lesson?

To help students understand the purpose of this lesson I will give them an example of how repeated addition is
multiplication and how it will be a lot easier to use multiplication instead of addition. I will say, If you want to figure
out how many students are in this room how would you do it. (probably just count everyone one by one) I will say there
is a much faster way to do it. This class has 3 rows now not all the rows are even but 2 rows have 7 one has 6 and one
has 4. To figure out how to add this up real quick I could add all students up one by one (I will then do it which will
take some time) That took a minute didnt it. How about I try multiplication, now I see that we have 2 rows of 7 so I
can do 2x7 =14 I then see that I have a row of 6 and 4 which equals 10. I will then add 14+10=24 students. If the rows
were 4 rows of 6 I could just do 4x6 and that would equal 24. Its a much faster way of figuring out addition, which is
what we will be working on today.

Q. I can give the students a question = Miss Bartels wanted to know how many students she had in her class so she
could figure out how many snacks she needed to bring to class, but she didnt know how to count. What are some
different ways that Miss. Bartels can figure out how many students are in her class?

I will say, We will be learning why math as repeated addition is important because it will help us understand
multiplication and why its easier to write 5 x 4 instead of 5+5+5+5

How will I help them make connections to prior lessons or experiences in and out of school?

I will make connections to prior lessons and experiences out of school with addition that they have used in class before
for example counting blocks out or like we just did figuring out how many students are in a class or if students have
ever been to a wedding they see that so many people for example 6 people sit at each table and if there are 8 tables then
there are 48 people there in all.

How will I motivate them to become engaged in the lesson and understand its real world purpose?

I will get students to become engaged in the lesson through giving them real world examples like the wedding example
and the counting students in a class example. Both of these examples are about counting people to figure out something
for the class. By giving them a question to figure out before the lesson this will get them engaged in the lesson and see
its real purpose that it can be used for.

7 x 5 = 35 or 7+7+7+7+7 = 35 which Is easier to find. Right now its 7+7+7+7+7 but after we learn how to do
multiplication it will be a lot easier.

How will I launch the problem?

I will launch the lesson by going over the class question of how to count how many students are in her class. This will
get the students thinking about repeated addition and how it will be used in class. I will then give a real world problem
that will show students how they can use it out of class the wedding example and how a new way called multiplication
will make this process so much easier.

How will I establish clear expectations for how they will be working and what products I expect?

I will establish clear expectations by going over the class expectations to make sure they are paying attention and doing
what they are supposed to like: What do we do if we have a questions? What do we do if we want to add onto what
someone has already said? Are supposed to blurt out answers? What are we supposed to be doing if someone else is

We will go over the classroom rules and behavior expectations briefly.
We will go over the S.T.A.R.S. and the tally marks to move the stars (I will remind them of the S.T.A.R.S and that there will
be plenty of opportunities to get tallies so we can move our STAR it has been awhile since it has moved so lets do our best
to pay attention and move that STAR. )
We will then go over expectations while we are going over a lesson by saying Some of us have been confused on what is
supposed to be going on while the teacher is teaching so can anyone tell me what they are supposed to do if they have a
question? (raise your hand)
What about if you want to add on to what someone already said? (raise your hand)
So are we supposed to blurt out answers? (no)
What are we supposed to be doing if someone else is talking? (listening and not talking). Good class now lets get started
and try to remember that.

When and how will I distribute materials and supplies?)

I will have the class helper, which is one of the jobs for the week help me pass out materials and collect them.

EXPLORE: Outline of Key Events During the lesson ( 20-40 minutes)

As you outline the key events of the lesson, make sure you are clear about the following:
Participation Structures (whole class, small group, partners, etc.)
Instructional Formats (mini-lesson, math centers, whole-class discussion, small-group work etc.)
Differentiation Strategies

