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Name: Santiago Arias

Course: 5-2

Women in Afghanistan
Women in Afghanistan are treated unfairly due to the Talibans rules. The Taliban
imposed an extremely repressive regime on the Afghan people in special on
women. They dont have the same right that men have. For example women cant
work outside home, also women are banned to study in school, universities or any
other educational institution. They need to cover all his body wearing a BURKA.
Also they cant talk with other people also women cant drive or travel on the same
bus that men do. Additionally punishment of crimes made by a woman can be far
worse than the men; even women can be punished with death. Afghan women
dont have any human right that women have in the occident. Now there is a
feminist movement called Afghan Women's Network or AWN that seeks to
highlight the role of women in Afghanistan. AWN tries to protect women and
children of Afghanistan and provides a way for Afghan women to safely achieve the
goal of equal rights with men. Also there is another movement called RAWA
(Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan) that tries to convince
women to take action against unjust laws against them. We can see how afghan
people are treated unfairly so we should be grateful to live in a free country where
we can study, we can go to the hospital if we get sick and travel freely throughout
the country without any fear of repression. Also we can express our feelings and
thoughts and the most important we can relate to other people freely.

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