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Subject/Content Area: Math

Topic: Comparing and Constructing Units of Measurement

Grade Level: 4th
Duration: Day 1: 60 min
Day 2: 60 min

Learning Goals:

Day 1: We will discover why standard units of measurement are important in everyday life by
comparing typical and atypical measurement units.

Day 2: We will express relationships between smaller and larger units of measurement in
comparison tables after having researched the history of the US customary system.

Overall: Students will gain knowledge for how to communicate and collaborate via use of
blogging. Students will understand how to gather credible and relevant research on the internet
through accountable sources.

Common Core Standard(s):

4.MD.A.1 : Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km,
m, cm, kg, g, lb, oz, l, ml, hr, min, sec.
Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a
smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two-column table.
For example, know that 1 ft is 12 times as long as 1 in. Express the length of a 4 ft snake as 48
in. Generate a conversion table for feet and inches listing the number pairs (1,12), (2, 24), (3,

NETS-S Standard(s):
2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning
and contribute to the learning of others.
a) interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media.
d) contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and
use information
b) locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media.
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making: Students use critical thinking
skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems and make informed
decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources
c) Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions
6. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems and operations
a) understand and use technology systems
b) select and use applications effectively and productively

List of Tasks/Activities:

Day 1.

1. Opening read-aloud (10 minutes): Millions to Measure by David M. Schwartz, pictures by
Steven Kellogg
Note on book: introduces students to the history of measuring at a 4th grade level

2. Reflection (1 min) Students tell shoulder partner one thing they learned from the read-aloud

3. Introduce Activity, Distribute Materials (4 minutes)
TW divide students into groups of 4, display activity directions on SmartBoard

3. Activity Part 1 (20 min):
Half of the groups are allowed to decide their own atypical measurement system
Half of the groups are assigned the control measurement standard: an unsharpened pencil
Both sets of groups record their measurements in a table.
Activity Part 2 (10 min):
Atypical and Control measurement groups pair up and to compare results
Groups create a comparison table and post it to KidsBlog (NETS-S Standard 2.d)

Student Jobs:
-Team Leader/Manager
-Blogger (with support/input from group)


-Control measurement units - unsharpened pencils
-Box of unusual measurement units: ex: blocks, buttons, rubber chickens, hats, snap bracelets,
baseball, marker, magnetic letter, smartboard pointer, etc
-Netbooks for posting to KidsBlog
-Tables for recording measurement
-Graphic organizer for homework

4. Exit Ticket (15 min) SW must post 2-3 sentence comments on two other blogs (NETS-S
Standard 2.a)

5. Homework: See take home task
Day 2.

1.Opening (2 minutes): Teacher will state objective: We will express relationships between
smaller and larger units of measurement by researching the history of the US customary system
and creating comparison tables. TW pose the days essential question: Why is it important to
have a standard system of measurement and be able to convert between units?

2. Discussion: (10 min)
Teacher will conduct a brief class discussion about how people measure things
Questions: How do you measure things?
Why do we need to measure things?
Why is it important to have a standard way to measure things?
Teacher will type and display students answers/brainstorming on the SmartBoard

2. Instruction (5 min) TW open up KidsBlog and show class several examples of good
responses. TW ask students to share WHY they think these are good responses, call on several
students to share their answers. (NETS-S Standard 6.a)

3. Video (3 min) TW play YouTube video to introduce US Customary Measurement Units:

5. Direct Instruction (20 min) TW instruct about the US customary unit (length) and teach
comparison and conversion of in, ft, yd.
TW incorporate interactive technology with SmartBoard
TW chose game-like activity to incorporate into instruction to keep students engaged:

4. Activity (20 min) TW instruct students to work together to create butcher paper Anchor Chart
poster that convert in to ft, ft to yd and in to yd.
Anchor Charts will be posted on the classroom walls

Butcher Paper
Yard sticks
Take-home worksheet

Take Home Tasks and assessment pieces:

Day 1. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Students will complete a research-based graphic
organizer. Questions are fill in the blank sentence completions and short answer. Students will
have three sites to visit to gather their information.
Extension: Students can choose to conduct additional research, print information and bring to
class to share. (NETS-S Standards 3.b, 4.c. and 6.b.)

Day 2. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Students will complete the conversion chart for in, ft, yd
and answer the following extension question: Why is it important to have a standard system for
measurement? Why should you be able to convert between units?

DAY 1 ASSESSMENT: Students must fill in all blanks and all short answers to receive credit.


Requirements for FULL points on day 2 assessments:
1. One complete sentence for each questions
2. Student makes connection to the lesson
3. Student makes connection to world/life
4. Student uses proper conventions and grammar

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