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By: Samantha Pitkin

What are some of the organizations you should

notify about your sex and name change?
What are some of the things that are necessary
in order to pass successfully?
What are two of the types of top surgery?
New use of pronouns
Explain your plans
Expect confusion from them and be patient
with their questions
Dont expect them to accept it right away but
be glad if they do
Letters of recommendation
How will you afford the process?
Consider how much each step will cost throughout the whole
Most insurances dont cover the surgery or hormones
Find ways to save
Intramuscular injection
Transdermal implant placed under the skin
No longer in pill form because of liver toxicity
On them for the rest of your life because your body will not
naturally produce enough testosterone
Decide how far you want to go
Each individual has their own preferences about how much
change they need in order to be satisfied
Are hormones enough? Do you want surgery? How much
Reached legal age of adulthood in patients country
Have one year of continuous cross-sex hormonal
Had one year of successful continuous RLE (real life
experience) in the other gender
Provide two letters of recommendation by mental
health professionals
Have the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the cost,
required surgeries, lengths of hospitalizations, likely
complications, and post- surgical rehabilitation
requirements of various surgical approaches -Gibson,
B.(2011). Care of the Child with the Desire to Change
Genders- Part II: Female-to-Male Transition. Urologic
Nursing, 31(4), 231

Important step
Be sure that every patient is having a sex
change for the right reasons
Many transgendered people feel frustrated
when they are told they need counseling before
they are allowed a sex change but this step
makes it less likely that someone will regret the
Gives the person someone to help them
through the process
STP devices
Watch how other guys act in comparison to women
Covers the basics of transitioning
Links to resources such as where to find doctors that can
aid in transitioning
Includes a blog of an experience of Corbin who
transitioned from female to male
Youtube is a great source that offers many experiences
In particular, I enjoyed Dades channel (aka electric dade)
He was very informative about his decisions, processes, and
Transgender support groups
Utah pride center
Deeper voice
Growth of facial and body hair
Enlargement of the clitoris
Possible breast shrinkage
Redistribution of fat
Increased muscle development
Increased sweat
Changes in body odor
Vein prominence
Increased libido
If you file for a name change before filing for
gender change, the gender change will need to be
filed in the same court
Anyone can get a name change but due to the
nature of the name change, the judge may ask for
proof of transformation
Need relevant documents such as Drivers license,
social security card, birth certificate, proof of
fingering printing at the Police department
Lawyer is not required but recommended to
protect your rights
A judge will need proof of surgery before a sex
change will be granted

SSA (Selective Service
Female to male
transgenders are exempt
from registering for the
selective service (draft)
Social security
Department of motor
vehicles (drivers license,
voter registration, state ID)
Veterans administration
Internal revenue service

US postal service
Board certifying
Doctor's offices
Credit card companies
Credit reporting agencies
Financial planning services
(IRAs, 401 K, etc)
Utility companies
Concentric Circular
Extended Concentric
Free nipple graft

Skin flaps
Look and function like a real penis
Less expensive
Clitoral release
Scopolamine Transdermal Patch
Prevents or reduces nausea
According to The Belgrade Center for Genital Reconstructive
Surgery, there have been 1500 requests for reversal surgery
An option besides surgery may be better for some
Since it is a permanent decisions (unless another surgery is
performed), the patients can often be traumatized if the surgery
wasnt the proper treatment for an underlying issue
Therapy should be a step in the transitioning process to ensure
that an operation is the best choice for the given situation
It is estimated that 1/5 of patients have sex change regret
According to National Center for Transgender Equality and the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 41% of transgender
people in the US have attempted to commit suicide
Jennifer Story
Lifelong journey
May get questions from people around you
noticing changes
Be patient when those who you have come out
to have questions
Decide if you will tell close friends or keep your past
in your past
Consider questions that you may be asked before
they are asked so that you are prepared

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