1. (whole class) I will begin the lesson by saying that We are starting a new lesson today we will be starting
multiplication this week. I will talk about what we will be going over in the new unit such as: Multiplication
as Repeated Addition, Arrays and Multiplication, The Commutative Property, Writing Multiplication Stories
and problem solving writing to explain.
2. Today we will be working on repeated addition. I will then give this example 7 x 5 = 35 or 7+7+7+7+7 = 35
which Is easier to find. Right now its 7+7+7+7+7 but after we learn how to do multiplication it will be a lot
3. We will then start the video lesson from Envision.
4. It starts with a question How can you find the total number of objects in equal groups? Think about this
question during the lesson.
5. It starts with a problem to work on saying, Jessie used 3 bags to bring home the goldfish she won at a Fun
Fair. She put the same number of goldfish in each bag. How many goldfish did she win? Lets find out.
6. How many goldfish do you see in each bag? There are 8 goldfish in each bag.
7. How can you use counters to show the goldfish that Jessie won? The counters show 3 groups of 8 goldfish.
You can use addition to join equal groups. 8+8+8=24. Jessie won 24 goldfish.
8. Is there another operation that you can use to join equal groups?
9. Multiplication is an operation that gives the total number when you join equal groups. (here I can explain that
_____(bags of goldfish) x ______(goldfish per bag) = _______(total goldfish). In Jessies situation, how many
equal groups or bags of goldfish did she have? She had 3 groups or bags of goldfish.
10. How many goldfish were in each group? She had 8 goldfish in each bag.\
11. So how many goldfish did she win? 24
12. Why can you use multiplication to solve this problem? You can use multiplication to solve this problem
because there are equal groups.
13. What should you say when you read this number sentence? (3 x 8 = 24 I would have them say it).
14. What is the name for the numbers being multiplied? Factors are the numbers that are being multiplied.
15. What is the name for the answer to a multiplication problem? The production is the answer to a multiplication
16. How do the addition sentence and the multiplication sentence relate? The addition sentence and the
multiplication sentence show the same thing. The addition sentence shows the groups individually.
17. Now you know how repeated addition and multiplication show the same thing.
18. I will then bring up the guided practice. I will go over the first question which is a picture that has 2 groups of
4 counters and is asking 2 groups of __=4 and 4+4=___ and 2x__=__. I will go over this on the board and ask
what the answers are and work it out.
19. I will then go on to the next question which is 3 groups of 5 asking __ groups of 5 and 5+__+__ =___ and 3 x
__ = __
20. INSTEAD OF THE RETEACHING PAGE I will then pass out counters and I will have the students get
into pairs (their think, pair, share groups) and have them work on this problem: Ms. Witt bought 3 boxes of
finger paints with 5 jars of paint in each box. How can you use counters to find the total number of jars?
21. I will tell them to work the problem out with the counters then draw a picture and write an addition sentence
and a multiplication sentence to solve.
22. I will let them work on this for 5-10 minutes. I will be walking around seeing how groups are doing. For the
students who get done early I will have another problem ready to go from the re-teaching page. After about 5
minutes I will ask students how they solved the problem and have them show their pictures and their methods
up on the Elmo so other students can see. Once all students see the different methods and how the problem
should be solved I will have them work on the practice worksheet.
23. I will read the directions and let them work on it for about 10-15 minutes.

SUMMARIZE: Closing Summary for the Lesson ( 5-10 minutes)

The following questions are provided to help you think about what you might include:

(How will I structure the closing of the lesson?

My students will be finishing up their worksheet and they will hand them in. I will then go over what we learned today.
Today we learned how we can use repeated addition and use that to see how multiplication is the same as repeated


How will I facilitate the sharing of student thinking?

I will wrap up the lesson by asking students basic questions about the lesson to make sure they are pulling the important
information from the lesson and are able to apply it. For example, how is repeated addition like multiplication? We will
talk about how creating addition and multiplication sentences is useful to see that connections and how we will use that
in the upcoming lessons.

How will I help students listen actively to each other?

To make sure students are listening actively to each other I will have students give me a thumbs up or a
thumbs down if they agree with what students are saying. If they dont agree with something I will ask why so
they will have to back up their reasoning and this will make sure they are listening to what other students are
saying if they have to back up their answers.

How will I help them make connections to prior lessons or prepare for future experiences?

I will make connections to prepare for further lessons such as tomorrow we are learning about Arrays and
multiplication and how this is another system that will help make the transition from repeated addition to
multiplication easier.

How will I summarize the main ideas of the lesson?

I will summarize the main ideas of lesson by going over what we learned so first we learned how if we have
the same number of objects in equal groups that we can use that to go from repeated addition to add those all
up to a new way multiplication. So for example we had 8 goldfish in 3 bags which is 8+8+8=24 or we had
8x3=24, the 8x3 went a lot faster and was quicker to solving the problem. If we have the same number in all
groups multiplication is much more efficient tool.

How will I bring closure to the lesson and help children reflect on their experiences?

1. I will bring closure to lesson by giving a brief review of what we did that day. I will go over the goldfish
problem again of repeated addition first and then seeing how that is that same as a multiplication problem. We
will then compare the repeated addition and multiplication problem. I will also review the name for the
numbers being multiplied? Factors are the numbers that are being multiplied.
2. What is the name for the answer to a multiplication problem? The production is the answer to a multiplication
3. How do the addition sentence and the multiplication sentence relate? The addition sentence and the
multiplication sentence show the same thing. The addition sentence shows the groups individually.
4. Now you know how repeated addition and multiplication show the same thing.

What kind of feedback do I want from them at this time?)

I want students to raise questions that they might have about the material that we went over if there is any and
to clear up any confusion that their might be about anything that we went over.

Description of Formative Assessment

I will be having the students work in pairs to solve repeated addition and multiplication
I will pass out counters to each pair of students.
I will then have the question up on the Elmo and what I want the students to do. I will have
this question Ms. Witt bought 3 boxes of finger paints with 5 jars of paint in each box.
How can you use counters to find the total number of jars?
I will tell them to work the problem out with the counters then draw a picture and write an
addition sentence and a multiplication sentence to solve.
I will let them work on this for 5-10 minutes. I will be walking around seeing how groups
are doing. For the students who get done early I will have another problem ready to go from
the re-teaching page. After about 5 minutes I will ask students how they solved the problem
and have them show their pictures and their methods up on the Elmo so other students can
see. Once all students see the different methods and how the problem should be solved I
will have them work on the practice worksheet.
I will read the directions and let them work on it for about 10-15 minutes.

Guided Practice


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