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Determine the Height Project

Math 1060 Trigonometry Project

Jacob Stevens

In the 1840's surveyors calculated the height of Mt. Everest. Their calculations were within 0.1%
of the height determined by modern satellite surveys. The early surveyors used trigonometry to
complete their calculations. Trigonometry is still used today when direct measurements or
satellite surveys are not possible or appropriate. In this project you will use trigonometry and
right triangles to determine the height of 2 objects on campus with two measurements that you
can make on the ground

1. With your partner, build an inclinometer as per the instruction sheet handed out from
Quest Aerospace.

2. On a nice piece of paper neatly sketch the scenario of the object whose height you are
going to determine as shown below. For the first object choose a structure that is
perpendicular to the ground and whose base is accessible.

3. Stand at the base of the object and walk distance away from the object until you have a
clear line of site to its tip. Record this horizontal measurement 27.5 Feet or 330 Inches.

4. Aim the inclinometer so that you can see the very top of the object you are measuring, the
string line will naturally fall straight down (this is called plumb-bob). Record this angle
of inclination 45 Degrees. Note this angle is the angle of inclination from eye level!!!!!

5. Using your measurements and the correct trig function, solve for the length of the other
leg of our triangle. You must add the distance from eye level to the ground to your
measurement Show all your work

As it is a 45, 45, 90 triangle height = base. But another method is:

Height = 33.75 ft tall

6. For the second structure, choose an object whose base is not accessible but still
perpendicular to the ground. Sketch the scenario similar to the picture below.

7. Stand at some point P and measure the angle of inclination 40 to the top of the structure.

8. Now, walk away from the object to some other point Q away from P, record the distance
220 Inches or 18.34 Feet.

9. From point Q measure the angle of inclination 28 to the top of the structure.


10. Using your measurements and the correct trig relationship, solve for the length of one
side of the oblique triangle. Show your supporting calculations neatly.

18.34 ft

11. Now consider a right triangle whose height corresponds to your structure. Notice for this
triangle you know the length of the hypotenuse from step 10. Use the appropriate trig
function to now determine the height of your structure. Note, you must add the distance
from eye level to the ground to your measurement. Show all your work neatly and



12 50
140 40
x y
12. Reflective Writing
Did this project change the way you think about how math can be applied to the real world?
Write one paragraph stating what ideas changed and why. If this project did not change the way
you think, write how this project gave further evidence to support your existing opinion about
applying math. Be specific.

This project didnt really change the way I think about how math can be applied to the
world. It is interesting to know you can measure the approximate height of things with math but it
isnt practical. Doing this for real would require exact angles that you cant get without all the
correct gear and at that point youd might as well hire someone else to do it. Aside from just the
math I dont really see any practical use of making a math project in a word document. I can
understand something like CAD but I dont really ever see myself using word for math purposes
in the future.

13. Final Write up

Now write up your Analysis of the heights project in a complete, organized, and effective
manner. Emphasize presentation and justification of your conclusion. Write your presentation so
that somebody that is not in this class can follow your steps, so be specific and clear. Include
neatly drawn and labeled diagrams that support your work.

To start I measured my foot at 11 inches long. I went out and stood next to a tree and
took 30 steps away from the tree. I multiplied the 30 by 11 inches then divided by 12 inches
per foot. I then measured the angle to the top of the tree at 45 and from there I concluded
that the height must be the same distance as steps. To prove such I took the sin of the angle
over length and set it equal to the sin of the heights angle over its height and solved. I then
added my height of 6.25 ft to the answer for the trees height.

6.25 ft

27.5 Ft
For the second problem I stood away from the roof of a house that wasnt accessible and
measured an angle of 40 degrees. I then walked 20 steps back and measured another angle at 40
degrees. Next I took the sin of 12 degrees over 18.34 feet and set it equal to sin of 28 degrees
over x and solved. I then took the sin of 90 from the right angle over 41.4 ft (x) and set that equal
to the inner triangles sin of 40 over y and solved. After solving for Y I got 26.6 ft tall then I
calculated my eye level to by about 6.25 ft and added the two together for the height of the

6.25ft 18.34 ft

Grading Rubric

12 50
140 40
x y

1. Sketch #1..
2. Labeled Clearly
3. Base of Triangle
4. Angle of Inclination
5. Height of Structure #1.

6. Sketch #2..
7. Labeled Clearly
8. Angle of Inclination at P and Q
9. Sketch of Oblique triangle
10. Length of side of Oblique triangle
11. Sketch of right triangle
12. Height of Structure #2..
13. Neatness and Presentation


Jacob Stevens




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